Pinyin Lyrics 雲端司機 Cloudriver – 自由的歌 The Freedom Song’
一樣因為貪婪 失控
Yīyàng yīnwèi tānlán shīkòng
Losing yourself to greed, still.
Wǒ yào bàozhà wǒ yào bàole wǒ yào bàole
I’m going to explode!
我要爆了 我要爆炸後飛去你家抽隻煙
Wǒ yào bàole wǒ yào bàozhà hòu fēi qù nǐ jiā chōu zhī yān
I’m gonna fly to you for a cig after the explosion
在一個雨聲 蓋過安靜的夜晚
zài yīgè yǔ shēng gàiguò ānjìng de yèwǎn
On a night, where the sound of raindrops dominates silences.
Yānhuī gāng dōu shì wǒ de kǒushuǐ
My saliva’s all over the ash tray.
自由是你 自由是你自己
Zìyóu shì nǐ zìyóu shì nǐ zìjǐ
You are freedom, Freedom is yourself.
不被任何人左右 不為任何人而動 不為任何冠冕堂皇的理由
Bù bèi rènhé rén zuǒyòu bù wéi rènhé rén ér dòng bù wéi rènhé guānmiǎntánghuáng de lǐyóu
Not being driven by others, not moving for anyone, not for any of those glorified reasons.
你要的自由 他永遠沒盡頭
Nǐ yào de zìyóu tā yǒngyuǎn méi jìntóu
The freedom that you want, it’ll never come to an end.
放下手機 交個朋友
Fàngxià shǒujī jiāo gè péngyǒu
Put down the phones, let’s make friends.
有多少美夢 就有多少憂愁
Yǒu duōshǎo měimèng jiù yǒu duōshǎo yōuchóu
More sweet dreams, more gloomy it is.
放下他們 自己走
Fàngxià tāmen zìjǐ zǒu
Let them go, I’ll walk on my own perhaps.
千百種感覺 千百種畫面 千百種意見 千百種沈醉
Qiān bǎi zhǒng gǎnjué qiān bǎi zhǒng huàmiàn qiān bǎi zhǒng yìjiàn qiān bǎi zhǒng chénzuì
Thousand kinds of/feelings. Images, opinions, intoxications.
千百種遼闊 千百種滋味 千百種流行 千百種風水
Qiān bǎi zhǒng liáokuò qiān bǎi zhǒng zīwèi qiān bǎi zhǒng liúxíng qiān bǎi zhǒng fēngshuǐ
Thousand kinds of/ expanse, taste, trend, Feng Shui.
千百種浪漫 千百種的廢 千百種層面 千百種靠杯
Qiān bǎi zhǒng làngmàn qiān bǎi zhǒng de fèi qiān bǎi zhǒng céngmiàn qiān bǎi zhǒng kào bēi
Thousand kinds of/ Romance, useless, layers, jerks.
千百種淫穢 千百種古龍水 千百種商圈 千百種飯店
Qiān bǎi zhǒng yínhuì qiān bǎi zhǒng gǔlóng shuǐ qiān bǎi zhǒng shāng quān qiān bǎi zhǒng fàndiàn
Thousand kinds of/ Lust, Cologne, districts, hotels.
千百種努力 千百種羞愧 千百種自以為 千百種大便
Qiān bǎi zhǒng nǔlì qiān bǎi zhǒng xiūkuì qiān bǎi zhǒng zì yǐwéi qiān bǎi zhǒng dàbiàn
Thousand kinds of/ Hard-work, embarrassment, ego, sh*ts,
千百種仇恨 千百種分裂 千百種煙霧彈 千百種是非
qiān bǎi zhǒng chóuhèn qiān bǎi zhǒng fēnliè qiān bǎi zhǒng yānwù dàn qiān bǎi zhǒng shìfēi
Thousand kinds of/ Hatreds, separations, smoke bombs, Right or Wrong.
Pinyin Lyrics 雲端司機 Cloudriver – 自由的歌 The Freedom Song
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