Pinyin Lyrics Namewee 黃明志 – 我還是我 Wo Hai Shi Wo I AM WHO I AM 歌词

Pinyin Lyrics Namewee 黃明志 – 我還是我 Wo Hai Shi Wo I AM WHO I AM 歌词

Singer: Namewee 黃明志
Title: 我還是我 Wo Hai Shi Wo I AM WHO I AM

Wo de mingzi jiao mingzhi
zhege ziwo jieshao fangshi congxiao laoshi
jiu renwei wo shi xiang yao reshi
我熱愛文字 我討厭公式
wo re’ai wenzi wo taoyan gongshi
我不想面對考試 我更討厭你規定我的頭髮款式
wo buxiang mian dui kaoshi wo geng taoyan ni guiding wo de toufa kuanshi
我的思考方式 沒有人能夠抑制
wo de sikao fangshi meiyouren nenggou yizhi
大人都固執的怪我固執 不懂事
daren dou guzhi de guaiwo guzhi bu dongshi
我明白 待人處事都有 它的模式
wo mingbai dairen chushi dou you ta de moshi
但不代表 全部人都要變成孔子
dan bu daibiao quanbu ren dou yao biancheng kongzi

十五歲 那年初我染上音樂的毒
shiwu sui na nianchu wo ran shang yinyue de du
wo touguo yinfu lai jiangdi wo neixin de wu zhu
我學習美術 但依然無法醒悟
wo xuexi meishu dan yiran wufa xingwu
是孤獨創造梵谷 還是梵谷創造孤獨
shi gudu chuangzao fan gu haishi fan gu chuangzao gudu
中學畢業後 華人得自求多福
zhongxue biye hou huaren de zi qiu duo fu
揮揮衣袖 我決定要到台灣留宿
hui hui yi xiu wo jueding yao dao taiwan liusu
爸爸媽媽不要擔心 我不會辜負
baba mama buyao danxin wo bu hui gufu
等我讀完書 一定會回到歸屬
deng wo du wan shu yiding hui hui dao guishu
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我會好好過 我必須好好過
wo hui haohaoguo wo bixu haohaoguo
想家的時候 我就打開電腦拚命創作
xiang jia de shihou wo jiu dakai diannao panming chuangzuo
牆壁上的大馬國旗 是我的寄託
qiangbi shang de da ma guoqi shi wo de jituo
床頭的那張全家福 總是讓我振作
chuang tou di na zhang quanjiafu zong shi rang wo zhenzuo

一個人 在外國 要獨立生活
yigeren zai waiguo yao duli shenghuo
我做過很多工作 我面對很多數落
wo zuoguo henduo gongzuo wo mian dui henduo shuluo
無論再辛苦 還有音樂陪著我
wulun zai xinku hai you yinyue peizhe wo
我理想沒有變 因為我 還是我
wo lixiang meiyou bian yinwei wo haishi wo

我有我自己的夢 自己會走就算在寂寞
wo you wo ziji de meng ziji hui zou jiusuan zai jimo
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
qing yuanliang wo de chongdong wo hui haohaoguo

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(xiangxin wo haishi wo)
不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒毅然往前走
bupa baoyu kuangfeng jiang wo yanmo yiran wang qian zou
就算旅途再顛簸 我不能回頭
jiusuan lutu zai dianbo wo buneng huitou
(xiangxin wo haishi wo)

2007年 那是個遲來的夏天
2007 nian na shige chi lai de xiatian
改編國歌事件 讓我人生從此改變
gaibian guoge shijian rang wo rensheng congci gaibian
透過網際網絡 我闖了禍 但我堅持沒有犯錯
touguo wangji wangluo wo chuangle huo dan wo jianchi meiyou fancuo
有人 說我叛國
youren shuo wo panguo
有人 想幹掉我
youren xiang gandiao wo
有人 說不讓我回國
youren shuo bu rang wo huiguo
yao wo ketou rencuo
zhengke chenji chutou
meiti hai peihe chaozuo
shijie gedi de jizhe call wo
wo bixu xuehui chenzhuo

謠言越來越多 讓人陷入惶恐甚至
yaoyan yue lai yue duo rang ren xianru huangkong shenzhi
還有人把偷渡路線圖 Send給我
hai youren ba toudu luxian tu Send gei wo
爸爸媽媽 對不起 不要難過
baba mama duibuqi buyao nanguo
牆壁上的國旗 我從來沒有拆過
qiangbi shang de guoqi wo conglai meiyou chaiguo
我破了千萬點 也上了各大版面
wo pole qian wan dian ye shangle ge da banmian
有人喜歡有人討厭 面臨輿論考驗
youren xihuan youren taoyan mianlin yulun kaoyan
我的故事 被文學家 寫進了書
wo de gushi bei wenxue jia xie jinle shu
我的臉 還被人畫成了 卡通人物
wo de lian hai bei ren hua chengle katong renwu
再多褒與貶 都已經時過境遷
zai duo bao yu bian dou yijing shiguojingqian
畢業後的我 決定勇敢面對誤解
biye hou de wo jueding yonggan mian dui wujie
我用陸路 交通跨越六個國度拍攝記錄
wo yong lulu jiaotong kuayue liu ge guodu paishe jilu
沿途上的驚險 和領悟
yantu shang de jingxian he lingwu
一步步 很艱苦
yibu bu hen jianku
zhongyu hui dao da ma lingtu
被拍照 被訪問 還被叫到警察總部
bei paizhao bei fangwen hai bei jiao dao jingcha zongbu
雖然 你們把我當成公眾人物
suiran nimen ba wo dangcheng gongzhong renwu
但我必須穩住 要保持個人創作元素
dan wo bixu wen zhu yao baochi geren chuangzuo yuansu

我有我自己的夢 自己會走就算在寂寞
wo you wo ziji de meng ziji hui zou jiusuan zai jimo
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
qing yuanliang wo de chongdong wo hui haohaoguo
(xiangxin wo haishi wo)
不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒毅然往前走
bupa baoyu kuangfeng jiang wo yanmo yiran wang qian zou
就算旅途在顛簸 我不能回頭
jiusuan lutu zai dianbo wo buneng huitou
(xiangxin wo haishi wo)

有人說 我的作品荼毒青年思想
youren shuo wo de zuopin tudu qingnian sixiang
有人說 我的頭腦都在胡思亂想
youren shuo wo de tounao dou zai husiluanxiang
說我亂講 說我是社會毒瘤發癢
shuo wo luan jiang shuo wo shi shehui duliu fa yang
還怪我 變成他兒子的偶像
hai guaiwo biancheng ta erzi de ouxiang
面對攻擊 我早就已經習慣
mian dui gongji wo zao jiu yijing xiguan
保持沉默微笑 是我最好的答案
baochi chenmo weixiao shi wo zui hao de da’an
裝模作樣 從來就不是我的強項
zhuangmuzuoyang conglai jiu bushi wo de qiangxiang
但我出門逛逛 卻要為偽裝裝
dan wo chumen guang guang que yao wei weizhuang zhuang

我的email 每天都有人來 訴苦
wo de email meitian du you ren lai suku
但我愛莫能助因為我不是 政府
dan wo aimonengzhu yinwei wo bushi zhengfu
你們來我Facebook 鼓勵我 詆毀我
nimen lai wo Facebook guli wo dihui wo
我不刪除 因為那是言論論自由淨土
wo bu shanchu yinwei na shi yanlun lun ziyou jingtu
wo xiang yao rang ni tingjian rang ni kanjian
我想說的話 我的電影 和我的音樂
wo xiang shuo dehua wo de dianying he wo de yinyue
徘徊尺度邊緣 自由自在的暢所欲言
paihuai chidu bianyuan ziyou zizai de changsuoyuyan
那是主流媒體 永遠看不到的世界
na shi zhuliu meiti yongyuan kan bu dao de shijie
我站在不同的角度 我不會停下腳步
wo zhan zai butong de jiaodu wo bu hui ting xia jiaobu
這條思路 是老天送給我的禮物
zhe tiao silu shi lao tian song gei wo de liwu
你說我糊塗 你甚至想要把我說服
ni shuo wo hutu ni shenzhi xiang yao ba wo shuofu
對不起 我還是我 那就是我的態度
duibuqi wo haishi wo na jiushi wo de taidu

在Kuala Lumpur 開始了新的生活
zai Kuala Lumpur kaishile xin de shenghuo
這裡人潮洶湧 馬路坑坑洞洞
zheli renchao xiongyong malu keng keng dong dong
一不小心 我可能會在這裡失控
yi bu xiaoxin wo keneng hui zai zheli shikong
這條路很難走 但我已近沒有回頭
zhe tiao lu hen nan zou dan wo yi jin meiyou huitou
我還是我 我還是我
wo haishi wo wo haishi wo
我還是我 我還是我
wo haishi wo wo haishi wo

我有我自己的夢 自己會走就算在寂寞
wo you wo ziji de meng ziji hui zou jiusuan zai jimo
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
qing yuanliang wo de chongdong wo hui haohaoguo
(xiangxin wo haishi wo)
不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒毅然往前走
bupa baoyu kuangfeng jiang wo yanmo yiran wang qian zou
就算旅途在顛簸 我不能回頭
jiusuan lutu zai dianbo wo buneng huitou
(xiangxin wo haishi wo)
我還是我 yeah~
wo haishi wo yeah~
我還是我 yeah~
wo haishi wo yeah~

我還是我 Wo Hai Shi Wo I AM WHO I AM – English Translation

My name is Mingzhi
This way of self-introduction
I thought I wanted to cause trouble
I love text i hate formulas
I don’t want to face the exam, I hate you for specifying my hair style
The way I think, no one can restrain
Adults stubbornly blame me for being stubborn
I understand that there is a model for dealing with people
But it does not mean that all people must become Confucius

At the age of fifteen, I was infected with music early that year
I use notes to reduce my inner helplessness
I study art but still can’t wake up
Is loneliness creating Van Gogh or Van Gogh creating loneliness
After graduating from high school
Waving my sleeves, I decided to stay in Taiwan
Mom and Dad, don’t worry, I won’t let down
When I finish reading the book, I will definitely go back to where I belong
I will be fine, I must be fine
When I feel homesick, I turn on the computer and work desperately
The Malaysian flag on the wall is my sustenance
The family portrait on the bed always cheers me up

To live independently in a foreign country
I have done a lot of work
No matter how hard it is, there is music with me
My ideal has not changed because I am still me

I have my own dream, I will walk even if I am lonely
Please forgive my urge, I will be better off
(Believe me or me)
I’m not afraid of heavy rain
Even if the journey is bumpy, I can’t look back
(Believe me or me)

It was a belated summer in 2007
Adapted the national anthem event and changed my life from now on
I got into trouble through the Internet, but I insisted on not making mistakes
Someone said I was treasonous
Someone wants to kill me
Someone told me not to go home
Ask me to confess my mistake
Politicians took the opportunity
The media also cooperates with the hype
Reporters from all over the world call me
I must learn to be calm

There are more and more rumors that make people panic and even
Someone sent me the road map
Mom and Dad, I’m sorry, don’t be sad
The national flag on the wall
I broke ten million points and I also appeared on all the major pages
Some people like some people hate
My story was written by a writer
My face was also drawn as a cartoon character
No matter how much praise and derogation, they are out of date.
After graduating, I decided to face the misunderstanding bravely
I used land traffic to shoot records across six countries
Thrills and insights along the way
Step by step very hard
Finally returned to Malaysian territory
Was photographed, interviewed and called to the police headquarters
Although you treat me as a public figure
But I must hold on to keep my personal creative elements

I have my own dream, I will walk even if I am lonely
Please forgive my urge, I will be better off
(Believe me or me)
I’m not afraid of heavy rain
Even if the journey is bumpy, I can’t look back
(Believe me or me)

Some people say that my work is poisoning the youth
Some people say that my mind is cranky
Say I talk nonsense, I am a social cancer, itchy
Blame me and become his son’s idol
In the face of attack, I have been used to it
Keep silent and smile is my best answer
Pretending to be fake has never been my strong point
But when I go out, I have to disguise

My email is sent every day to complain
But I can’t help because I’m not a government
You come to my Facebook and encourage me to defame me
I won’t delete it because it’s a pure land of free speech
I want you to hear and see
What i want to say my movie and my music
Wandering the edge of the scale, free to speak freely
That is the world that mainstream media will never see
I stand at different angles and I won’t stop
This idea is a gift from God
You said I was confused, you even wanted to convince me
I’m sorry I am still my attitude

Started a new life in Kuala Lumpur
The crowds here are turbulent
Accidentally, I might get out of control here
This road is difficult to go, but I have not looked back
I am still I am still me
I am still I am still me

I have my own dream, I will walk even if I am lonely
Please forgive my urge, I will be better off
(Believe me or me)
I’m not afraid of heavy rain
Even if the journey is bumpy, I can’t look back
(Believe me or me)
I am still my yeah~
I am still my yeah~

Pinyin Lyrics Namewee 黃明志 – 我還是我 Wo Hai Shi Wo I AM WHO I AM 歌词

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