Pinyin Lyrics Namewee (黃明志) – 攻向北方 (Gong Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

Pinyin Lyrics Namewee (黃明志) – 攻向北方 (Gong Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

Singer: Namewee (黃明志)
Title: 攻向北方 (Gong Xiang Bei Fang)

我攻向北方 為理想而戰
Wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an

有人說他要爭天下要救祖國 保衛漢朝正統
youren shuo ta yao zheng tianxia yao jiu zuguo baowei han chao zhengtong
youren shuo ta xie tianzi yi ling zhuhou zhongyuan bei ta zhangkong
youren sishouzhe jiangdong sisuozhe touxiang haishi bei gong
youren wei le jinqian wei nuren chengwei san xing jia gou

傳說在隆中郊區 有個人叫做孔明
chuanshuo zai long zhong jiaoqu you geren jiaozuo kongming
才剛滿二十七 天文地理勝過管仲樂毅
caigang man ershiqi tian wen dili shengguo guanzhong yue yi
期待著伯樂明君 攜手將天下統一
qidaizhuo bole mingjun xieshou jiang tianxia tongyi
一直到三顧茅廬 衝鋒沙場 高舉軍旗
yizhi dao sangumaolu chongfeng shachang gaoju junqi

搖著扇 (不停的搦戰 水來土掩 兵來將擋)
yaozhe shan (bu ting de nuozhan shui lai tu yan binglaijiangdang)
在眺望 (扛下了軍狀 誓言要讓 敵方遭殃)
zai tiaowang (kang xiale jun zhuang shiyan yao rang di fang zaoyang)
抬頭看 (推倒了城牆 攻佔 眼泛著火光)
taitou kan (tuidaole chengqiang gongzhan yan fan zhao huoguang)
著斜陽 (就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
zhe xieyang (jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)

平天下 (眺望著北方 曹軍龜縮 駐紮洛陽)
ping tianxia (tiaowang zhuo beifang caojun guisuo zhuza luoyang)
太渺茫 (荊州和長江 落敗失守 都是遺憾)
tai miaomang (jingzhou he changjiang luo bai shishou dou shi yihan)
今後看 (英雄再強悍 再狂 終究不滴刀槍)
jinhou kan (yingxiong zai qianghan zai kuang zhongjiu bu di daoqiang)
shui cunwang

我攻向北方 為理想而戰
wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an

也是最後寄望 血和淚在流淌
yeshi zuihou ji wang xue he lei zai liutang
新官三任 三把火 他落荒逃亡
xin guan san ren san ba huo ta luohuang taowang
舌戰群儒 借東風 氣死了周郎
shezhan qun ru jie dong fengqi sile zhou lang
赤壁一戰又一戰 然後再吞掉四川
chibi yi zhan you yi zhan ranhou zai tun diao sichuan

七次將孟獲玩弄於股掌之間 平定南方
qi ci jiang menghuo wannong yu gu zhang zhi jian pingding nanfang
憑著智囊攻戰 輔佐劉備稱王
pingzhe zhinang gongzhan fuzuo liubei cheng wang
集結了黃忠馬超趙云 湊滿五虎神將
jijiele huang zhong machao zhao yun cou man wu hu shen jiang
備用救命錦囊 談笑用兵 揮揮羽扇
beiyong jiuming jin nang tanxiao yongbing hui hui yushan

進可攻 退可守 沒人能夠阻擋
jin ke gong tui ke shou mei ren nenggou zudang
搖著扇 (不停的搦戰 水來土掩 兵來將擋)
yaozhe shan (bu ting de nuozhan shui lai tu yan binglaijiangdang)
在眺望 (扛下了軍狀 誓言要讓 敵方遭殃)
zai tiaowang (kang xiale jun zhuang shiyan yao rang di fang zaoyang)
抬頭看 (推倒了城牆 攻佔 眼泛著火光)
taitou kan (tuidaole chengqiang gongzhan yan fan zhao huoguang)

著斜陽 (就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
zhe xieyang (jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)
平天下 (眺望著北方 曹軍龜縮 駐紮洛陽)
ping tianxia (tiaowang zhuo beifang caojun guisuo zhuza luoyang)
太渺茫 (荊州和長江 落敗失守 都是遺憾)
tai miaomang (jingzhou he changjiang luo bai shishou dou shi yihan)
今後看 (英雄再強悍 再狂 終究不滴刀槍)
jinhou kan (yingxiong zai qianghan zai kuang zhongjiu bu di daoqiang)

shui cunwang
我攻向北方 為理想而戰
wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang

一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an
幾十年留下多少血淚風霜 伴隨著君王揮旗四處征戰
ji shi nian liu xia duoshao xuelei fengshuang bansuizhe junwang hui qi sichu zhengzhan
誰會將歷史寫下別忘了記載 多少人的遺憾
shui hui jiang lishi xie xia bie wangle jizai duoshao ren de yihan
我攻向北方 為理想而戰
wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan

高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an
我攻向北方 (面對著十萬大軍 我打開城門誘敵)
wo gong xiang beifang (mian duizhe shi wan dajun wo dakai chengmen you di)

為理想而戰 (誤信了紙上談兵 被反擊還失守街亭)
wei lixiang er zhan (wuxinle zhishangtanbing bei fanji hai shishou jie ting)
高聳古老的城牆 (或許我不該守在這裡 早就該離去)
gaosong gulao de chengqiang (huoxu wo bu gai shou zai zheli zao jiu gai li qu)
擋不住慾望 (是為了當年的一言九鼎 還是因為宿命)
dang bu zhu yuwang (shi wei liao dang nian de yi yan jiuding haishi yinwei suming)
我攻向北方 (這裡有太多遺憾 壯志未酬太多惋情)
wo gong xiang beifang (zheli you tai duo yihan zhuangzhi wei chou tai duo wan qing)

蜀道就算漫長 (鞠躬盡瘁 死而後已 主公都早已離去)
shu dao jiusuan manchang (jugongjincui si erhou yi zhugong dou zaoyi li qu)
一統霸業的曙光 (多少個扶不起的阿斗 我只能聽天由命)
yitong baye de shuguang (duoshao ge fu bu qi de adou wo zhi neng tingtianyouming)
征服了黑暗 (多少年打下的江山 卻只剩下 空殼灰燼)
zhengfule hei’an (duo shao nian daxia de jiangshan que zhi sheng xia kong ke huijin)
也是最後寄望 血和淚在流淌
yeshi zuihou ji wang xue he lei zai liutang

wo gong xiang beifang
演唱:黃明志 & 吳慧玲
yanchang: Huang mingzhi& wuhuiling

我攻向北方 為理想而戰
Wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an

huang mingzhi:
有人說他要爭天下要救祖國 保衛漢朝正統
Youren shuo ta yao zheng tianxia yao jiu zuguo baowei han chao zhengtong
youren shuo ta xie tianzi yi ling zhuhou zhongyuan bei ta zhangkong
youren sishouzhe jiangdong sisuozhe touxiang haishi bei gong

youren wei le jinqian wei nuren chengwei san xing jia gou
huang mingzhi:
傳說在隆中郊區 有個人叫做孔明
Chuanshuo zai long zhong jiaoqu you geren jiaozuo kongming
才剛滿二十七 天文地理勝過管仲樂毅
caigang man ershiqi tian wen dili shengguo guanzhong yue yi

期待著伯樂明君 攜手將天下統一
qidaizhuo bole mingjun xieshou jiang tianxia tongyi
一直到三顧茅廬 衝鋒沙場 高舉軍旗
yizhi dao sangumaolu chongfeng shachang gaoju junqi
玲:搖著扇 (志:不停的搦戰 水來土掩 兵來將擋)
ling: Yaozhe shan (zhi: Bu ting de nuozhan shui lai tu yan binglaijiangdang)
玲:在眺望 (志:扛下了軍狀 誓言要讓 敵方遭殃)
ling: Zai tiao wang (zhi: Kang xiale jun zhuang shiyan yao rang di fang zaoyang)

玲:抬頭看 (志:推倒了城牆 攻佔 眼泛著火光)
ling: Taitou kan (zhi: Tuidaole chengqiang gongzhan yan fan zhao huoguang)
玲:著斜陽 (志:就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
ling:Zhe xieyang (zhi: Jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)
玲:平天下 (志:眺望著北方 曹軍龜縮 駐紮洛陽)
ling: Ping tianxia (zhi: Tiao wang zhuo beifang caojun guisuo zhuza luoyang)
玲:太渺茫 (志:荊州和長江 落敗失守 都是遺憾)
ling: Tai miaomang (zhi: Jingzhou he changjiang luo bai shishou dou shi yihan)

玲:今後看 (志:英雄再強悍 再狂 終究不滴刀槍)
ling: Jinhou kan (zhi: Yingxiong zai qianghan zai kuang zhongjiu bu di daoqiang)
ling: Shui cunwang
我攻向北方 為理想而戰
Wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan

高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an
也是最後寄望 血和淚在流淌
yeshi zuihou ji wang xue he lei zai liutang

huang mingzhi:
新官三任 三把火 他落荒逃亡
Xin guan san ren san ba huo ta luohuang taowang
舌戰群儒 借東風 氣死了周郎
shezhan qun ru jie dong fengqi sile zhou lang
赤壁一戰又一戰 然後再吞掉四川
chibi yi zhan you yi zhan ranhou zai tun diao sichuan

七次將孟獲 玩弄於股掌之間 平定南方
qi ci jiang menghuo wannong yu gu zhang zhi jian pingding nanfang
huang mingzhi:
憑著智囊攻戰 輔佐劉備稱王
Pingzhe zhinang gong zhan fuzuo liubei cheng wang
集結了黃忠馬超趙云 湊滿五虎神將
jijiele huang zhong machao zhao yun cou man wu hu shen jiang

備用救命錦囊 談笑用兵 揮揮羽扇
beiyong jiuming jin nang tanxiao yongbing hui hui yushan
進可攻 退可守 沒人能夠阻擋
jin ke gong tui ke shou mei ren nenggou zudang
玲:搖著扇 (志:不停的搦戰 水來土掩 兵來將擋)
ling: Yaozhe shan (zhi: Bu ting de nuozhan shui lai tu yan binglaijiangdang)
玲:在眺望 (志:扛下了軍狀 誓言要讓 敵方遭殃)
ling: Zai tiao wang (zhi: Kang xiale jun zhuang shiyan yao rang di fang zaoyang)

玲:抬頭看 (志:推倒了城牆 攻佔 眼泛著火光)
ling: Taitou kan (zhi: Tuidaole chengqiang gong zhan yan fan zhao huoguang)
玲:著斜陽 (志:就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
ling:Zhe xieyang (zhi: Jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)
玲:平天下 (志:眺望著北方 曹軍龜縮 駐紮洛陽)
ling: Ping tianxia (zhi: Tiao wang zhuo beifang caojun guisuo zhuza luoyang)
玲:太渺茫 (志:荊州和長江 落敗失守 都是遺憾)
ling: Tai miaomang (zhi: Jingzhou he changjiang luo bai shishou dou shi yihan)

玲:今後看 (志:英雄再強悍 再狂 終究不滴刀槍)
ling: Jinhou kan (zhi: Yingxiong zai qianghan zai kuang zhongjiu bu di daoqiang)
ling: Shui cunwang
我攻向北方 為理想而戰
Wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan

高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an

幾十年留下多少血淚風霜 伴隨著君王揮旗四處征戰
Ji shi nian liu xia duoshao xuelei fengshuang bansuizhe junwang hui qi sichu zhengzhan
誰會將歷史寫下別忘了記載 多少人的遺憾
shui hui jiang lishi xie xia bie wangle jizai duoshao ren de yihan
我攻向北方 為理想而戰
Wo gong xiang beifang wei lixiang er zhan

高聳古老的城牆 擋不住慾望
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu yuwang
我攻向北方 蜀道就算漫長
wo gong xiang beifang shu dao jiusuan manchang
一統霸業的曙光 征服了黑暗
yitong baye de shuguang zhengfule hei’an
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攻向北方 (Gong Xiang Bei Fang) – English Translation

I am marching north to fight for my ideals
The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness

Some people say he wants to fight for the world to save the motherland and defend the Han Dynasty orthodoxy
Some people say that he held the emperor in order to make the princes Zhongyuan be controlled by him
Someone is guarding Jiangdong, thinking about surrender or north attack
Someone becomes a family dog ​​with three surnames for a woman for money

Legend has it that there is a man named Kong Ming in the suburbs of Longzhong
Just turned 27, astronomy and geography beat Guan Zhong Leyi
Looking forward to Mr. Bo Leming to join hands to unify the world
Until three visits to the thatched cottage, assault on the battlefield, holding high the flag

Shaking the fan (continuously fighting, the water comes to cover, the soldiers come to block)
In Gazebo (under the military status, vowed to make the enemy suffer)
Look up (toppled down the city wall and captured, eyes glowing with fire)
Facing the setting sun (even if it is unbearable and defeated, I cannot surrender)

Ping Tian Xia (Looking at the north, Cao Jun tortoise is stationed in Luoyang)
Too slim (It is a pity that Jingzhou and the Yangtze River are defeated and defeated)
Look from now on (no matter how powerful the hero is, no matter how mad, he won’t drop a sword after all)
Who survives

I am marching north to fight for my ideals
The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness

It is the last hope, blood and tears are flowing
Three new officials, three fires, he fled
Talking to the Confucianists, taking advantage of the east wind, let Zhou Lang die
Battle after battle in Chibi and then swallow Sichuan

Played Meng Huo between the palms seven times and calmed the south
Relying on the brain to attack and assist Liu Bei to become king
Gathered Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun to make up the five tigers
Backup life-saving tips, talk and laugh, use soldiers, wave a feather fan

Advancing can attack, retreating can defend, no one can stop
Shaking the fan (continuously fighting, the water comes to cover, the soldiers come to block)
In Gazebo (under the military status, vowed to make the enemy suffer)
Look up (toppled down the city wall and captured, eyes glowing with fire)

Facing the setting sun (even if it is unbearable and defeated, I cannot surrender)
Ping Tian Xia (Looking at the north, Cao Jun tortoise is stationed in Luoyang)
Too slim (It is a pity that Jingzhou and the Yangtze River are defeated and defeated)
Look from now on

Who survives
I am marching north to fight for my ideals
The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long

The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness
How many blood, tears, wind and frost left over the decades, accompanied by the king waving the flag to fight everywhere
Who would write down history, don’t forget to record how many people’s regrets
I am marching north to fight for my ideals

The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of dominating the industry conquered the darkness
I headed north (in the face of a hundred thousand army, I opened the gate to lure the enemy)

Fighting for ideals (misbelieving on paper, but being counterattacked and lost to the street pavilion)
Towering ancient walls (maybe I shouldn’t be here, I should have left long ago)
Can’t stop desire (Is it because of the promised words of the year or because of fate)
I headed north (There are too many regrets here, too much ambition but too much regret)

Even if the road of Shu is long (going all the way, after death, the lord has already left)
The dawn of the dominance of the industry
Conquered the darkness (how many years have been laid down, but only empty shells are left)
It is the last hope, blood and tears are flowing

I head north
————————————————– —–
Singing: Huang Mingzhi & Wu Huiling
Wu Huiling:

I am marching north to fight for my ideals
The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of dominating the industry conquered the darkness

Huang Mingzhi:
Some people say he wants to fight for the world to save the motherland and defend the Han Dynasty orthodoxy
Some people say that he held the emperor in order to make the princes Zhongyuan be controlled by him
Someone is guarding Jiangdong, thinking about surrender or north attack

Someone becomes a family dog ​​with three surnames for a woman for money
Huang Mingzhi:
Legend has it that there is a man named Kong Ming in the suburbs of Longzhong
Just turned 27, astronomy and geography beat Guan Zhong Leyi

Looking forward to Mr. Bo Leming to join hands to unify the world
Until three visits to the thatched cottage, assault on the battlefield, holding high the flag
Ling: Shaking the fan (Zhao: Keep fighting, the water will cover the earth, the soldiers will stop)
Ling: Looking at the sight (Zhao: Under the military status, vowed to make the enemy suffer)

Ling: look up (Zhao: tear down the city wall and capture, eyes glowing with fire)
Ling: With the setting sun (Z: Even if you lose the battle, you can’t surrender)
Ling: Peace of the World
Ling: Too slim (Zi: Jingzhou and the Yangtze River are all regrettable defeats)

Ling: Look at the future (Zhi: No matter how powerful the hero is, no matter how mad, he won’t drop a sword after all)
Ling: Who survives
Wu Huiling:
I am marching north to fight for my ideals

The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness
It’s the last hope, blood and tears are flowing

Huang Mingzhi:
Three new officials, three fires, he fled
Talking to the confucianists, taking advantage of the east wind, angered Zhou Lang
Fight after battle in Chibi and then swallow Sichuan

Played Meng Huo between the palms seven times and calmed the south
Huang Mingzhi:
Relying on the brain to attack and assist Liu Bei to become king
Gathered Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun to make up the five tigers

Backup life-saving tips, talk and laugh, use soldiers, wave a feather fan
Advancing can attack, retreating can defend, no one can stop
Ling: Shaking the fan (Zhao: Keep fighting, the water will cover the earth, the soldiers will stop)
Ling: In the view (Zhao: I took the military status and vowed to make the enemy suffer)

Ling: look up (Zhao: tear down the city wall and capture, eyes glowing with fire)
Ling: With the setting sun (Z: Even if you lose the battle, you can’t surrender)
Ling: Ping Tianxia (Zhao: Looking north, Cao Junguishu stationed in Luoyang)
Ling: Too slim (Zi: Jingzhou and the Yangtze River are all regrettable defeats)

Ling: Look at the future (Zhi: No matter how powerful the hero is, no matter how mad, he won’t drop a sword after all)
Ling: Who survives
Wu Huiling:
I am marching north to fight for my ideals

The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness
Wu Huiling:

How many blood, tears, wind and frost left behind for decades, accompanied by the king waving the flag to fight everywhere
Who will write down history, don’t forget to record how many people’s regrets
Wu Huiling:
I am marching north to fight for my ideals

The towering ancient walls cannot stop desire
I headed north, even though the road to Shu is long
The dawn of a dominance conquered the darkness
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Pinyin Lyrics Namewee (黃明志) – 攻向北方 (Gong Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

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