Pinyin Lyrics Jason Chen – 飄向北方 (Piao Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

Pinyin Lyrics Jason Chen – 飄向北方 (Piao Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

Singer: Jason Chen
Title: 飄向北方 (Piao Xiang Bei Fang)

漂向北方 別問我家鄉
Piao xiang beifang bie wen wo jiaxiang
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住憂傷
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu youshang
我漂向北方 家人是否無恙
wo piao xiang beifang jiaren shifou wuyang
肩上沉重的行囊 盛滿了惆悵
jian shang chenzhong de xingnang sheng manle chouchang

有人說他在老家欠了一堆錢 需要避避風頭
youren shuo ta zai laojia qianle yi dui qian xuyao bi bifeng tou
youren shuo ta lian jiule yishen wuyi que mei jihui zhan lu
有人失去了自我 手足無措四處漂流
youren shiqule ziwo shouzuwucuo sichu piaoliu
youren wei le mengxiang weile san can wei yangjia hukou

他住在燕郊區 殘破的求職公寓
ta zhu zai yanjiao qu canpo di qiuzhi gongyu
擁擠的大樓裡 堆滿陌生人都來自外地
yongji de dalou li dui man mosheng ren dou laizi waidi
他埋頭寫著履歷 懷抱著多少憧憬
ta maitou xiezhe luli huaibaozhe duoshao chongjing
往返在九三零號公路 內心盼著奇蹟
wangfan zai jiusan ling hao gonglu neixin panzhe qiji

忍著淚 (不聽也不想 不敢回頭望的遺憾)
renzhe lei (bu ting ye buxiang bu gan huitou wang de yihan)
掩著傷 (扛下了夢想 要毅然決然去流浪)
yanzhe shang (kang xiale mengxiang yao yiran jueran qu liulang)
抬頭看 (卸下了自尊 光環 過去多風光)
taitou kan (xie xiale zizun guanghuan guoqu duo fengguang)
著斜陽 (就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
zhe xieyang (jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)

親愛的 (再見了南方 眺望最美麗的家鄉)
qin’ai de (zaijianle nanfang tiaowang zui meili de jiaxiang)
在遠方 (椰子樹搖晃 夢境倒映著的幻象)
zai yuanfang (ye zi shu yaohuang mengjing daoyingzhe de huanxiang)
這城市 (霧霾太猖狂 不散 都看不清前方)
zhe chengshi (wu mai tai changkuang bu san dou kan bu qing qianfang)
tai mi wang

我漂向北方 別問我家鄉
wo piao xiang beifang bie wen wo jiaxiang
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住憂傷
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu youshang
我漂向北方 家人是否無恙
wo piao xiang beifang jiaren shifou wuyang
肩上沉重的行囊 盛滿了惆悵
jian shang chenzhong de xingnang sheng manle chouchang

也是最後寄望 回不去的遠方 Oh
yeshi zuihou ji wang hui bu qu de yuanfang Oh
空氣太髒 太混濁 他說不喜歡
kongqi tai zang tai hunzhuo ta shuo bu xihuan
車太混亂 太匆忙 他還不習慣
che tai hunluan tai congmang ta hai bu xiguan
人行道一雙又一雙 斜視冷漠的眼光
renxingdao yi shuang you yi shuang xieshi lengmo de yanguang

他經常將自己灌醉 強迫融入 這大染缸
ta jingchang jiang ziji guan zui qiangpo rongru zhe da rangang
走著腳步蹣跚 二鍋頭在搖晃
zouzhe jiaobu panshan erguotou zai yaohuang
shiyi de ren a ou’er zui dao zai na hutong louxiang
咀嚼爆肚涮羊 手中盛著一碗熱湯
jujue baodu shuai yang shouzhong shengzhe yi wan retang

用力地 溫暖著 內心裡的不安
yongli di wennuanzhe neixin li de bu’an
忍著淚 (不聽也不想 不敢回頭望的遺憾)
renzhe lei (bu ting ye buxiang bu gan huitou wang de yihan)
掩著傷 (扛下了夢想 要毅然決然去流浪)
yanzhe shang (kang xiale mengxiang yao yiran jueran qu liulang)
抬頭看 (卸下了自尊 光環 過去多風光)
taitou kan (xie xiale zizun guanghuan guoqu duo fengguang)

著斜陽 (就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降)
zhe xieyang (jiusuan zai bu kan baizhang ye buneng touxiang)
親愛的 (再見了南方 眺望最美麗的家鄉)
qin’ai de (zaijianle nanfang tiaowang zui meili de jiaxiang)
在遠方 (椰子樹搖晃 夢境倒映著的幻象)
zai yuanfang (ye zi shu yaohuang mengjing daoyingzhe de huanxiang)
這城市 (霧霾太猖狂 不散 都看不清前方)
zhe chengshi (wu mai tai changkuang bu san dou kan bu qing qianfang)

tai mi wang
我漂向北方 別問我家鄉
wo piao xiang beifang bie wen wo jiaxiang
高聳古老的城牆 擋不住憂傷
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu youshang
我漂向北方 家人是否無恙
wo piao xiang beifang jiaren shifou wuyang

肩上沉重的行囊 盛滿了惆悵
jian shang chenzhong de xingnang sheng manle chouchang
就像那塵土飄散隨著風向 誰又能帶領著我一起飛翔
jiu xiang na chentu piaosan suizhe fengxiang shui you neng dailingzhe wo yiqi feixiang
我站在天壇中央閉上眼 祈求一家人都平安
wo zhan zai tiantan zhongyang bi shang yan qiqiu yijiaren dou ping’an
我漂向北方 別問我家鄉
wo piao xiang beifang bie wen wo jiaxiang

高聳古老的城牆 擋不住憂傷
gaosong gulao de chengqiang dang bu zhu youshang
我漂向北方 家人是否無恙
wo piao xiang beifang jiaren shifou wuyang
肩上沉重的行囊 盛滿了惆悵
jian shang chenzhong de xingnang sheng manle chouchang
(我漂向北方)我站在天子腳下 被踩得喘不過氣
(wo piao xiang beifang) wo zhan zai tianzi jiaoxia bei cai de chuan buguo qi

(別問我家鄉)走在前門大街 跟人潮 總會分歧
(bie wen wo jiaxiang) zou zai qianmen dajie gen renchao zong hui fenqi
(高聳古老的城牆)或許我根本不屬於這裡 早就該離去
(gaosong gulao de chengqiang) huoxu wo genben bu shuyu zheli zao jiu gai li qu
(擋不住憂傷)誰能給我致命的一擊 請用力到徹底
(dang bu zhu youshang) shui neng gei wo zhiming de yi ji qing yongli dao chedi
(我漂向北方)這裡是夢想的中心 但夢想都遙不可及
(wo piao xiang beifang) zheli shi mengxiang de zhongxin dan mengxiang dou yao buke ji

(家人是否無恙)這裡是圓夢的聖地 但卻總是撲朔迷離
(jia ren shifou wuyang) zheli shi yuanmeng de shengdi dan que zong shi pushuomili
(肩上沉重的行囊)多少人敵不過殘酷的現實 從此銷聲匿跡
(jian shang chenzhong de xingnang) duoshao ren di buguo canku de xianshi congci xiaoshengniji
(盛滿了惆悵)多少人陷入了昏迷 剩下一具 空殼屍體
(sheng manle chouchang) duoshao ren xianrule hunmi sheng xia yi ju kong ke shiti
(也是最後寄望) Rest In Peace
(yeshi zuihou ji wang) Rest In Peace

回不去的遠方 Oh
hui bu qu de yuanfang Oh
我漂向北方 別問我家鄉
wo piao xiang beifang bie wen wo jiaxiang
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飄向北方 (Piao Xiang Bei Fang) – English Translation

Floating north, don’t ask my hometown
The towering old city wall can’t stop the sadness
I drifted north, is my family safe?
The heavy bag on his shoulders is full of melancholy

Some people say that he owes a lot of money in his hometown and needs to avoid the limelight
Some people say that he has trained in martial arts but has no chance to show up
Someone has lost themselves and drifted around at a loss
Some people support their family for three meals for their dreams

He lives in a dilapidated job hunting apartment in the suburbs of Yan
The crowded building is full of strangers from outside
He immersed himself in writing his resume, how much hope he held
Traveling back and forth on Highway 930, hoping for a miracle in my heart

Endure the tears
Cover your wounds (take your dream and go wandering resolutely)
Look up (with the self-esteem removed, the past is so beautiful)
Facing the setting sun

Dear (goodbye to the south, looking at the most beautiful hometown)
In the distance (coconut tree shaking, illusion reflected in dreamland)
This city
Tai Mi Wang

I drifted north, don’t ask my hometown
The towering old city wall can’t stop the sadness
I drifted north, is my family safe?
The heavy bag on his shoulders is full of melancholy

It’s the last place I can’t go back to. Oh
The air is too dirty and muddy, he said he didn’t like it
The car is too chaotic, too rushed, he is not used to it
Pair after pair on the sidewalk, squinting indifferent eyes

He often gets himself drunk and forced into this big dye vat
Walking and staggering, Erguotou is shaking
Frustrated people occasionally fall drunk in that alley
Chewing and breaking the lamb with a bowl of hot soup

Warming hard, the anxiety in my heart
Endure the tears
Cover your wounds (take your dream and go wandering resolutely)
Look up (with the self-esteem removed, the past is so beautiful)

Facing the setting sun (even if it is unbearable and defeated, I cannot surrender)
Dear (goodbye to the south, looking at the most beautiful hometown)
In the distance (coconut tree shaking, illusion reflected in dreamland)
This city (the smog is too rampant, you can’t see the front)

Tai Mi Wang
I drifted north, don’t ask my hometown
The towering old city wall can’t stop the sadness
I drifted north, is my family safe?

The heavy bag on his shoulders is full of melancholy
It’s like the dust drifting along with the wind, who can lead me to fly together
I stood in the middle of the Temple of Heaven and closed my eyes, praying for the safety of my family
I drifted north, don’t ask my hometown

The towering old city wall can’t stop the sadness
I drifted north, is my family safe?
The heavy bag on his shoulders is full of melancholy
(I float to the north) I stand at the feet of the emperor

(Don’t ask my hometown) Walking on Qianmen Street, I always disagree with the crowds
(The towering ancient walls) Maybe I don’t belong here at all, I should have left long ago
(Can’t stop the sadness) Who can give me a fatal blow
(I drifted north) This is the center of dreams, but dreams are far away

(Is the family safe?) This is a holy place for dreams, but it is always confusing
(Heavy bag on his shoulders) How many people can’t match the cruel reality and disappeared
(Full of melancholy) How many people fell into a coma, leaving an empty corpse
(And the last hope) Rest In Peace

The distant place that can’t go back Oh
I drifted north, don’t ask my hometown
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Pinyin Lyrics Jason Chen – 飄向北方 (Piao Xiang Bei Fang) 歌词

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