Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – Y.M.C Cypher Ⅰ 歌词
Singer: Various Artists
Title: Y.M.C Cypher Ⅰ
Women de gongtong dian conglai bu hui gei shei maiming
ni yijing shule yinwei ni naozi quan shi paixi
你的歌&我的钱 大家都希望它们快进
ni de ge&wo de qian dajia dou xiwang tamen kuai jin
tamen shuo cong mei jianguo zhe yi lei
Young Hustla (年轻的企业家)最近估值翻一倍
Young Hustla (nianqing de qiye jia) zuijin gu zhi fan yi bei
Underground Kingdom (地下城)不止是Battle Game (即兴饶舌比赛)
Underground Kingdom (dixia cheng) buzhishi Battle Game (jixing raoshe bisai)
It’s Da H-Y-U-K son
It’s TYM(同time) I’ m BACK huh (Hyuk是时候回来了)
It’s TYM(tong time) I’ m BACK huh (Hyuk shi shihou huilaile)
U Not BAD/U wack/I Said huh, Keep Fresh,No Swag, (别愚昧别拿样要积极奋进)
U Not BAD/U wack/I Said huh, Keep Fresh,No Swag, (bie yumei bie na yang yao jiji fenjin)
我的态度都在 Give da MIC 2 da Next Generation (把麦克风传给下一代)
wo de taidu dou zai Give da MIC 2 da Next Generation (ba maikefeng chuan gei xia yidai)
wo jianguo tai duo hui Rap(shuochang) de Star(mingxing)
dan meiyou taidu ye meiyou zhanshi di Farr(yang)
8英里的rapper show me ya best bars (8英里的说唱歌手拿出你最好的状态)
8 yingli de rapper show me ya best bars (8 yingli de shuochang geshou na chu ni zui hao de zhuangtai)
Who s the ONE&ONLY RAPSTAR (谁才是真正的说唱明星)
Who s the ONE&ONLY RAPSTAR (shei cai shi zhenzheng de shuochang mingxing)
I see my city dying but I always maintain (看到城市堕落但我们要保持进取)
I see my city dying but I always maintain (kan dao chengshi duoluo dan women yao baochi jinqu)
We gotta step it up don’t ever play the blame game (我们需要进步, 不能找借口)
We gotta step it up don’t ever play the blame game (women xuyao jinbu, buneng zhao jiekou)
You trapped in the lifestyle we not the same thing (你看着这种生活圈, 我跟你不一样)
You trapped in the lifestyle we not the same thing (ni kanzhe zhe zhong shenghuo quan, wo gen ni bu yiyang)
I’m wearing all jade traded off my bling bling (我现在带玉不带钻石)
I’m wearing all jade traded off my bling bling (wo xianzai dai yu bu dai zuanshi)
zhege quanzi bianle dan wo yizhi meiyou bian
gan ma yizhi taolun daodi shei mei gei wo lian
dongde wan zhe youxi zhidao bu hui bei ni pian
bu xuyao ni de zunzhong zhiyao ni gei wo qian
I’m in too deep now I’m never gon stop (我做了太久永远不会停)
I’m in too deep now I’m never gon stop (wo zuole tai jiu yongyuan bu hui ting)
Working on the next one when it gon drop :准备下一张专辑几时会发:
Working on the next one when it gon drop: Zhunbei xia yi zhang zhuanji jishi hui fa:
See that I’m a leader, raised the bar for your meters (我是当代的先锋, 把水平都提高)
See that I’m a leader, raised the bar for your meters (wo shi dangdai de xianfeng, ba shuiping dou tigao)
yeah I see ya Boy I just got paid shouting out to Adidas (我刚收了钱. 感谢Adidas)
yeah I see ya Boy I just got paid shouting out to Adidas (wo gang shoule qian. Ganxie Adidas)
没你那么火 但我比你赚得多
mei ni name huo dan wo bi ni zhuan de duo
zhe bushi ni de cuo shenme hua dou buyong shuo
要跟我们dough 想想后果
yao gen women dough xiang xiang houguo
qu dao bian du ge ge jiao wo dao ge
I’m in a perfect position to luck this game up (用完美姿态进入这场游戏)
I’m in a perfect position to luck this game up (yong wanmei zitai jinru zhe chang youxi)
mei ren zai guanxin yinyue zhi taolun shei xian dao xian de
无所谓他们能否listen my lyrics enough(听懂我的歌词)
wusuowei tamen neng fou listen my lyrics enough(ting dong wo de geci)
但我永远都保持真我like a real man does(像个爷们儿一样)
dan wo yongyuan dou baochi zhen wo like a real man does(xiang ge yemen er yiyang)
差不多的raps 差不多先生往旁边靠
chabuduo de raps chabuduo xiansheng wang pangbian kao
差不多的fag 三年前推到like dominoes(像多米诺骨牌)
chabuduo de fag san nian qian tui dao like dominoes(xiang duominuo gupai)
cuz I’m a young yellow I never left my dreams on pillow (年轻的炎黄子孙踏实肯干吃苦耐劳)
cuz I’m a young yellow I never left my dreams on pillow (nianqing de yanhuang zisun tashi ken gan chiku nailao)
wo zhi hui tiaochu underground(fuhao) bu wang fengbi de fangjian zou
我劝你们最好能够把自己关在dark room(暗室)
wo quan nimen zui hao nenggou ba ziji guan zai dark room(anshi)
zhexie rappermen de wangxiang zheng meitian zai jiazhong
ni de fa dong ji dou sheng xiule mei banfa fadong
ni zhui bu dao wo jiu xiang hangkong huojian zhunbei fasong
who the luck is you (你是谁)别考验我记忆力
who the luck is you (ni shi shei) bie kaoyan wo jiyili
yao wo kan naxie wang lu zongyi ningyuan kan DVD
xiyin naxie fans jiu diqiu di di xin yinli
so wo de money laizi nali zhe shi yidao dili ti
naxie baichi de yanlun zong shi yuanyuan buduan de
naxie wan jianpan de jianpan xia dou gei wo gundan
sanbai liushiwu tian wo jinhua dou buzhi sanbai liushiwu cile
擦亮你的眼睛 I’m the “one of kind”(我是唯一)
ca liang ni de yanjing I’m the”one of kind”(wo shi weiyi)
开了光的mic 除了我是谁都握不住
kaile guang de mic chule wo shi shei dou wo bu zhu
无所谓wrong or right (错与对)会发光的永远都盖不住
wusuowei wrong or right (cuo yu dui) hui faguang de yongyuan dou gai bu zhu
I cant do suit and tie(穿不了正装)我不喜欢穿衬衫系领带
I cant do suit and tie(chuan buliao zhengzhuang) wo bu xihuan chuan chenshan xi lingdai
qu pai shipin huo ti ping gai weile paomo de guanzhu du
wang qian Boc:
AKA chao ni ba bei
he jingdian de xiongdi jiu zuo jingdian de shi er
U know my name (你知道我的名字)从不后退
U know my name (ni zhidao wo de mingzi) cong bu houtui
cong kaishi jiu zi dai shiyi yaobai de jin er
Its “the master” bro to show the master show (大师要表演大师级的演出)
Its “the master” bro to show the master show (dashi yao biaoyan dashi ji de yanchu)
文字搬的秀 如灵魂般的走
wenzi ban de xiu ru linghun ban de zou
每天坚持海里游 在云里翻跟头
meitian jianchi haili you zai yun li fangentou
laizi bohai wan de yin lang buzai jianghu liu
Now “luck you pay me”I’m ball like Jay Z (像Jayz一样拿回失去的)
Now “luck you pay me”I’m ball like Jay Z (xiang Jayz yiyang na hui shiqu de)
从2010到乘胜追击hold on
cong 2010 dao chengshengzhuiji hold on
bie gen jianpan jiang daoli zhe qianci he zaoju zui gaoji de mimi
young CEO with the sick flow (年轻的董事长有精湛的说唱技艺)
young CEO with the sick flow (nianqing de dongshi zhang you jingzhan de shuochang jiyi)
bu gua Auto-Tune dianli zhaoyang qiangguo pikaqiu
故事能力是吹的那么everybody know
gushi nengli shi chui di name everybody know
I got Boom bap blast (我带着波霸风格回来)这次你得低着头
I got Boom bap blast (wo daizhe boba fengge huilai) zhe ci ni de dizhe tou
queshao baozhuang de yishu zhengzai naojihuang
ni chan shui de jitang bie jian wo de dao guang
wo zouguo di difang zhuan po ni de pianfang
wo zhengyi de xunzhang zhuan zhuo ni de jian shang
Now who is the realest one (谁才是最真实的)
Now who is the realest one (shei cai shi zui zhenshi de)
bie bei xunhuan liyong de xianglian qianzhe bi zi zhuan
王骞说的有点慢 王骞说的烂
wang qian shuo de youdian man wang qian shuo de lan
but ladies love me too (他们都喜欢我)不在周五八点半
but ladies love me too (tamen dou xihuan wo) buzai zhou wuba dian ban
SeanT xiao’en’en:
Kan wo fengmang bilu shenzhi meiyou sihao qushi jian ruo
脚步属于Step by step (脚踏实地)不在乎颠簸
jiaobu shuyu Step by step (jiaotashidi) buzaihu dianbo
tamen dou zhui bu shang wo yinwei jirou meiyou dadao jian shuo
bugou ge de rapper zhi neng zai huamian shang tingliu pianke
you tai duo ren de shenmei yijingguole qi
genben shang bu dao wo jiusuan tuo xia fangdan yi
jujiao zai wo shenshang de hong yanjing jiu qing ni ting
被伤了心的sean t 如何代表新的bjc(北京城)
bei shangle xin de sean t ruhe daibiao xin de bjc(beijing cheng)
tamen de gequ jiu xiang xiaoxuesheng de doulaxi
wo kan bu guan tamen wang gemi er zhong dao lese
sheishei de ren pi mianju rang ta bian de geng chuming
Mask off (摘下面具)迎接我摇动的杀虫剂
Mask off (zhai xia mianju) yingjie wo yaodong de sha chong ji
wo chui xiang na jijie de hao shenbian de xiongdi dou laizi jietou
Uknow We keep fighting(我们不断奋斗)不知疲惫
Uknow We keep fighting(women buduan fendou) buzhi pibei
xinzhong you menghu yiran xi xiu qiangwei
从北沙到southside 由缰信马
Cong bei sha dao southside you jiang xin ma
ni zhidao dadi de style shen pi jin kui jin jia
天下分崩离析 分不清真假
tianxia fenbenglixi fen bu qing zhen jia
待我等点齐了人马 任凭热血喷洒
dai wo deng dian qile renma renping rexue pensa
你真傻呀 那些rapper就是洛丽塔呀
ni zhen sha ya naxie rapper jiushi luo li ta ya
wei gei ni de lizhi shuochang jiaxin sai man baba
kan dongbian lai ge lama shou li linzhe wu jin ta ma
bie kan ta you kuaizui dao wo de mianqian ta shi yaba
我们活在他们嘴里 嫉妒还是随喜
women huo zai tamen zui li jidu haishi suixi
阴谋加上诡计 呵~ 兄弟完全陪你
yinmou jia shang guiji he ~ xiongdi wanquan pei ni
知道你早晚坠机 直到你留下泪滴
zhidao ni zaowan zhui ji zhidao ni liu xia lei di
KOZ 早就说过 世界握在我手里
KOZ zao jiu shuoguo shijie wo zai wo shou li
不是不到黄河心不死 只是不想要做点快餐 吃完就被他们遗忘
bushi bu dao huanghe xin busi zhi shi buxiang yao zuo dian kuaican chi wan jiu bei tamen yiwang
不是不撞南墙不回头 想把我的故事变成传奇 在你心里激荡
bushi bu zhuang nan qiang bu huitou xiang ba wo de gushi bian cheng chuanqi zai ni xinli jidang
拼死超越他们期望 就算有人下砒霜
pinsi chaoyue tamen qiwang jiusuan youren xia pishuang
把我的战袍披上 跨栏背心到西装
ba wo de zhan pao pi shang kualan beixin dao xizhuang
Forever百世流芳 AKA魔都刘邦
Forever baishi liufang AKA mo dou liubang
你下场如同项羽 再跨越不了乌江
ni xiachang rutong xiangyu zai kuayue buliao wujiang
wuren wenhua_lianhua:
Zhan qi sui feng fei
zhangu zhen tian lei
chuge zai zhouwei
meiyouren xiangguo houtui
尸骨成堆 何惧何畏
shigu cheng dui he ju he wei
杀出重围 yeah we made it (我们成功了)
sha chu chongwei yeah we made it (women chenggongle)
yi jiang gong cheng wan guku
shei tazhe shei de shihai shang de lu
加爵领俸禄 青云走平步
jia jue ling fenglu qingyun zou ping bu
dou bu ti zhe shi shei daxia de hood
jun lai yitong: Lai yi tong: Cheng bawang
bawang ziran wen: Wen:“Wujiang”
jiangdong fulao neng rong ni
ni shuo pao mian zhacai chi de xiang
:Dat song so hot:待到我花开时百花杀
:Dat song so hot: Dai dao wo hua kai shi baihua sha
: Zhe feng hao da: Mantian huang sha jiang ni wei gaixia
管你什么来路 莲花从不在乎
guan ni shenme lai lu lianhua cong buzaihu
纵使十面埋伏 叫你阴谋败露
zongshi shi mian maifu jiao ni yinmou bailu
掀了你的台布 让你还清债务
xianle ni de taibu rang ni huan qing zhaiwu
feile ni xujia de taidu
dafeng qi xi yun feiyang
wei jia hainei xi gui guxiang
dafeng qi xi yun feiyang
an de mengshi xi shou sifang
Zai ye wufa tuirang wufa shi’erbujian jiangdi wo shenmei
看我摆下的阵仗 怒目的相对 言语痛斥你原委
kan wo bai xia de zhen zhang numu di xiangdui yanyu tongchi ni yuanwei
rang ni shouchaole baopo xuanshou wo chizhiyibi zilihangjian
wo ke zhuan de rumusanfen shi chaofan tuosu de mu yi cheng xian
背负着期待 期待能恢复了比赛
beifuzhe qidai qidai neng huifule bisai
bisai zhong luxing de yiwu shi chang qiancheng xintu de libai
那么何来破釜沉舟 赤子之心和榜样的力量
name he lai pofuchenzhou chizi zhi xin he bangyang de liliang
依然会有坚实的臂膀 喝退了异样 维护了坚定的立场
yiran hui you jianshi de bibang he tuile yiyang weihule jianding de lichang
承让 根本就是模仿 来骗取泡沫的播放量
cheng rang genben jiushi mofang lai pianqu paomo de bofang liang
看他镜头里多上相 他的音乐有多踉跄
kan ta jingtou li duo shang xiang ta de yinyue you duo liangqiang
bu hui jiyu zunzhong hao wu luoji de geci dou jing bu qi tuiqiao
tamen nanyi qichi de guoqu que rang wo suishi dou dengdai zhengzhao
不堪一击的虚假向导 不会提供听众的导向
bukan yi ji de xujia xiangdao bu hui tigong tingzhong de daoxiang
得到残缺的藏宝图 却忽略了真正的宝藏
dedao canque de cang bao tu que huluele zhenzheng de baozang
没有灵魂的空虚却对空虚的灵魂 触手可得
meiyou linghun de kongxu que dui kongxu de linghun chushou ke de
我质问的苛责 中文Hiphop完全没你的户口
wo zhiwen de keze zhongwen Hiphop wanquan mei ni de hukou
okok let get some fame(名声大噪)全部到位 没人掉队
Okok let get some fame(mingsheng da zao) quanbu daowei mei ren diaodui
都是高消费 格调高贵 妞都太妩媚
dou shi gao xiaofei gediao gaogui niu dou tai wumei
像体操队为求富贵 千杯不醉 他们迟早会
xiang ticao dui wei qiu fugui qian bei bu zui tamen chizao hui
都know my name(知道我是谁)
dou know my name(zhidao wo shi shei)
这帮小老弟 缺乏教育立正稍息
zhe bang xiao laodi quefa jiaoyu lizheng shao xi
跟我比高低 想看好戏 有人告密
gen wo bi gaodi xiang kanhao xi you ren gaomi
名誉扫地 街上还有几个讲道义
mingyu saodi jie shang hai you ji ge jiang daoyi
那些fake friend(假朋友)总会有一天会成为enemies(敌人)
naxie fake friend(jia pengyou) zong hui you yitian hui chengwei enemies(diren)
黑夜白昼 从周天到下个礼拜六
heiye baizhou cong zhou tian dao xia ge libai liu
you never know uhn 12345O so keep it low (你不会知道 所以我一直很低调)
you never know uhn 12345O so keep it low (ni bu hui zhidao suoyi wo yizhi hen didiao)
xingge didiao dan ye ai xiu
成王败寇 我的体内住着只怪兽
cheng wang bai kou wo de tinei zhuzhe zhi guaishou
击中要害 K.O对手带上金腰带
ji zhong yaohai K.O duishou dai shang jin yaodai
从里到外 除了蛮力更要用脑袋
cong li dao wai chule man li geng yao yong naodai
pay my money back 两只手机每天在催债
pay my money back liang zhi shouji meitian zai cui zhai
for real 哥们儿 for real哥们儿
for real gemen er for real gemen er
now give me my respect (快拿出应得的尊重)
now give me my respect (kuai na chu ying de de zunzhong)
Art Design By. Ray
MIX By. SuperDeep
Music Video By. 龙泽宇Fack
Music Video By. Long ze yu Fack
Master By.Young Mai
POWERED By. 吾人文化/乱战门/地下8英里/浪WAVE/孔TOWN/BASE
POWERED By. Wuren wenhua/luan zhan men/dixia 8 yingli/lang WAVE/kong TOWN/BASE
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Y.M.C Cypher Ⅰ – English Translation
What we have in common is never going to kill anyone
You have lost because your mind is all faction
Your songs & my money, everyone wants them to fast forward
They said they had never seen this
Young Hustla (young entrepreneur) recently doubled its valuation
Underground Kingdom (underground city) is more than just a battle game (improvised rap game)
It’s Da H-Y-U-K son
It’s TYM (same time) I’m BACK huh (Hyuk is time to come back)
U Not BAD/U wack/I Said huh, Keep Fresh, No Swag, (Don’t be stupid, don’t take anything, be active)
My attitude is in Give da MIC 2 da Next Generation (pass the microphone to the next generation)
I have seen too many stars who can rap (rap)
But Farr has no attitude and no fighters (like)
8 mile rapper show me ya best bars (8 mile rapper show me ya best bars)
Who s the ONE&ONLY RAPSTAR (Who is the real rap star)
I see my city dying but I always maintain (See my city dying but I always maintain)
We gotta step it up don’t ever play the blame game (we need to make progress, can’t make excuses)
You trapped in the lifestyle we not the same thing (You trapped in the lifestyle we not the same thing)
I’m wearing all jade traded off my bling bling (I now bring jade without diamonds)
This circle has changed but I have not changed
Why keep discussing who didn’t give me the chain
I know how to play this game and know I won’t be fooled by you
Don’t need your respect as long as you give me money
I’m in too deep now I’m never gon stop (I’m in too deep now I’m never gon stop)
Working on the next one when it gon drop: When will the next album be prepared:
See that I’m a leader, raised the bar for your meters (I’m a contemporary pioneer and raise the level)
yeah I see ya Boy I just got paid shouting out to Adidas (I just received the money. Thanks Adidas)
Not as popular as you, but I earn more than you
It’s not your fault, don’t say anything
Have to think about the consequences with us
Go and call me Brother Dao
I’m in a perfect position to luck this game up (to enter this game with perfect position)
No one cares about music, only discuss who is first come first served
It doesn’t matter whether they can listen to my lyrics enough (understand my lyrics)
But I will always stay true to me like a real man does (like a man)
Almost raps, Mr. Almost leans aside
The almost fag was pushed to like dominoes (like dominoes) three years ago
cuz I’m a young yellow I never left my dreams on pillow (Young Yan Huang descendants are steadfast and willing to work hard)
I just jump out of the underground (symbol) and don’t go to the closed room
I advise you to keep yourself in the dark room
The delusions of these rappers are getting worse every day
Your engine is rusty and can’t be started
You can’t catch me like an aviation rocket ready to send
who the luck is you don’t test my memory
Want me to watch online variety shows, I would rather watch DVDs
Attract those fans to the gravity of the earth
so where does my money come from? This is a geography question
Those idiot speeches are always flowing
Those keyboard guys who play keyboards are going to f#ck me
Three hundred and sixty-five days I have evolved more than three hundred and sixty-five times
Polish your eyes I’m the “one of kind”
The opened mic can’t be held by anyone except me
It doesn’t matter that wrong or right (wrong or right) will shine and never cover it
I cant do suit and tie (cant do suit and tie) I don’t like wearing a shirt and tie
Go to the video or kick the bottle cap for the attention of the foam
Wang Qian Boc:
AKA overtakes you eight times
Do classic things with classic brothers
U know my name (you know my name) never go back
From the beginning, it has its own poetic swing
Its “the master” bro to show the master show (the master wants to perform the master-level performance)
The show of moving words, walking like a soul
I insist on swimming in the sea and somersault in the clouds every day
The sound waves from Bohai Bay are not in the rivers and lakes
Now “luck you pay me” I’m ball like Jay Z (Get back the lost like Jayz)
From 2010 to hold on
Don’t reason with the keyboard, the most advanced secret of wording and sentence making
young CEO with the sick flow (young CEO with superb rap skills)
Without Auto-Tune, the power is still better than Pikachu
Story ability is blowing so everybody knows
I got Boom bap blast (I got Boom bap blast) This time you have to keep your head down
Art without packaging is in famine
Don’t see my pouring out of your chicken soup mixed with water
The places I have walked to break your recipe
My medal of justice catches your businessmen
Now who is the realest one (Who is the most real)
Don’t be turned around by the recycled necklace
Wang Qian’s words are a bit slow Wang Qian’s words are bad
but ladies love me too (They all like me) not at 8:30 on Friday
SeanT Sean:
I see my sharp edge, not even the slightest tendency to weaken
Steps belong to Step by step (foot on the ground) don’t care about bumps
They can’t catch up with me because the muscles are not strong enough
Inadequate rappers can only stay on the screen for a while
Too many people’s aesthetics are out of date
I can’t hurt me even if I take off my body armor
The red eyes focused on me, please listen
How does the broken sean t represent the new bjc (Beijing City)
Their songs are like doulaxi for elementary school students
I can’t take them to put trash in the ears of fans
Whose human skin mask makes him more famous
Mask off (take off the mask) greet me shaking the insecticide
The brothers around me are from the street
Uknow We keep fighting (we keep fighting)
There is a tiger in my heart still sniffing the rose
From Beisha to southside by the rein
You know the style of the emperor wore a golden helmet and golden armor
The world is falling apart
Wait for me to get all the people together, let the blood spray
You are so stupid, those rappers are Lolita
Feed you the inspirational rap sandwich filled with baba
Look at a lama from the east carrying a five-jin pagoda
Don’t look at his mouth quickly in front of me, he is dumb
We live in their mouths, jealous or rejoice
Conspiracy plus tricks huh~ Brothers are with you completely
Knowing you will crash sooner or later until you leave tears
KOZ has said that the world is in my hands
It’s not that the Yellow River will not die, but I just don’t want to make some fast food and I’ll be forgotten by them.
It’s not that I don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, I want to turn my story into a legend, and it will stir in your heart
Desperately exceed their expectations, even if someone is arsenic
Put my shirt on, hurdle vest to suit
Forever AKA Magic Capital Liu Bang
You end like Xiang Yu, you can’t cross Wujiang again
Our Culture_Lotus:
The battle flag flies with the wind
The drum is shaking
Chu Ge is around
No one thought of going back
There are piles of bones
Break out of the siege yeah we made it (we made it)
One will succeed
Who is walking on the road on whose corpse
Add Jue to receive salary, Qingyun goes flat
Don’t mention who created this hood
Jun Lai Yi Tong: Come in a Bucket: Be the King
Overlord’s natural death: Kiss: “Wujiang”
Elder Jiangdong can tolerate you
You said that instant noodles and mustard are delicious
:Dat song so hot: when my flowers bloom
: The wind is so big: the sky and yellow sand will surround you
No matter what you come from, Lotus never cares
Even if you lie in wait for your conspiracy to be revealed
I lifted your tablecloth to make you pay off the debt
Abolished your false attitude
The wind is blowing
Homecoming home
The wind is blowing
Ander warriors guarded everywhere
I can’t give in
Look at the battles I put down, anger and scold you
Let you get damp, blaster, I sneered between the lines
The three points I carved into the wood is the otherworldly wood Yi Chengxian
With anticipation and expectation to resume the game
The duty fulfilled in the game is a worship of devout believers
So how come to break the boat, the innocent heart and the power of example
There will still be a solid arm
Acceptance is simply imitating to deceive the volume of bubbles
See how photogenic his camera is, how staggering his music is
Lyrics that don’t give respect to illogical can’t stand scrutiny
Their unspeakable past keeps me waiting for recruitment
Fake guides that are fragile and will not provide audience guidance
Get a broken treasure map but ignore the real treasure
There is no soulless emptiness but the emptied soul is within reach
The harshness of my questioning Chinese Hiphop does not have your account at all
okok let get some fame (famous) all in place, no one is left behind
They are all expensive, noble, and girls are too charming
Like the gymnastics team, they will meet sooner or later
All know my name (know who I am)
These little guys lack education and stand up for a while
I want to watch a good show
Dishonored, there are still a few morals on the street
Those fake friends will become enemies one day
Night and day, from Sunday to next Saturday
you never know uhn 12345O so keep it low (you never know uhn 12345O so keep it low)
Low-key personality but love to show
There is a monster in my body
Hit the key, K.O opponent wears a gold belt
From the inside out, you need to use your head besides brute force
pay my money back Two mobile phones are collecting debts every day
for real buddy for real buddy
now give me my respect (Quickly give me my respect)
Art Design By. Ray
MIX By. SuperDeep
Music Video By. Long Zeyu Fack
Master By. Young Mai
POWERED By. My Culture/Chaoshanmen/Underground 8 miles/wave WAVE/hole TOWN/BASE
Find more lyrics at
Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – Y.M.C Cypher Ⅰ 歌词
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