Pinyin Lyrics Fei Bao (肥宝), 功夫胖KungFuPen – 气功CheeKung (Qi Gongcheekung) (Ft. 功夫胖KungFuPen) 歌词

气功CheeKung (Qi Gongcheekung) (Ft. 功夫胖KungFuPen) Lyrics – Fei Bao (肥宝), 功夫胖KungFuPen

Singer: Fei Bao (肥宝), 功夫胖KungFuPen
Title: 气功CheeKung (Qi Gongcheekung) (Ft. 功夫胖KungFuPen)

Recorded At 精气神制作室
Recorded At jing qi shen zhizuo shi
劲 平稳 快
Jin pingwen kuai
劲 平稳 快
jin pingwen kuai

jin nenggou ling bu kuai
jin nenggou ling bu kuai
wen keyi pingheng shenti
wen keyi pingheng shenti

心神一致 运劲至可以一致
xinshen yizhi yun jin zhi keyi yizhi
心神一致 运劲才可以一致
xinshen yizhi yun jin cai keyi yizhi
ne di xi liangong kai yaodian
zhe shi liangong de yao dian

ni die yao ji zhu
nimen yao ji zhu
KungFu KungFu

Shaolin 36th Chamber
Don’t move Don’t move
师 傅教落 要扎稳马
shifu jiao luo yao zha wen ma
师 傅教过 要扎稳马步
shifu jiaoguo yao zha wen ma bu

KungFu KungFu
xia? Wo zhi xi dang ni ba
ha? Wo zhishi dang ni bazi
降 龙 伏 虎 laalaalaalaalaa…
xianglongfuhu laalaalaalaalaa…

一个二个初哥 bo po mo fo
Yige er ge chu ge bo po mo fo
一个二个菜鸟 bo po mo fo
yige er ge cainiao bo po mo fo
科科都祸 仲够胆嚟驳火切磋
ke ke dou huo zhong gou dan li bo huo qiecuo

每科都挂 还有胆量来火拼切磋
mei ke dou gua hai you danliang lai huopin qiecuo
快嘴 啰兮嗦 废话多多
kuaizui luo xi suo feihua duoduo
快嘴 啰嗦你妹 废话多多
kuaizui luosuo ni mei feihua duoduo
你只系只速龙 叫我钢锁
ni zhi xi zhi su long jiao wo gang suo

你只是只速龙 叫我钢锁
ni zhishi zhi su long jiao wo gang suo
科学 都分析唔到我 嘅Flow 内功
kexue dou fenxi wu dao wo kai Flow neigong
科学 都分析不了我 的Flow 内功
kexue dou fenxi buliao wo de Flow neigong
震爆你耳膜 眼角膜
zhen bao ni ermo yan jiaomo

震爆你的耳膜 眼角膜
zhen bao ni de ermo yan jiaomo
睇你脚步浮浮 吽吽哣哣
di ni jiaobu fu fu hong hong pou pou
看你脚步虚浮 恍恍惚惚
kan ni jiaobu xufu huang huanghu hu
拳法羞羞 鸡飞狗走 嗱
quanfa xiu xiu ji fei gou zou na

拳法羞羞 鸡飞狗走 瞧
quanfa xiu xiu ji fei gou zou qiao
太大力 卖力 太过 嘥力
tai dali maili taiguo sai li
太大力 卖力 太过 浪费力气
tai dali maili taiguo langfei liqi
我摆出 形态 迈步 我嘅太极
wo bai chu xingtai maibu wo kai taiji

我摆出 形态 迈步 我的太极
wo bai chu xingtai maibu wo de taiji
金刚不坏 鳌拜 都畀我拉直
jingang bu huai ao bai dou bi wo la zhi
金刚不坏 鳌拜 我都把他拉直
jingang bu huai ao bai wo du ba ta la zhi
Fighting 街头 直到天下太平
Fighting jietou zhidao tianxia taiping

Fighting 街头 直到天下太平
Fighting jietou zhidao tianxia taiping
Wo 我嘅弟子天下分布
Wo wo kai dizi tianxia fenbu
Wo 我的弟子天下分布
Wo wo de dizi tianxia fenbu
Wo 平息世界暴虐无道
Wo pingxi shijie baonue wu dao

Wo 平息世界暴虐无道
Wo pingxi shijie baonue wu dao
我嘅Flow 系甘草 不停Combo
wo kai Flow xi gancao bu ting Combo
我的Flow 是甘草 不停Combo
wo de Flow shi gancao bu ting Combo
吞云 吐雾 Rap界嘅洪金宝
tun yun tu wu Rap jie kai hongjinbao

吞云 吐雾 Rap界的洪金宝
tun yun tu wu Rap jie de hongjinbao
哼 你又肥又论尽 反应又迟钝
Heng ni you fei you lun jin fanying you chidun
哼 你又胖又笨重 反应又迟钝
heng ni you pang you benzhong fanying you chidun

hahaha ha ha…
Haosi ne yi quan!
Jiu xiang zhe yi quan!
Aiya! Ni hao ye!!

Aiya! You ni de!!
KungFu KungFu

KungFu KungFu
Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ye shimmy ye
Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ye shimmy ye
Don’t move Don’t move

Don’t move Don’t move
No one better than us yo
No one better than us yo
KungFu KungFu

KungFu KungFu
Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ye shimmy ye
Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ye shimmy ye
降 龙 伏 虎

降 龙 伏 虎
ju qi ni de quantou
gongfu pang KungFuPen:
当我们前来前来 别问点解 点解
Dang women qian lai qian lai bie wen dian jie dian jie

灭了那些妖孽来换点钱财 钱财
miele naxie yaonie lai huan dian qiancai qiancai
换件全白全白 带你回原来原来
huan jian quan bai quan baidai ni hui yuanlai yuanlai
来点Boombap把那些陷阱填埋 填埋
lai dian Boombap ba naxie xianjing tian mai tian mai
所有现实的压抑 反而让灵感如喷泉
suoyou xianshi de yayi fan’er rang linggan ru penquan

意志始终在发力 不卑不亢的咏春拳
yizhi shizhong zai fa li bubeibukang de yong chun quan
Beat是我的木人桩 千锤百炼铸成钢
Beat shi wo de mu ren zhuang qianchuibailian zhu cheng gang
万变不离其宗 始终 自由是根源
wan bian buli qi zong shizhong ziyou shi genyuan
我的KungFu没有Sifu 现实或虚无
wo de KungFu meiyou Sifu xianshi huo xuwu

心中自有太极 哪怕被师门驱逐
xinzhong zi you taiji napa bei shi men quzhu
捍卫自我不屈服 四海为家居无定所
hanwei ziwo bu qufu sihai wei jiaju wu ding suo
ke zou dao na duhui you yingxiong ju qi yibei jing wo
buxin ming ye buxin wo jiu na cuozhe lai lianbing

pin dian zhen jin baiyin zhengming xiang di tong na de jian jin
不再做堂吉诃德 要做个浪客剑心
bu zai zuo tang ji he de yao zuo ge lang ke jian xin
在战场上跳舞 要练武 先练心
zai zhanchang shang tiaowu yao lianwu xian lian xin
要练武 先练心啊 MY Brother
yao lianwu xian lian xin a MY Brother

KungFu KungFu
Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ye shimmy ye
Don’t move Don’t move

shaolin 36th Chamber
KungFu KungFu
No one better than us yo
降 龙 伏 虎 laalaalaalaalaa…
xianglongfuhu laalaalaalaalaa…

攞啲酒嚟 等我饮杯壮下胆
Luo di jiu li deng wo yin bei zhuang xia dan
拿酒来 让我喝一杯壮胆
na jiu lai rang wo he yibei zhuangdan
然后去搵佢 剥咗佢啲皮
ranhou qu wen qu bo zuo qu di pi

然后去找他 剥了他的皮
ranhou qu zhao ta bole ta de pi
KungFu Panda Punch精华
KungFu Panda Punch jinghua
KungFu Panda Punch精华
KungFu Panda Punch jinghua

气聚丹田 跟住升华
qi ju dantian gen zhu shenghua
气聚丹田 跟着升华
qi ju dantian genzhe shenghua
你班 明星要Feat 要经
ni ban mingxing yao Feat yao jing
你们这帮 明星要Feat 要经过
nimen zhe bang mingxing yao Feat yao jingguo

我精 气神嘅经 理人同你 倾下
wo jing qi shen kai jingli ren tong ni qing xia
我们精 气神的经 理人跟你 聊一下
women jing qi shen de jingli ren gen ni liao yixia
晚五朝九 蛇形刁手
wan wu chao jiu she xing diao shou
晚五朝九 蛇形刁手
wan wu chao jiu she xing diao shou

饮住烧酒 压韵总镖头
yin zhu shaojiu yayun zong biao tou
喝着烧酒 压韵总镖头
hezhe shaojiu yayun zong biao tou
形醉意不醉 步醉心不醉
xing zuiyi bu zui bu zuixin bu zui
形醉意不醉 步醉心不醉
xing zuiyi bu zui bu zuixin bu zui

来者不拒 欢迎嚟挑逗
lai zhe bu ju huanying li tiaodou
来者不拒 欢迎来逗
lai zhe bu ju huanying lai dou
江湖仇杀 唔撚讲道义
jianghu chousha wu nian jiang daoyi
江湖仇杀 太不讲道义
jianghu chousha tai bu jiang daoyi

周街都系贴住悬赏我嘅告示 老子
zhou jie dou xi tie zhu xuanshang wo kai gaoshi laozi
满街都是贴着悬赏我的告示 老子
man jie dou shi tiezhe xuanshang wo de gaoshi laozi
系你班武痴嘅 老师
xi ni ban wu chi kai laoshi
是你们这帮武痴的 老师
shi nimen zhe bang wu chi de laoshi

告知 你嘅 气数 已到此
gaozhi ni kai qishu yi dao ci
告知 你的 气数 已到此
gaozhi ni de qishu yi dao ci
我单枪匹马 你千兵万马
wo danqiangpima ni qian bing wan ma
我单枪匹马 你千兵万马
wo danqiangpima ni qian bing wan ma

兵临城下 我从冇惊怕
binglinchengxia wo cong mao jing pa
兵临城下 我从没有惊怕
binglinchengxia wo cong meiyou jing pa
我嘅气功令到通古斯 爆炸
wo kai qigong ling dao tonggusi baozha
我的气功令到通古斯 爆炸
wo de qigong ling dao tonggusi baozha

fangyuan ji shi li dou wu ganguo li wen jiao da
fangyuan ji shi li dou bu gan guolai tao jia da
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气功CheeKung (Qi Gongcheekung) (Ft. 功夫胖KungFuPen) – English Translation

Recorded AT Equipment
By white:

The strength can make steps
The strength can make steps
Stabilize the body
Stabilize the body

The heart of the heart can be consistent
The heart of the heart can be consistent
啲 啲 啲 功 要
This is the main point of practice

You have to remember
You have to remember
Kungfu kungfu

Shaolin 36th chamber
Don’t Move Don’t Move
Master Fu teaches to beat the horse
Fu teaches to take the sky

Kungfu kungfu
scare? I only take you target
what? I am just when you target
Dragon volts Laalaalalaalalalaalalaaaaaaaaaa …

A two first brother Bo Po Mo fo
Two rookie bo po mo fo
Koto disaster is bold and bold

Each department hangs and guts to fire
Quick mouth is much more nonsense
Quick mouth, your sister has a lot of nonsense.
You only are just a speed dragon called me a steel lock.

You just only call me steel lock
Science is analyzing, I am flowing up.
The science has not analyzed my flow.
Shock your eardrum cornea

Shock your eardrum cornea
Hey, you are floating floating
See your footsteps
Boxing, shame, flying dog walking

Boxing mosy chicken flying dog walking
Too much to sell too much
Too much selling too wasteful
I put on the form and step my generous.

I am going to step my Tai Chi.
Jin Jigang is not bad, I will pull me straight.
Jin Jigang is not bad, I will pull him straight.
Fighting street until the world is peaceful

Fighting street until the world is peaceful
Wo, I am disciples the world distribution
WO my disciple’s world distribution
WO sags world violently

WO sags world violently
I am flowing with licorice to keep combo
My Flow is licorice to keep combo
Swallowing clouds RAP

Hong Jinbao, swallowing clouds, RAP
By white:
Hey, you have fat, and the reaction is slow
Hey, you are fat and stupid and slow

Hahahahaha …
It seems like a punch!
Just like this!
Damn! Hello! !

Damn! with your’s! !
Kungfu kungfu

Kungfu kungfu
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Ye Shimmy Ye
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Ye Shimmy Ye
Don’t Move Don’t Move

Don’t Move Don’t Move
No One Better Than US Yo
No One Better Than US Yo
Kungfu kungfu

Kungfu kungfu
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Ye Shimmy Ye
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Ye Shimmy Ye
Dragon volts

Dragon volts
Lift your fist
Kung Fu fat kungfupen:
When we come to come, don’t ask you to explain

Extinguish those enchanting to change money money
The exclusion is full of white whole white to bring you back to the original
Come to Boombap put those traps landfill
All reality depressed, let the inspiration such as fountain

Will always have a good fortune
BEAT is my woodman, thousands of hammers, cultured steel
Wan change is not to be rooted from its belongings
My kungfu has no SIFU reality or no virtual

The heart is self-contained in the heart, I am expelled by the teacher.
Defend the self-incomplending four seas
I will have a hero to raise a cup to respect me.
If you don’t hunch, I don’t believe I will take setbacks.

Constrive to the real gold and silver prove to be like Di Tong
No longer donors to be a royal sword
Dancing on the battlefield must practice Wu first practice
To practice Wu first practice my brother

Kungfu kungfu
Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Ye Shimmy Ye
Don’t Move Don’t Move

Shaolin 36th chamber
Kungfu kungfu
No One Better Than US Yo
Dragon volts Laalaalalaalalalaalalaaaaaaaaaa …

By white:
攞啲 攞啲 嚟 嚟 我 我 我 我 我 杯 下
Take the wine to let me drink a cup
Then go to the peel

Then I went to find him to peeled his skin.
Kungfu Panda Punch Essence
Kungfu Panda Punch Essence

气 田 跟 住 升
Gas gathering Dantian followed by sublimation
Your class star wants feat to be
You have a star to fen.

I am essential people to play with you.
Our essence of the god of gods talks with you.
Night five Dynasties
Night five Dynasties

Drinking the burning alcohol
Drinking a burning rhyme
Dunition is not drunk in turn, not drunk
Dunition is not drunk in turn, not drunk

Come, don’t refuse to welcome you to tease
Come, don’t refuse to welcome
Jianghu hatred 道 道
The rivers and lakes are too unspeak

Zhou Street is busy with the reward, I am tell to Laozi.
Full street is a reward for me to notice Laozi
Serie Your Teacher
Is your teacher of this help

Tell you that the number of meters has been here
Inform you that the number of meters has been here
I am a single gun, you
I am a single gun, you

I am afraid of the soldiers.
I never afraid of the soldiers.
I am angry to Tonggus explosion
My Qigong order to Tonggus explosion

Fangyuan dozens miles dare to pay
Fangyuan dozens of miles don’t dare to come over
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Pinyin Lyrics Fei Bao (肥宝), 功夫胖KungFuPen – 气功CheeKung (Qi Gongcheekung) (Ft. 功夫胖KungFuPen) 歌词

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