Pinyin Lyrics Shi Wen Bin (施文彬) – 7258(請愛我吧) 歌词

7258(請愛我吧) Lyrics – Shi Wen Bin (施文彬)

Singer: Shi Wen Bin (施文彬)
Title: 7258(請愛我吧)

Changjiu yilai, youyu zhengzhi jueli de guanxi, liang ge chengshi de ming zheng an duo yue yan
yue lie, budan touguo meiti fang hua, geng jingchang zhaoji qunzhong fadong shiwei youxing,
jin jian qi suqiu neirong da bufen yu min ce de liyi youguan, dan mei ci jingguo zhengdang
xieshang de jieguo, laobaixing tongchang bushi zuihou huo yi zhe﹒wei du zheci [quanmin

fan shilian da youxing] shi chaoyue dangpai yu diyuan guanxi de qunzhong yundong, zhengge dong
yuan guocheng yu qunzhong de reqing dou rang ren shen shen de tihui dao: Zhengzhi hao kepa aiqing zhen weida
<女主播> 歡迎收看這一節焦點新聞。由【保護愛情協會】、
huanying shoukan zhe yijie jiaodian xinwen. You [baohu aiqing xiehui],
[shilian zhe wenjiao jijin hui deng guonei shu shi ge tuanti suo faqi de

【 7 2 5 8全民反失戀大遊行】此刻正在失戀區場集結,目
[7 2 5 8 quanmin fan shilian da youxing] cike zhengzai shilian qu chang jijie, mu
qian you gedi feng yong er lai de shilian renchao yi zhujian zengduo, bing youqiwuli de changzhe
(meiyou shilian na you ba)(aiqing bu liu luo tu men) gen (dadi yi sheng can)
deng shilian ge you, youyu canyu de qunzhong duoban mianrong qiaocui shenqing luomo,

:因此現場秩序十分良好預計遊行將在稍後 5:2 0準時出發
: Yinci xianchang zhixu shifen lianghao yuji youxing jiang zai shao hou 5:2 0 Zhunshi chufa
, qing suishi suoding ben tai wei nin suo zuo de zhuizong baodao.
(Qing ai wo ba) wo yao wei ni faqi yici zili jiuji
yong ziji de liliang wanhui ni di meili

我會發表演說高聲抗議 並且排除暴力
wo hui fabiao yanshuo gao sheng kangyi bingqie paichu baoli
(qing ai wo ba) wo yao wei ni faqi yici shiwei youxing
用民主的手段 挽回你的心靈
yong minzhu de shouduan wanhui ni de xinling
wo hui sanfa lixing touzhi aiqing, danshijianchi heping

(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan
(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan
(qing ai wo ba) mian dui wenti bie shua shouduan, ni buyao zai duocang
(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan

(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan
(qing ai wo ba) yizai taobi hui hen nankan
不出面解決 我跟你沒完
bu chumian jiejue wo gen ni meiwan
wen shi jian qing shi he wu? Zhi jiao rensheng sixiang xu!

Jizhe suozai de weizhi zheng shi shilian guangchang, zai wo beihou ye jiushi jintian (7258
quanmin fan shilian da youxing) de zhihui tai, ganggang xuduo shilian daibiao dou yijing fenfen
shangtai kusu, genju zhuban danwei, ye jiushi guonei zuida de shilian tuanti
[yanyi renyuan shilian lianmeng] biaoshi, shao houtian chang shi yu di jiu shi shizhang duhui lai dao

xianchang, zhengge youxing jiang zai liang wei shizhang ba yi ke posui de xin yong OK beng niantie hao hou
開始出發~~ 是的,現在兩位市長都已經來到現場,觀眾透過畫面
kaishi chufa ~~ shi de, xianzai liang wei shizhang dou yijing lai dao xianchang, guanzhong touguo huamian
keyi kan dao tamen ba nian hao de xin gao gao ju qi ~
哇 又破了 由於今天失戀廣場的風勢太大,
wa you pole youyu jintian shilian guangchang de fengshi tai da,

suoyixianchang xiande youdian shoumangjiaoluan, hao xianzai posui de xin zhong, yu you bei xiuhaole.
Liang wei shizhang youdian ganga di xiang dajia huishou zhiyi, jin jiezhe youxing duiwu yijing man man
suizhe [shilian geshou dan le bu] jin baiming geshou suo yanchang de (sihai du you shilian ren)
de gesheng huan huan qianjin, yishang shi jizhe de xianchang baodao,

buyao zou kai, women mashang huilai
(qing ai wo ba) wo yao wei ni faqi yici zili jiuji
用自己的力量 挽回你的美麗
yong ziji de liliang wanhui ni di meili
我會發表演說高聲抗議 並且排除暴力
wo hui fabiao yanshuo gao sheng kangyi bingqie paichu baoli

(qing ai wo ba) wo yao wei ni faqi yici shiwei youxing
用民主的手段挽回你的心靈 我會散發理性
yong minzhu de shouduan wanhui ni de xinling wo hui sanfa lixing
投擲愛情 但是堅持和平
touzhi aiqing danshi jianchi heping
(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan

(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan
(請愛我吧)面對問題別耍手段 你不要再躲藏
(qing ai wo ba) mian dui wenti bie shua shouduan ni buyao zai duocang
(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan
(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan

(qing ai wo ba) yizai taobi hui hen nankan
不出面解決 我跟你沒完
bu chumian jiejue wo gen ni meiwan
wan’an, gewei guanzhong: Shouxian women lai guanxin guonei xinwen,
tan lian’ai shi xiandai ren shengming dangzhong xiangdang zhongyao de yi xiang keti,

jinnian lai guonei yinwei shilian suo yansheng de shehui shijian cengchubuqiong,
愛情既讓人期待,也讓人受傷害 究竟愛情有什麼魔力,
aiqing ji rang ren qidai, ye rang ren shou shanghai jiujing aiqing you she me moli,
aiqing you she me daoli? Yixia, shi women de baodao:
qishi yigeren de shenghuo ye bu suan tai huai, zhishi yao liang ge rencai nenggou tan lian’ai,

一場名為【 7 2 5 8請愛我吧】全民反失戀的示威遊行,
yichang ming wei [7 2 5 8 qing ai wo ba] quanmin fan shilian de shiwei youxing,
在今天下午舉行 這次遊行可以說台灣近年來規模最大的
zai jintian xiawu juxing zheci youxing keyi shuo taiwan jinnian lai guimo zuida de
qunzhong yundong, canyu zhe budan chaoyue dangpai, sheng ji, nianling, geng bufa zhengshang mingliu
, zhiming yanyi renyuan deng gongzhong renwu, genju tamen de shengming, tamen fuchu aiqing,

kewang aiqing, danshi shehui shang chongchizhe tai duo shilian de xunxi yu shangpin,
yi zaocheng shilian renkou de ju zeng, bing yan chong yingxiang guoren de shengchanli,
er meinian yinwei shilian suo zaocheng de shehui shijian, ye haofeile tai duo shehui chengben,
ta yaoqiu zhengfu lifa jinzhi shilian, bing yanchu xingdong ju guli qunzhong duo tan lian’ai,

不要分手 另一方面,有關單位對於這次的事件也格外重視,
buyao fenshou ling yi fangmian, youguan danwei duiyu zheci de shijian ye gewai zhongshi,
bing touguo meiti huyu minzhong, jiusuan shiqu aiqing, ye qian wan buyao shiqu lizhi!
<女主播>好的 稍後我們將透過SNG連線,為您報導
hao de shao hou women jiang touguo SNG lian xian, wei nin baodao
youxing xianchang zuixin zhuangkuang, buyao zou kai, women mashang huilai ~

(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan
(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan
(請愛我吧)面對問題別耍手段 你不要再躲藏
(qing ai wo ba) mian dui wenti bie shua shouduan ni buyao zai duocang
(qing ai wo ba) gei wo aiqing qiyu mian tan

(qing ai wo ba) bie yong leishui jiang wo qusan
(qing ai wo ba) yizai taobi hui hen nankan
不出面解決 我跟你沒完
bu chumian jiejue wo gen ni meiwan
<女主播>有關( 7 2 5 8全民反失戀遊行)活動,
youguan (7 2 5 8 quanmin fan shilian youxing) huodong,

women ganggang shou dao zuixin xiaoxi, zhe chang yuanben shifen xianghe de youxing, youyu zuihou de
tanpan polie ceng yidu zaocheng yanzhong chongtu, suoxing jingguo ge fang nuli xietiao zhihou,
衝突並末擴大 現在抗議的群眾不願離開現場,
chongtu bing mo kuoda xianzai kangyi de qunzhong bu yuan likai xianchang,
er cong gedi gan lai shengyuan de ren chao geng buduan de zengduo,

yi xia shi jizhe de xianchang baodao-shi de! Zai wo beihou jiushi jintian
(quanmin fan shilian da youxing) de youxing qunzhong, women lai ting ting tamen zenme shuo!
chumian jiejue, buyao taobi, gei wo aiqing, qiyu mian tan,
zhengqu daodi, yong bu tuoxie, wo yao aiqing, wo yao aiqing, wo yao aiqing……
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7258(請愛我吧) – English Translation

For a long time, due to the relationship between political, the two cities have a big fight
Tier, not only through the media, more often call the masses to launch the demonstration,
Most of the content of the claims is related to the interests of the people, but each time
The results of negotiation, the people usually not the final benefit. Only this time [National

Anti-love big parade] is a mass movement that transcends the party and the earth relationship.
The enthusiasm of the staff and the enthusiasm of the masses arrived: politics is terrible and terrible
Welcome to this focus news. From [Protection Love Association],
[Last Lovers Culture and Education Foundation and other domestic tens of groups

[7 2 5 8 National Real Essay] At this moment, there is a collection of lovers in love.
The losses that have been flocked by all places have gradually increased, and they can sing weakly.
(Without love, there is no love) (love does not leave the earth) and (the earth is very miserable)
Waiting for love songs, because the people involved, there are more than half of the people,

: Therefore, the field order is very good. It is expected that the parade will start at 5: 2 0.
Please keep this desk for the tracking report for you.
(Please love me) I have to launch a self-reliance for you.
Roll your beauty with your own strength

I will give a speech to protest and exclude violence.
(Please love me) I have to launch a demonstration for you.
Roll back your mind with democratic means
I will distribute rationally throwing love, but insist on peace.

(Please love me) give me the restless
(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.
(Please love me) Face a problem, don’t hide again.
(Please love me) give me the restless

(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.
(Please love me) I will escape again and again.
I don’t come out to solve it.
What is the difference between the world? Direct people live in life and death!

The position of the reporter is from the venue of love, it is today (7258)
The head of the whole people’s anti-love, the commander, has just been many lost loves.
It’s a cry according to the organizer, that is, the largest love group in China.
[Virgin Love Alliance] said that later the long-term city and the mayor of the land will come

At the scene, the entire parade will use a broken heart to stick it with ok.
Starting from ~~ Yes, now the two mayor have come to the scene, the audience through the picture
You can see that they will raise their sticky heart ~
Wow, I broke it, because the trend of my late love square is too big,

So the scene seems to be a bit of hands, and now the broken heart is finally repaired.
The two mayor are a bit awkward to everyone, followed by the parade team.
With the [Love Singer “, nearly 100 singers (four waters have a lovers)
The song slowly moved, and the above is the reporter’s live report.

Don’t go away, we will come back soon.
(Please love me) I have to launch a self-reliance for you.
Roll your beauty with your own strength
I will give a speech to protest and exclude violence.

(Please love me) I have to launch a demonstration for you.
Reling your mind with democratic means I will distribute rationality
Throw love but stick to peace
(Please love me) give me the restless

(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.
(Please love me) Face a problem, don’t play, you don’t hide again.
(Please love me) give me the restless
(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.

(Please love me) I will escape again and again.
I don’t come out to solve it.
Good night, visitors: First of all, let us care about domestic news,
Talking to love is a very important issue in the life of modern people.

In recent years, the social events derived from lovers in love have emerged in the country.
Love is both expecting, what is the magic of love,
What is the truth? Here are our report:
In fact, a person’s life is not too bad, just two people can love in love,

A named [7 2 5 8 please love me] The demonstration of the whole people’s anti-love
At this afternoon, this parade can be said that Taiwan has the largest scale in recent years.
The masses of sports, participants not only transcend the party, provincial, age, and more people
, Public figures such as well-known performance artwork, according to their statement, they pay love,

I am eager, but the society is full of messy messages and goods,
It has caused the increase in the population of the vermicapology and seriously affecting the productivity of the Chinese.
The social incident caused by love in love is also costly, and it has spent too many social costs.
He asked the government to legislate to prohibit loss of love, and the performance drama encourages the masses to fall in love.

Don’t break up on the other hand, the relevant units pay special attention to this event,
And through the media calls people, even if you lose your love, don’t lose your reason!
Well, we will report by SNG,
The latest situation of the parade, don’t go away, we will come back soon ~

(Please love me) give me the restless
(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.
(Please love me) Face a problem, don’t play, you don’t hide again.
(Please love me) give me the restless

(Please love me) Don’t use tears to disperse me.
(Please love me) I will escape again and again.
I don’t come out to solve it.
Related to (7 2 5 8th National Results Parade) activities,

We have just received the latest news, this original very peaceful parade, due to the last
The rupture of negotiations once caused serious conflicts, fortunately, after all parties have worked hard,
The masses who expand the current protest in the end of the conflict are not willing to leave the scene.
And people who have rushed from all over the world continue to increase,

The following is the reporter’s live report – Yes! Behind me is today
(National anti-love big parade) parade, let us listen to what they say!
Assembly solved, don’t escape, give me love, restless,
Strive to go, never compromise, I want to love, I want to love, I want to love …
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Pinyin Lyrics Shi Wen Bin (施文彬) – 7258(請愛我吧) 歌词

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