KPKB 2021 Rewind Lyrics – Namewee (黃明志)
Singer: Namewee (黃明志)
Title: KPKB 2021 Rewind
KPKB 2021 REWIND 啊來!
KPKB 2021 REWIND a lai!
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
又有人出代誌 又在放臭屁 PKHKC
you youren chu dai zhi you zai fang chou pi PKHKC
Hello Are You Ready 又要KPKB
Hello Are You Ready you yao KPKB
啊 爽啊 來啊 來啊Kick
a shuang a lai a lai a Kick
啊 林北來送你上Trending
a lin bei lai song ni shang Trending
Goodbye 啦 2020
Goodbye la 2020
lin bei zai taibei duo Covid-19
Malaysia的疫情 Uncle Auntie 開心
Malaysia de yiqing Uncle Auntie kaixin
baochi si wei shu caineng tiantian mai 4D
聖水喝了能治病 想當總代理
shengshui hele neng zhi bing xiang dang zong daili
印度神童又來了 會有大事情
yindu shentong you laile hui you da shiqing
喔果然河馬被哭哭了 雞雞偷笑了
o guoran hema bei ku kule ji ji tou xiaole
趕快找個Sugar Baby 關掉了
gankuai zhao ge Sugar Baby guan diaole
chen bo bu xiaoxin shejinqu
zheng shuang jiu yao daiyun
bushuang jiu she hou bu li
我問天 我問天 雞排袂當創治
wo wen tian wo wen tian ji pai mei dang chuangzhi
他可以 Only You不行
ta keyi Only You buxing
想變幾白幾白 你罵他是Racist
xiang bian ji bai ji bai ni ma ta shi Racist
有人黑黑醬 旁邊兩個大美女
youren heihei jiang pangbian liang ge da meinu
Clubhouse! 高潮一晚就被GG
Clubhouse! Gaochao yi wan jiu bei GG
Democracy! Free Aung San Suu Kyi
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
又有人出代誌 又在放臭屁 PKHKC
you youren chu dai zhi you zai fang chou pi PKHKC
啊! 一代 一代 一代 一代
a! Yidai yidai yidai yidai
肝膽排石法 真的好神奇
gandan pai shi fa zhen de hao shenqi
啊 爽啊 發啦 加密貨幣
a shuang a fa la jiami huobi
啊 林北來送你上Trending
a lin bei lai song ni shang Trending
中國說 黑鳳梨太毒咱不要買
zhongguo shuo hei fengli tai du zan bu yao mai
兩百箱包起來 Youtuber响祥也來Show Time
liang bai xiangbao qilai Youtuber xiang xiang ye lai Show Time
shu shu kaibo yao ting
qianren lan pa qie diao jiu neng huaiyun
RIP三叔 (啊啊啊啊啊!) 永遠懷念你 (啊啊啊啊啊!)
RIP san shu (a a a a a!) Yongyuan huainian ni (a a a a a!)
網美愛低胸開Party (Wow!)
Wang mei’ai di xiong kai Party (Wow!)
打針插隊的很大粒 (Nah!)
Dazhen chadui de hen dali (Nah!)
只怕一萬(f#ck) 不怕萬一(Phooi)
Zhi pa yi wan (f#ck) bupa wan yi (Phooi)
Pukimak不爽就敲玻璃 (Cina Babi!)
Pukimak bushuang jiu qiao boli (Cina Babi!)
Riben de zhongji lamei zhenxiang
hai youren dao Hotel da bing pang
不管彈Keyboard 還是彈鋼琴
buguan dan Keyboard haishi dan gangqin
shangdiao lu nainai zhen haokan
Hello Everybody準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
Namewee Serah Diri 因為有Babi PKHKC
Namewee Serah Diri yinwei you Babi PKHKC
要學空手道 不打咕咕叫
yao xue kongshoudao bu da gu gu jiao
rang quanmin yiqilai tong guiyu jin
a ali shan de guniang kuai taoming
a ~a ~
明星愛多人運動 (啊!) 好爽都到處進洞 (咻!)
mingxing ai duo ren yundong (a!) Hao shuang dou daochu jin dong (xiu!)
福島的核廢水噢 很好喝 快點來舔一口 (喇)
Fudao de he feishui o hen hao he kuai dian lai tian yikou (la)
吃我的飯 砸我的碗 下架你Nike買光光
chi wo de fan za wo de wan xia jia ni Nike mai guang guang
E神好神快切斷 (操)
E shen hao shen kuai qie duan (cao)
Abibas Uncle Martian Zare好棒 (驚呆了!)
Abibas Uncle Martian Zare hao bang (jing daile!)
多少冤魂卡在隧道 因為有人闖禍還他媽想逃 (f#ck You)
Duoshao yuanhun ka zai suidao yinwei youren chuanghuo hai ta ma xiang tao (f#ck You)
Ramadhan zhen de hao renao
Mata lai liao zheci chili liao
小妹妹確診 辭職出Pattern
xiao meimei quezhen cizhi chu Pattern
還好Badminton 後繼有人
hai hao Badminton houji youren
BB不要跳 Bomba給你抱抱
BB buyao tiao Bomba gei ni bao bao
還有很多網友 要來拿包包
hai you henduo wangyou yao lai na bao bao
Hello Everybody準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
飛機杯Profit低 給你看Pet Pet 才能賺大錢(唉唷)
feiji bei Profit di gei ni kan Pet Pet caineng zhuan daqian (ai yo)
蘇伊士運河 Very Expensive
suyishi yunhe Very Expensive
啊 水啦 小米 請大師設計
a shui la xiaomi qing dashi she ji
啊 林北來送你上Trending
a lin bei lai song ni shang Trending
玉蘭花~ 啊玉蘭花~
yu lanhua ~ a yu lanhua ~
新垣突然嫁出去 (Yameteh)
xinyuan turan jia chuqu (Yameteh)
Sorry新郎不是你 (Nani)
Sorry xinlang bushi ni (Nani)
首富要離 (Bye!) 女生Happy (Yeah!)
shoufu yao li (Bye!) Nusheng Happy (Yeah!)
Kuai dian dao Microsoft ouyu
Avengers Group裡有Sim Card有IC
Avengers Group li you Sim Card you IC
MCO沒有錢了 快點Add我進去
MCO meiyou qianle kuai dian Add wo jinqu
不然我就用咕咕叫頂你 給我Test一下先
buran wo jiu yong gu gu jiao ding ni gei wo Test yixia xian
kan shui de Nene bijiao ying
yindu bianzhong bingdu hen gou li
kuai dao heng he qun ju ya yajing
Where is your badge? Are you arresting me?
I’m from I.M.H. Who are you representing?
There are two cars kissing each other (Hehehehe)
I cakap putih first thing in the morning (Hehehehe)
Don’t provoke provoke I give you one thousand
And you terminate me? No wonder lah (Hehehehe)
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
強姦找十八歲 十七不可以 聽老師教你 (Stand With Ain)
qiangjian zhao shiba sui shiqi bu keyi ting laoshi jiao ni (Stand With Ain)
萬華的竹筍 又大又補身體
wan hua de zhusun you da you bu shenti
wo hen hen hen hen ai zhongguo
真的對不起 答答答啦答
zhen de duibuqi da da da la da
da da da la da
da da la da
捉黑警 找YB
zhuo hei jing zhao YB
最重要 拍照片Call媒體 (Cik Cak)
zui zhongyao pai zhaopian Call meiti (Cik Cak)
小弟弟 (來) 喝KOPI
xiao didi (lai) he KOPI
不要緊 有問題 找證據 先捉你
buyao jin you wenti zhao zhengju xian zhuo ni
發現惡勢力鬥不過 快甩鍋 (Bye)
faxian e shili dou buguo kuai shuai guo (Bye)
五百塊拍完照 還給我 (Kek心啊)
wubai kuai pai wan zhao hai gei wo (Kek xin a)
被批評? 趕快派水軍 ‘Fxxk You Namewee’
bei piping? Gankuai pai shuijun’Fxxk You Namewee’
轉移焦點 明年投給我
zhuanyi jiaodian mingnian tou gei wo
多喝水 不要Coca-Cola
duo he shui buyao Coca-Cola
三更半夜嫑睡 Tengok Bola
san geng banye bao shui Tengok Bola
ma de yimiao heshi cai lun dao wo
美國英國 啊不然就打中國
meiguo yingguo a buran jiu da zhong guo
renjia feiji fei dou daole touding
zuguo ren shuo’aiya bu dajin’
fanzheng zanmen er dou shi hao xiongdi
huanying tongbao kuai dian er lai ruqin
Hello Everybody
zhunbei KPKB
排隊去買報紙 天空落大雨
paidui qu mai baozhi tiankong luo dayu
怕人身有屎 (撐蘋果)
pa renshen you shi (cheng pingguo)
剝蝦殼餵妳 (大笨蛋)
bo xia ke wei nai (da bendan)
hanjian da sha B
Let’s Report Unlike and Keep Spamming
Anyonghaseyo Blink Come Sxxk My Dxxk
Look At You Now Look At Me Look At You Now Look At Me
Look At You Now Look At Me
And How You Like That That That That That That
舉白旗 快撐不下去
ju baiqi kuai cheng bu xiaqu
quanmin shanxin Foodbank buyao tai tanxin
gaoju hei qi kangyi
meitian du zai po wan
yiyuan bugou yangqi
你還玩Politic (Katak!)
ni hai wan Politic (Katak!)
Dajia gankuai qidao
lou shi yi bu hao (Boot)
Spanish de cangying tai duole (Zzzz)
貓山王的生意太好(Money) 不給他撈統統砍掉
mao shanwang de shengyi tai hao (Money) bu gei ta lao tongtong kan diao
太Skrr啦! 小姐要Freestyle嗎? (666)
tai Skrr la! Xiaojie yao Freestyle ma? (666)
半夜來房間 我餵妳牙籤 (有點兒東西)
Banye lai fangjian wo wei nai yaqian (youdian er dongxi)
開保時捷 載妳 捏我咖稱
kai baoshijie zai nai nie wo ka cheng
This Is 最新潮’開放式性關係’
This Is zuixin chao’kaifang shi xing guanxi’
英國隊被激到吐血 決定三年不吃義大利麵
yingguo dui bei ji dao tuxie jueding san nian bu chi yidali mian
gong lu ku ku dengle wushi nian
Antetokounmpo daodi zenyang nian
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
擦屁布擦屁屁 洗澡用清水 做人要自律 (好可怕)
ca pi bu ca pi pi xizao yong qingshui zuoren yao zilu (hao kepa)
地鐵被滅頂(RIP) 鄭州在哭泣
ditie bei mieding (RIP) zhengzhou zai kuqi
啊 拍電影拍到被抓進去
a pai dianying pai dao bei zhua jinqu
啊 X你阿公電影發展局
a X ni agong dianying fazhan ju
zhege mian ta you zhang you kuan (Skrr)
zhege wan ta you da you yuan (Skrr)
奧運看帥哥美女 (Phew!)
aoyun kan shuaige meinu (Phew!)
請問騰訊祖國在哪裡? (操!)
Qingwen tengxun zuguo zai nali? (Cao!)
Watch out 是英語
Watch out shi yingyu
美國排第二名 港台要加進去 咱們兒是世界第一 (Watch Out!)
meiguo pai di er ming gang tai yao jia jinqu zanmen er shi shijie di yi (Watch Out!)
啊網民全都變加藤鷹 泰國一夜反超 Oii Geng金金
A wangmin quandou bian jiateng ying taiguo yiye fanchao Oii Geng jin jin
jiu lian zheng en ou ba dou lai dian maomi
mei xi ku ku base long nafu bu qi
恭喜丁丁確診破了一百萬 (Huat lah!)
gongxi dingding quezhen pole yibai wan (Huat lah!)
拜拜了換海龜生蛋 (Yummy!)
Baibaile huan haigui sheng dan (Yummy!)
好聲音那英都退場 (Bye!)
Hao shengyin naying dou tuichang (Bye!)
就像Only Fans看不到奶奶 (波波)
Jiu xiang Only Fans kan bu dao nainai (bo bo)
塔利班好(好!) 塔利班妙(妙!) 老美滾蛋(Go!) 領導在笑(Ha!)
taliban hao (hao!) Taliban miao (miao!) Lao mei gundan (Go!) Lingdao zai xiao (Ha!)
咱們兒來邦交 不爽就砰掉
Zanmen er lai bangjiao bushuang jiu peng diao
女人和女孩 快來信教 (Chi Pa Boom!)
nuren he nuhai kuai laixin jiao (Chi Pa Boom!)
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
ya jie zui jing a yi
落選就落選 星爺最鍾意 (玩水!)
luoxuan jiu luoxuan xing ye zui zhongyi (wan shui!)
Malaysia Need Your Help (Please Help!)
Thank You Boss Money
啊 偷渡犯 養殖場 Fxxk You b#tch 啊 安樂死的為什麼不是你
a toudu fan yangzhi chang Fxxk You b#tch a anlesi de weisheme bushi ni
沒有塔利班就沒有新阿富汗 有了塔利班才有新的阿富汗
meiyou taliban jiu meiyou xin afuhan youle taliban cai you xin de afuhan
見鬼啦年度金曲 (嘿嘿)
jiangui la niandu jinqu (hei hei)
zhe shi Reality ke zai xian ge de xindi (ai yo)
周董說沒有抄 不要吵
zhou dong shuo meiyou chao buyao chao
禁娘砲 快封掉
jin niang pao kuai feng diao
韓國佬 什麼偶像團體?
hanguo lao shenme ouxiang tuanti?
You yige guniang
她有些任性 所以就應該封殺
ta youxie renxing suoyi jiu yinggai fengsha
hai you yige guniang
她有點乳滑 看起來很悠亞
ta youdian ru hua kan qilai hen you ya
meiguojianada huzhao de kuai dian gun
huozhe Viva yao dang ge zhongguo ren
歷史不用考 你才吃不飽
lishi buyong kao ni cai chi bu bao
乖乖學貓叫 不許黃梅調
guaiguai xue mao jiao buxu huangmei diao
小孩不能玩Game 不能追選秀(NO)
xiaohai buneng wan Game buneng zhui xuanxiu (NO)
蓮霧釋迦有蟲蟲 別進口(Ban)
lian wu shijia you chong chong bie jinkou (Ban)
明星粉專 統統來封號 滅掉
mingxing fen zhuan tongtong lai fenghao mie diao
nansheng jiu yao liu huzi lian jirou
Hello Everybody
zhunbei KPKB
gankuai qu lan ka wei
一起搭飛機 呼吸大大力(Shiok Oh!)
yi qi da feiji huxi da da li (Shiok Oh!)
Wukelan Sorry
Malaysia tai gou li (Soli)
啊 網民和元首一起來Kick 啊
a wangmin he yuanshou yi qilai Kick a
jinrong haixiao laile gankuai tiao xiaqu
有一個姑娘她有一點叛逆 她還有一些瘋狂
you yige guniang ta you yidian panni ta hai you yixie fengkuang
zuguo shuo jingwai shili yao duikang (cao!)
Duan dian bushuang jiu ziji wa meikuang (niu bi!)
去到深圳南(吓!) 好撚多規則(屌!)
Qu dao shenzhen nan (xia!) Hao nian duo guize (diao!)
講聲加油 仲敏感過 蔫頭大髀內側
Jiang sheng jiayou zhong minganguo nian tou da bi neice
gangqin jia lian zhifa (Yeah)
只是鬆一下就被抓去關 (No)
zhishi song yixia jiu bei zhua qu guan (No)
xiang yaoguo ge Customs qu ya long jiaoji fan
不如躺在家 看歐巴舔餅乾(喇~)
buru tang zaijia kan ou ba tian bingqian (la ~)
taiwan YouTube wang hong da mafan
AV看膩不夠爽 變臉換一換
AV kan ni bugou shuang bianlian huan yi huan
被揭瘡疤 哭哭
bei jie chuangba ku ku
炎上 脫口來回嗆
yanshang tuokou laihui qiang
jiu xiang lan lu gongfang zhan
罷免3Q very Much
bamian 3Q very Much
huairen bu zhuo zhuo a gua
人才全部Lari Australia
rencai quanbu Lari Australia
喝杯威士忌 法蒂瑪pun 賭懶
he bei weishiji fa di ma pun du lan
歡迎光臨吉蘭丹 包到像肉粽
huanying guanglin ji lan dan bao dao xiang rou zong
Hello Everybody
zhunbei KPKB
We are One Family
不要49還是51(Satu Malaysia)
buyao 49 haishi 51(Satu Malaysia)
小心Little Pink (Pinky)
xiaoxin Little Pink (Pinky)
boli xin sui man di
啊 歐美紐澳新馬港台都在Trending啊
a oumei niu ao xin ma gang tai dou zai Trending a
jiushi yao lai kan ni sen qiqi
想買4D不能去吉打 (Salah!)
xiang mai 4D buneng qu ji da (Salah!)
吉蘭丹假奶奶都會被捉 (Alamak!)
Ji lan dan jia nainai duhui bei zhuo (Alamak!)
窮人都買Food Panda (哈!)
Qiong ren dou mai Food Panda (ha!)
駕著Grab Car (哈哈!)
Jiazhe Grab Car (haha!)
Zuo Bomba yongyuan chi bu qi Siakap
Sorry da ma meiyou zhangjin hu
fei qu xianggang xiyuan bu hui du
taoyuan 7-11 tai weixian
kuai dao chuangshang lai pei guan ren da wangqiu
Dior太醜 用美圖秀秀 (Oh!)
Dior tai chou yong mei tu xiu xiu (Oh!)
MAMA滾蛋 國家面前無偶像 (滾!)
MAMA gundan guo jia mianqian wu ouxiang (gun!)
有人聽哭 有人到牆外戰 (操!)
Youren ting ku youren dao qiang wai zhan (cao!)
Zhege jiushi yinyue de liliang
xiao fangzi yao nian duo yidian
caineng lidi cheng fo ranhou shengtian
來到元宇宙 (Meta!) 重新來過 (Go!)
lai dao yuan yuzhou (Meta!) Chongxin laiguo (Go!)
買房車 買棟樓 買個老婆 (Cool~)
Maifang che mai dong lou mai ge laopo (Cool~)
Hello Everybody
zhunbei KPKB
bie wen wo NFT
xiang yao fa da cai
一樣要努力 (Huat Lah!)
yiyang yao nuli (Huat Lah!)
馬六甲變天 (呵呵)
Maliujia bian tian (hehe)
yiqie da hui yuanxing
啊 爽啊 Katak全部跳來跳去
a shuang a Katak quanbu tiao lai tiao qu
啊 怪完投票率然後怪黨旗
a guai wan toupiao shuai ranhou guai dangqi
zuo shang na dongche qu taiwan
ranhou zai zai ni qu da gaoduan
(噓!) 師奶殺手 倒轉地球
(xu!) Shi nai shashou daozhuan diqiu
(噓!) 水撥用手 爆大石頭
(xu!) Shui bo yong shou bao da shitou
(噓!) Ban掉Intel 丟電腦
(xu!) Ban diao Intel diu diannao
祖國好 新疆人 死多少 都不重要
zuguo hao xinjiang ren si duoshao dou bu chong yao
跳過Nu 跳過Xi 世衛乖學狗叫 (Omicron來到)
tiaoguo Nu tiaoguo Xi shi wei guai xue gou jiao (Omicron lai dao)
送疫苗 做外交 大外宣報一報 (官員在偷笑)
song yimiao zuo waijiao da wai xuan bao yibao (guanyuan zai tou xiao)
華人學華語用筷子不好 (Hanah!)
huaren xue huayu yong kuaizi bu hao (Hanah!)
好過有人講話從來不用腦 (老Kok Kok!)
Haoguo youren jianghua conglai bu yong nao (lao Kok Kok!)
買你的書 不如看 FBI 的懶叫
Mai ni de shu buru kan FBI de lan jiao
用門牙 就讓你 高潮
yong menya jiu rang ni gaochao
校長吃嫩草 臉看不到
xiaozhang chi nen cao lian kan bu dao
識時務者 女粉投懷送抱
shi shiwu zhe nu fen tou huai song bao
蕾神發飆 得不到 就毀掉
lei shen fabiao de bu dao jiu hui diao
誰都來 踩一腳 記者不用睡覺
shui dou lai cai yi jiao jizhe buyong shuijiao
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Everybody zhunbei KPKB
連菜都買不起 大雨下不停
lian cai dou mai bu qi dayu xia bu ting
淹沒多少家庭 (Stop Please)
yanmo duoshao jiating (Stop Please)
春天終會來臨 (Happy New Year)
chuntian zhong hui lailin (Happy New Year)
I Help You You Help Me
a zui zhongyao da ma renmin tuanjie yixin
就像黃大俠的Nasi Lemak 1.0
jiu xiang huangdaxia de Nasi Lemak 1.0
Sayang Sayang Sayang Sayang Hey
Rasa Sayang Sayang Sayang Sayang Hey
犯錯 (Shit!) 天災人禍 (Fxck!)
fancuo (Shit!) Tianzai renhuo (Fxck!)
眨眼一年又過 又到了歲末
Zhayan yi nian youguo you daole sui mo
有遺憾 (No!) 也有收穫 (Yeah!)
you yihan (No!) Yeyou shouhuo (Yeah!)
Hai you bagua xinwen meiti zai chaozuo
世界很亂 (亂!) 太多笨蛋 太多人白爛 (爛!)
shijie hen luan (luan!) Tai duo bendan tai duo ren bai lan (lan!)
政客講話 就像屁亂放 (Booot!)
Zhengke jianghua jiu xiang pi luan fang (Booot!)
心情很煩 上網幹一幹 靠爸靠母
Xinqing hen fan shangwang gan yi gan kao ba kao mu
感謝你 從頭到尾
ganxie ni congtou dao wei
每個月來聽我亂亂講 (亂亂唱!)
mei ge yue lai ting wo luan luan jiang (luan luan chang!)
二零二一真的多災多難 (好難)
Er ling eryi zhen de duo zai duo nan (hao nan)
gushi xiang weishengzhi yiyang zhang
希望大家一定要健健康康 (Kuat!)
xiwang dajia yi ding yao jian jiankang kang (Kuat!)
一天不死都有笑話看 (Haha!)
Yitian busi dou you xiaohua kan (Haha!)
去年有太多東西做不完 (唉唷)
Qunian you tai duo dongxi zuo bu wan (ai yo)
沒關係今年再來做看看 (Just Do It!)
meiguanxi jinnian zai lai zuo kan kan (Just Do It!)
Hello Everybody 準備KPKB
Hello Ev
Rap就要Rap到底 如果踩到你 歹勢Excuse Me (Soli)
新年要Happy (Happy) 恭喜恭喜你啊
二零二二 我要到處旅行啊
兩隻老虎 兩隻老虎 跑得快 跑得快
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KPKB 2021 Rewind – English Translation
KPKB 2021 Rewind!
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Others have been out of mind and in the stinkup PKHKC
Hello Are You Ready to KPKB
Ah cool, come, Kick
Ah Lincheng to send you to Trending
Goodbye 2020
Lin North hides COVID-19 in Taipei
Malaysia’s epidemic uncle Auntie is happy
Keep four digits to buy 4D every day
Holy water drunk can cure the disease wants to be a bidder
Indian prodigy will have big things again
Sure enough, the hippo was cryed to cry, and smiled.
Hurry and find a sugar baby.
Morning is not afraid
It’s going to surrogate
Not good after shooting
I asked the day, I asked Tian Chicken Cut.
He can not do it only you.
I want to change a few white and white, he is racist
Two big beautiful women with black sauce
CLUBHOUSE! The climax is GG one night
Democracy! Free Aung San Suu Kyi
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Others have been out of mind and in the stinkup PKHKC
Ah! Generation generation generation generation generation
Hepatobiliary stone law is really a magical
Ah cool, send encrypted currency
Ah Lincheng to send you to Trending
China said that black pines are too poisonous, don’t buy
Two hundred boxes of Youtuber Louxiang also come to show Time
Uncle is broadcast to listen
The former is too lazy to cut it.
Rip Third Uncle (ah, ah!) I will miss you (ah, ah!)
Net beautiful love low chest boasts PARTY (wow!)
Needly of the injection (Nah!)
I am afraid that 10,000 (f#ck) is not afraid of in case (Phooi)
Pukimak is unhappy, knocking glass (Cina Babi!)
Japanese heavy machine hot girl is really fragrant
Some people get to HOTEL
Do you still play the keyboard or play the piano
It’s really good to hang your grandmother.
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Namewee Serah Diri because there is Babi PKHKC
To learn the empty hand, don’t make a scream
Let the whole people come together with the squid
Ah Alishan girl escapes
Ah ~ ah ~
Star love multi-person sports (ah!) Is so cool to enter the hole (咻!)
f#kushima’s nuclear wastewater is very good to drink a bite (La)
Eat my rice, my bowl, pick you Nike, buy light
E God is good to cut off (exercise)
Abibas Uncle Martian Zare is awesome (shocked!)
How many soul cards are in the tunnel because someone is in trouble, f#cking f#ck!
Ramadhan is really lively
Mata Liao this time
Little sister diagnosed to resign Pattern
Fortunately, Badminton has successive
BB Don’t jump Bomba to give you a hug
There are still many netizens who want to take bags.
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Airplane cup Profit low to you see PET PET to make big money (唷唷)
Suez Canal Very Expensive
Ah, water, Xiaomi, please design
Ah Lincheng to send you to Trending
Magnolia ~ ah magnolia ~
New 垣 suddenly married (Yameteh)
Sorry groom is not you (nani)
The first rich (BYE!) Girl happy (Yeah!)
Come to Microsoft Advent
There is a Sim Card in Avengers Group has ICs.
MCO has no money, hurry, add, I go in.
Otherwise, I will use my tup. You give me Test.
Whose NENE is more hard
Indian variant virus is very powerful
Fast to the Ganges group aggressive
Where is your badge? Are you arresting me?
I’m from i.m.h. Who is you representing?
There Are Two Cars Kissing Each Other (HEHEHE)
I cakap putih first Thing in the morning (hehehehe)
Don’t provoke provoke I give you one thousand
And you terminate me? No wonder lah (hehehehe)
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Rape to find 18 years old and 17th, you can’t listen to teachers (Stand with ain)
Wanhua’s bamboo shoots are big and supplemented
I am very very very very very love to China.
I really can’t answer answer.
Answer Answer
Catch the Black Police to find YB
Most important to take photos Call Media (CIK CAK)
Little brother (come) drink KOPI
Don’t matter if you have any questions to find evidence first to catch you
I found that the evil force is fighting the pot (BYE)
Five hundred pieces of shooting will give me a photo (KEK heart)
Criticized? Hurry the Water Army ‘FXXK You Namewee’
Transfer focus will be given next year
Drink plenty of water Don’t COCA-COLA
When is the mother’s vaccine?
US British, otherwise playing China
People’s plane fly to the top
The motherland said ‘oh, not tight.’
Anyway, we are a good brother.
Welcome the compatriots to invade
Hello Everybody
Prepare KPKB
Queue to buy a newspaper sky
Fear of the people (support apples)
Peel shrimp shell feeding (big fool)
Traitorous silly B
Let’s report unlike and keep spamming
Anyonghaseyo Blink Come Sxxk My DXXK
Look at you now Look at Me Look at you now Look at ME
Look at you now look at me
And how you like this what what what thing
Body can’t be held
The whole people is good for Foodbank, don’t be too greedy.
Hold a holiday
Every day is every day
Hospital is not oxygen
You still play polrit (katak!)
Everyone prayed quickly
Leakage doctor is not good (boot)
Spanish’s flies too much (ZZZZ)
The business of the Cat Mountain is too good (Money) does not cut him
Too Skrr! Is Miss want free? (666)
In the middle of the night, I feed my toothpick (a little thing)
On the opening of the insurance, I will pinch my coffee
THIS IS’s latest tide ‘open-style relationship’
The British team was excited to vomiting blood and decided that three years did not eat earth.
Ruyi waited for 50 years
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Putting the fart cloth to make a bath with water to be self-discipline (so terrible)
Subway is underway (RIP) Zhengzhou is crying
Ah filmed to shoot it.
Ah x, Yong Movie Development Bureau
He is long and width this face (SKRR)
This bowl is also a big round (SKRR)
Olympics watch handsome girl (PHEW!)
Where is Tencent’s motherland? (f#ck!)
Watch out is English
The second Hong Kong and Taiwan in the United States should join us to be the world’s first (Watch Out!)
Ah netizens all become Tiand Thailand, one night, anti-Oii geng gold gold
Even Zheng Yuba is coming to some cats
Messi is crying to cry Barsona
Congratulations to Ding Ding to diagnose one million (Huat Lah!)
Bye worshiping the sea turtle egg (Yummy!)
Good voice is returning (bye!)
Just like the ONLY FANS can’t see Grandma (Boo)
Taliban is good (good!) Taliban wonderful (wonderful!) Old beauty (GO!) Leaders laugh (ha!)
Let’s come to the border.
Women and girls come to believe (Chi Pa Boom!)
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Asiae’s most 靓 阿 仪
I will choose the most interested (play water!)
Malaysia Need your help (please help!)
Thank you boss money
Why is it not you?
There is no Taliban without New Afghan, Taliban has new Afghanistan.
See the ghost annual gold song (嘿嘿)
This is the heart of Reality engraved in the constitutional brother (唷)
Zhou Dong said that he did not copy it.
China’s bride cannon
What idol group is Korea?
A girl
She should be blocked
There is also a girl
She is a little milk that looks very beautiful
Canadian passenger
Living viva is a Chinese
History does not need to take you to eat unsatisfactory
学 学 学 叫 不 黄 黄 调
Child can’t play Game can’t pursue show (NO)
Lotus Sakyama has a worm to import (BAN)
Star powder is all renovated
Boys must stay bearded to practice muscles
Hello Everybody
Prepare KPKB
Hurry to Langkawi
Take a big breath together (shiok oh!)
Ukraine Sorry
Malaysia is too enough (Soli)
Ah, the netizen and the head of the head are kick.
Financial tsunami came to hurry
There is a girl, she has a little rebellious, she still has some crazy.
The motherland said that the overseas power should be against (f#ck!)
Power-off is uncomfortable to dig a coal mine (牛 逼!)
Go to Shenzhen South (scared!) Good songs (屌!)
Speaking, refueling Zhong Mengjing
Pianist practice fingering (YEAH)
Just pick it up, it is grabbed (NO)
Want to have a Customs to go to the buds called chicken rice
It is better to lying on the home to see the European 舔 舔 (~)
Taiwan youtube network red big trouble
AV is not cool enough to change the face
Cried cried
Just like a blue green attack and defense
Above 3Q Very Much
The bad guys don’t catch a praudiment
Talents Lari Australia
Cup whiskey Fatima PUN lazy
Welcome to Galendan to pack it like meat
Hello Everybody
Prepare KPKB
WE Are One Family
Don’t 49 or 51 (Satu Malaysia)
Be careful with Little Pink (Pinky)
Glass heartbreak
Ah, the New Major Harbor, Europe and the United States, is in Trending.
Just come to see your seven seven
I want to buy 4D can’t go to Give (salah!)
Kuilandan vacant grandmother will be caught (Alamak!)
The poor bought Food Panda (Ha!)
Drive GRAB Car (haha!)
Do Bomba can always eat Siakap
Sorry Malaysia is not Changjin Lake
Flying to Hong Kong Theater will not block
Taoyuan 7-11 is too dangerous
I am going to bed to accompany the officer to play tennis.
Dior is too ugly with Meitu Xiu (OH!)
Mama has no idol (roll!) In front of the country
Some people listen to crying, someone watches to the wall (exercise!)
This is the power of music.
Small houses have to read more
In order to stand into the Buddha and then boil
Come to the Yuan Universe (Meta!) Recall (Go!)
Buy a car to buy a wife (COOL ~)
Hello Everybody
Prepare KPKB
Don’t ask me NFT
Want to make a big money
To work hard (huat lah!)
Malacca changed its days (huh, huh)
Everything hits the original shape
Ah cool, Katak all jumps
Ah, I’m finishing the vote and then the party flag
Sit on the train to Taiwan
Then carry on you to highlight
(!) Teacher’s milk killer reversed the earth
(!) Water digging the big stone
(!) Ban offs Intel Loss Computer
The motherland is not important for Xinjiang people.
Skip NU Skip Xi Wan Xi Xue Dog (OMICRON came)
Send a vaccine to do diplomatic foreign agriculture report (officials are smirking)
Chinese people learn Chinese with chopsticks (Hanah!)
It’s better to say that people have never needed brains (old Kok Kok!)
Buying your book is better to see the fbi’s lazy
Let your climax with the door
The principal can’t see a mess
Time-seekers and female powder
The lace is can’t get rid of it.
No one comes to step on a foot, don’t sleep
Hello Everybody Prepare KPKB
Can’t buy a heavy rain, you can’t afford to stop
How many families are drowning (Stop please)
Spring will be coming (Happy New Year)
I help you you help me
Ah, the most important Malaysia people unite
Just like the Nasi Lemak 1.0 of Huang Tai
Sayang Sayang Sayang Sayang Hey
Rasa Sayang Sayang Sayang Sayang Hey
By mistaken (shit!) Natural disasters (FXCK!)
Wink in the end of the year again
Regret (NO!) Also has harvest (Yeah!)
There is also a gossip news media in hype
The world is very chaotic (chaos!) Too many stupid too many people whitening (rotten!)
Policy speech is like fart (booot!)
Mood is very annoying, dry, dad, dad
Thank you from the head to the end
I listen to me in a chaos every month (singing!)
20, true and disasters (so hard)
Story is as long as toilet paper
I hope everyone must be healthy (kuat!)
There is a joke in one day, there is a joke (Haha!)
There are too many things in things last year. (唷唷)
It doesn’t matter this year to see (Just Do It!)
Hello EV
Find more lyrics at
Pinyin Lyrics Namewee (黃明志) – KPKB 2021 Rewind 歌词
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