百战成诗 5柔情版 (Bai Zhan Cheng Shi 5 Rou Qing Ban) (史诗剧情向) Lyrics – Various Artists
Singer: Various Artists
Title: 百战成诗 5柔情版 (Bai Zhan Cheng Shi 5 Rou Qing Ban) (史诗剧情向)
“Bai zhan cheng shi”
【韩信·音频怪物】山河万里 执枪肆意笑纳
[hanxin·yinpin guaiwu] shanhe wanli zhi qiang siyi xiaona
【张良·晃儿】俗尘偌大 言灵纵法
[zhang liang·huang er] su chen ruoda yan ling zong fa
【刘邦·帝听sakya】宏图双面 名利皆入麾下
[liubang·diting sakya] hongtu shuang mian mingli jie ru huixia
[xiangyu·shisi] yu wo weiwu
[yu ji·wang yue you] bici shouhu
【鲁班大师·灰原穷】造物的复杂 无穷无极无垠无瑕
[luban dashi·hui yuan qiong] zaowu de fuza wuqiong wuji wuyin wuxia
[meng ya·nan feng ZJN] paohuo zuowei chouma
[sunbin·mu sino xiao guai] shiguang niliu yi cha
【西施·魅子】命运的附赠 埋名归隐只为幻纱
[xishi·mei zi] mingyun de fu zeng mai ming guiyin zhi wei huan sha
【曜·诺言Jason】上青天 揽星辰摘月入画
[yao·nuoyan Jason] shang qingtian lan xingchen zhai yue ruhua
【镜·池年】破碎的镜象 该如何抚平伤疤
[jing·chi nian] posui de jing xiang gai ruhe fu ping shangba
【鲁班七号·少司命】机关心血化 又岂甘任人践踏
[luban qi hao·shao si ming] jiguan xinxue hua you qi gan ren ren jianta
[lian po·wen jing yuan] haoqing ye bengfa
[zhong wu yan·CRITTY] qie gei mafan kai ge dijia
【庄周·徐远书】逍遥游 一梦惊扰七八
[zhuang zhou·xuyuanshu] xiaoyao you yi meng jingrao qiba
【墨子·宇风Chrons】平和望 非攻偏爱碾压
[mo zi·yu feng Chrons] pinghe wang fei gong pian’ai nian ya
【老夫子·时年】夜长明 天赋不及老辣
[laofuzi·shi nian] ye chang ming tianfu buji laola
[lan ling wang·Babystop_shanzhu] daofenghua chu bian shi jia
[hua mulan·xuan shang] yuan ji ci shen hu cheng sha
【铠·冬子】我列阵在东 挥锋刃生杀
[kai·dongzi] wo lie zhen zai dong hui feng ren sheng sha
【百里玄策·冲冲】我列阵在西 噬鬼魅命煞
[bai li xuan ce·chongchong] wo lie zhen zai xi shi guimei ming sha
【百里守约·沈谧仁】我列阵在南 守心底约法
[bai li shou yue·chenmiren] wo lie zhen zai nan shou xindi yuefa
【苏烈·棒三狗】我列阵在北 镇长城无涯
[su lie·bang san gou] wo lie zhen zai bei zhen changcheng wu ya
【伽罗·等什么君】抚千窟为佑 看长安落花
[jia luo·deng shenme jun] fu qian ku wei you kan chang’an luohua
【盾山·Autumn绅丶】困万夫莫开 坐如山不塌
[dun shan·Autumn shen zhu] kun wan fu mo kai zuo rushan bu ta
【沈梦溪·潇梦临】掷轰烈喵生 散成云边霞
[chenmengxi·xiao meng lin] zhi hong lie miao sheng san cheng yun bian xia
【李信·小魂】谋世嚣一战 持信承天下
[li xin·xiao hun] mou shi xiao yi zhan chi xin cheng tianxia
: Jia luo&mingshi yin:“Qiangdi hexu yuan yangliu, chunfeng bu du yumenguan.”:
: Li xin:“Neng tiqi chenzhong jian ren de shou, wo bu zhu feiwu piaoluo de hua.”:
【王昭君·执素兮】故乡远 白梅悄然落下
[Wang zhaojun·zhi su xi] guxiang yuan baimei qiaoran luoxia
【成吉思汗·辰小弦】负箭行 苍狼嘶鸣喑哑
[chengjisihan·chen xiao xian] fu jian xing cang lang siming yinya
[gaojianli·Shin: Jun xin Kora:] Li ge wei chang ba
[a ke·nuomi Nomi] zhiming yishun fenghua
【嬴政·宗顺康】九州独尊 扫六合称霸
[ying zheng·zong shun kang] jiuzhou du zun sao liuhe chengba
【白起·慕衍瞳:棕瞳:】决绝出鞘 即披靡厮杀
[bai qi·mu yan tong: Zong tong:] Juejue chu qiao ji pimi sisha
[mi yue·Tacke zhu sang] yongsheng de daijia
[bian que·shentianqi] zigu cong wu yingjia
[mingshi yin·qi ran] renxin ming hui heyi gua
[yang yuhuan·xiaoshi guniang] qing shen yi wang fu pipa
[yi xing·quan tongxue] fangcun zhi cha
[pei qin hu·gen xiao ba] hu xiao can sha
[gongsun li·xuduo kui] zhi san ji qiangua
[liyuanfang·Yakuri] di ting wujian hua
[direnjie·liguanchen] zhenxiang duan cha
【上官婉儿·不才】言为心声 字为心画
[shangguan wan er·bu cai] yan wei xinsheng zi wei xin hua
【武则天·肥皂菌】溥天之下 皆由我予夺生杀
[wuzetian·feizao jun] pu tian zhi xia jie you wo yu duo sheng sha
[cheng yao jin·di daizi qiu niu] zhu rexue paosa
[zhongkui·you min] shou cheng panfa
【达摩·情桑】肩挑苦海 拳握凡杂
[da mo·qing sang] jian tiao kuhai quan wo fan za
【李白·萧忆情Alex】纵酒长歌 仗剑独行天涯
[libai·xiaoyiqing Alex] zongjiu chang ge zhang jian duxing tianya
: Libai:“Yi pian shi, yi doujiu, yi qu chang ge, yi jian tianya.”:
: Yang yuhuan:“Qing cong he qi, fang neng yi wang er shen.”:
Zuoci: Ling hu xiang er, zuoqu: Shao si ming
: Hanxin:“Daoda shengli zhiqian, wufa huitou.”:
: Diaochan:“Hua you zai kai di neitian. Ren, you chongfeng de shihou ma?”:
Wangzhe rongyao-100 yingxiong qunxiang xianli ge
: Zhaoyun:“Xinhuai bu ju, fang neng aoxiang yu tianji.”:
: Wang zhaojun:“Baimei luoxia zhi ri, gui qu guli zhi shi……”:
Taici hun jian: Ling hu xiang er
: Zhugeliang:“Tianxia ru qi, yibu san suan.”:
: Xishi:“You jiaren di difang, jiushi jia.”:
【妲己·小爱的妈】神魂锁 封印魅惑的她
[Daji·xiao ai de ma] shenhun suo fengyin meihuo de ta
【姜子牙·江晓晖】心魔乱 湮灭人间喧哗
[jiangziya·jiangxiaohui] xin mo luan yanmie renjian xuanhua
[pangu·jin xian] poxiao qiankun ta
【女娲·周延英 (英子-effie)】开创至高风雅
[nu wa·zhouyan ying (yingzi-effie)] kaichuang zhigao fengya
【杨戬·陌秋离】驰骋虚妄 明目无惧怕
[yangjian·mo qiu li] chicheng xuwang ming mu wu jupa
【哪吒·畅畅酱】放纵燃烧 桀骜中挣扎
[na zha·chang chang jiang] fangzong ranshao jie’ao zhong zhengzha
[tai yi zhenren·tanzhaoyue] lianjin de kui da
[meng qi·xiaoxiao yu] huan zuo meng li feihua
[ai lin·xu ying jiang] jingling wu you ge yun ya
[yadian na·ni mo wen] xinyang buxiu zen fangxia
[an qi la·ling hu xiang er] chi yan guanghua
【亚瑟·老虎欧巴】因剑而生 无人敢倾轧
[ya se·laohu ou ba] yin jian er sheng wu ren gan qingya
[gong ben wucang·ZEN: Feng hu:]Kono jishisa: Wudi zui ji sha:
[Na ke lu lu·bu chan]dokonimonai: Qianli xun ta:
【橘右京·耀璟臣:yojisheaven :】風の如く 思う様:出刀如风 恣意潇洒:
[Ju youjing·yao jing chen:Yojisheaven:] Fengno ruku siuyang: Chu dao ru feng ziyi xiaosa:
【不知火舞·梦岚】春日和 かかってらしゃい:春光明媚 不若放马过来吧:
[Buzhihuo wu·meng lan] chunri he kakatterashai: Chunguang mingmei bu ruo fang ma guolai ba:
[Kuang tie·zui xue] yu wei yu sheng ta
[mi lai di·sun’aili] yizhi suo da
【马可波罗·杜小仙er】never stop wandering,rain or shine:风雨难阻 吟游步伐:
[makeboluo·duxiaoxian er]never stop wandering,rain or shine: Fengyu nan zu yin you bufa:
【露娜·云の泣】剑随心动 替月行道吻花
[Lu na·yunno qi] jian suixin dong ti yue xingdao wen hua
【后羿·rainbow苒】灼日之矢 与心门轻擦
[hou yi·rainbow ran] zhuo ri zhi shi yu xin men qing ca
【嫦娥·心然】寒夜旧盟 重逢于月下
[chang’e·xin ran] han ye jiu meng chongfeng yu yue xia
【孙悟空·流浪的蛙蛙】三界之外 斗战自飒沓
[sunwukong·liulang de wa wa] sanjie zhi wai dou zhan zi sa da
[zhubajie·leng yue wusheng] daodayiba
[niu mo·ren yi: Xu ren yi:] Qing li chongkua
【云中君·灰老板】展翅云端 沐日精月华
[yun zhong jun·hui laoban] zhanchi yunduan mu rijing yue hua
【瑶·总攻大人JMJ】漫步森畔 闻木萧风飒
[yao·zonggong daren JMJ] manbu sen pan wen mu xiaofengsa
[guiguzi·zhang ping] wanwu you ling
[dong huang taiyi·chen zhangtaikang] xian ji huo bianta
【干将·水云汐Camus、莫邪·小歌儿】生死相随 剑无虚发
[ganjiang·shui yun xi Camus, moye·xiao ge er] shengsi xiang sui jian wu xu fa
: Da qiao:“Shouwangzhe tiankong, dahai, he ni de huiyi.”:
: Sunce:“Hua wei tiankong he dahai, shouhu ni de huiyi!”:
【曹操·willen】论天下英雄 三分仁义七分嗔假
[Caocao·willen] lun tianxia yingxiong san fen renyi qi fen chen jia
[zhen ji·lingzhixuan] leishui ning wei zhusha
[caiwenji·jiang pingguo] sushou zou che hujia
【典韦·墨雨晨】不疯不成活 沉睡野兽露出獠牙
[dian wei·mo yu chen] bu feng bu chenghuo chenshui yeshou luchu liao ya
【夏侯惇·NL不分】豪气斩 随心往之便摧铩
[xiahoudun·NL bu fen] haoqi zhan suixin wang zhi bian cui sha
【刘备·小坠】平淡不平庸 谈笑间从容饮茶
[liubei·xiao zhui] pingdan bu pingyong tan xiao jian congrong yin cha
【刘禅·谷江山】蓉城是我家 老爹最最最伟大
[liuchan·gu jiangshan] rongcheng shi wojia lao die zui zui zui weida
[sunce·duxuanda] pi jing zhan langhua
[lubu·xiao qian] qianfang shenyuan hou shi xuanya
【貂蝉·董真】红雨绽 舞尽倾城芳华
[diaochan·dong zhen] hong yu zhan wu jin qingcheng fang hua
【小乔·凑诗】星华缭 恋歌悠扬初嫁
[xiao qiao·cou shi] xing hua liao liange youyang chu jia
【大乔·沉鱼】沧海竭 守望回忆风化
[da qiao·chen yu] canghai jie shouwang huiyi feng hua
[sunshangxiang·qing nong] huoli quan kai deng zhaojia
[guanyu·hai teng er] yi qi dang qian fu huang sha
【张飞·棣樋:T-Tone_小T:】壮躯求痛战 百军莫震吓
[zhang fei·di tong:T-Tone_xiao T:] Zhuang qu qiu tong zhan bai jun mo zhen xia
【马超·裂天】冷晖照寒枪 与子同披甲
[machao·lie tian] leng hui zhao han qiang yu zi tong pijia
【黄忠·白黎】燃魂永不灭 岁月任雕剐
[huang zhong·bai li] ranhun yong bu mie suiyue ren diao gua
【赵云·李常超:Lao乾妈:】惊龙翔九霄 乱世中叱咤
[zhaoyun·lichangchao:Lao gan ma:] Jing long xiang jiuxiao luanshi zhong chizha
【司马懿·温崇正】幽影终寂灭 荒芜堪统辖
[simayi·wen chongzheng] you ying zhong ji mie huangwu kan tongxia
【元歌·痴笑、傀儡·黄麒Eros】傀儡本无罪 指尖绕流沙
[yuan ge·chixiao, kuilei·huang qi Eros] kuilei ben wu zui zhi jian rao liusha
【周瑜·韩君君】烽火连赤壁 东风乱敲打
[zhouyu·hanjunjun] fenghuo lian chibi dongfeng luan qiaoda
【诸葛亮·贰婶:蔡翊昇:】一步策三算 扇上也生花
[zhugeliang·er shen: Caiyisheng:] Yibu ce san suan shan shang ye shenghua
“quan jun chuji!”
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百战成诗 5柔情版 (Bai Zhan Cheng Shi 5 Rou Qing Ban) (史诗剧情向) – English Translation
“Hundred Battles Become a Poem”
[Han Xin·Audio Monster] Mountains and rivers thousands of miles, holding guns and laughing wantonly
[Zhang Liang·Hang’er] The vulgar and the dusty, the spirit and the method
[Liu Bang·Di Ting Sakya] Both sides of the grand plan, fame and fortune are under the command
【Xiang Yu·14】Be with me
【Yuji·Wang Yueyou】Guard each other
[Master Luban·Hui Yuanqian] The complexity of creation is infinite and infinite
[Mengya·Nanfeng ZJN] Artillery as a bargaining chip
【Sun Bin·Musi’s Little Guai】Time goes against the flow of time
[Xi Shi·Meizi] Destiny’s bonus
[Yao·Promise Jason] Ascend to the blue sky
[Mirror·Chi Nian] Broken mirror image How to heal scars
[Luban No. 7·Shao Si Ming] Ji is concerned about bloody transformation, but it is not willing to be trampled on by others
[Lian Po·Wen Jingyuan] The pride also bursts
[Zhong Wuyan·CRITTY] And make a reserve price for trouble
【Zhuang Zhou·Xu Yuanshu】A dream to disturb seven or eight
[Mozi·Yufeng Chrons] Peace and hope, non-offensive preference, crushing
[Old Master · Shi Nian] Ye Changming is not as talented as Lao Lao
【Lanling King·Babystop_Mangosteen】The blade is home
【Mulan·Xuan Zang】I wish to send this body to the city protection building
[Kai·Fujiko] I’m lined up in the east
[Bai Li Xuan Ce · Chong Chong] I’m lined up in the West, Life Eater
[Baili Shouyue·Shen Miren] I am lined up in the south, keeping the promise in my heart
[Su Lie·Bang Sangou] I’m lined up in Beizhen, the Great Wall is endless
[Galuo·Waiting for you] Fu Qiang Caves for your blessing, see Chang’an Fallen Flowers
【Dunshan·Autumn Gentry】Sit like a mountain without falling apart
[Shen Mengxi·Xiao Menglin] Throwing Vigorous Meow Life, Dispersing into Clouds and Bianxia
[Li Xin·Xiaohun] Fighting for the world
: Jia Luo & Ming Shiyin: “Why should Qiang flute blame the willows, the spring breeze won’t pass Yumen Pass.”:
:Li Xin: “A hand that can lift a heavy blade, but can’t hold the flying flowers.”:
【Wang Zhaojun·Zhisu Xi】The hometown is far away, Bai Mei quietly settled down
【Genghis Khan·Chen Xiaoxian】Negative arrow line, gray wolf hoars and dumb
[Gao Jianli·Shin: Junxin Kora:] I haven’t sung the song
[Ake·Nomi Nomi] A fatal moment
[Ying Zheng·Zong Shunkang] Kyushu Domination, Sweep Liuhe to Dominate
[Bai Qi·Mu Yantong: Brown Pupil:] Resolutely out of the sheath, it will fight invincibly
[Miyue·Tacke Bamboo Sang] The price of eternal life
[Bian Que·Shen Tianqi] There has been no winner since ancient times
【Ming Shiyin·Qiran】Why is the human heart clear
[Yang Yuhuan·Little Girl] A deep love to pay Pipa
[Yixing·Quan classmates] Square inch difference
【Pei Qinhu·Gen Xiaoba】Remnants of Tiger Roar
[Gongsunli·Many Kwai] Holding an umbrella and sending care
[Li Yuanfang·Yakuri] Truly Listening
[Di Renjie·Li Guanchen] Truth
[Shangguan Wan’er·Bucai] Words are heartfelt words
[Wu Zetian·Soap Bacteria] Under Pu Tian, I will kill you
[Cheng Yaojin·Flute Nerd Prisoner Cow] Casting blood
[Zhong Kui·You Min] Defending the city and making a penalty
[Dharma·Love Sang] Carrying the sea of bitterness on shoulders, clasping everything
[Li Bai·Xiao Yiqing Alex] Long Songs of Drinking Wine, Traveling Alone with the Sword
:Li Bai: “A poem, a bucket of wine, a long song, a sword of the world.”:
:Yang Yuhuan: “From where does the love begin, can it go deeper.”:
Lyricist: Linghu Xianger, Composer: Shao Si Ming
:Han Xin: “Until I reach victory, I can’t look back.”:
:Diao Chan: “There will be a day when the flowers bloom again. People, is there a time to meet again?”:
Glory of the King-100 Hero Group Portrait Gift Song
: Zhao Yun: “You can fly in the sky only if you have no fear in your heart.”:
:Wang Zhaojun: “The day Baimei falls, when she returns to her hometown…”:
Mixed lines: Linghu Xianger
:Zhuge Liang: “The world is like chess, one step and three calculations.”:
: Xi Shi: “Where there is a family, it is home.”:
[Daji·Xiaoai’s Mom] The Soul Lock seals her charm
[Jiang Ziya·Jiang Xiaohui] The devil in the heart annihilates the noise of the world
【Pangu·Golden Strings】Breaking Days
【Nuwa·Zhou Yanying (英子-effie)】Create the highest elegance
[Yang Jian·Mo Qiuli] Galloping falsehood, without fear
[Nezha·Changchang Sauce] Indulgence and burning, struggling with unrest
[True Taiyi·Tan Chaoyue] Alchemy’s feedback
【Mengqi·Xiaoxiaoyu】Flying flowers in the fantasy dream
【Eileen·Xuyingjiang】Worry-free Elves Through the Clouds
[Athena Ni Mo asked] How to let go of the immortality of faith
【Angela·Linghu Xianger】Blazing glory
[Arthur Tiger Oppa] Born by the sword, no one dares to smash
[Miyamoto Musashi·ZEN: Fengshen:] この無しさ: Invincible the most silent moment:
[Nako Lulu·Non Nai] どこにもない: Looking for him in a thousand miles:
【Tachibana Ukyo·Yojisheaven: yojisheaven:】Wind no such as, thinking: a sword like the wind, free and unrestrained:
[Shiranui Dance·Menglan] Kasuga Kasuga かかってらしゃい: Spring is bright and beautiful, so let’s go here:
[Crazy Iron·Drunken Snow] The more you fear, the more you win
[Milady Sun Aili] Will reach
【Marco Polo Du Xiaoxian er】never stop wandering, rain or shine: wind and rain are hard to stop
【Luna·Cloud の Cry】The sword moves with the heart, kissing the flowers for the moon
【Hou Yi·rainbow Ran】The arrow of the burning sun and the door of the heart
【Chang’e·Xinran】The old alliance of cold night meets again under the moon
【Monkey King·Wandering Frog】Outside the Three Realms
[Pig Bajie·Lengyue Silent] Beat it down
[Niu Mo·Renyi: Xu Renyi:] All you can do
[Mr. Cloud·Boss Gray] Spreading Wings and Clouds Mu Ri Jing Yuehua
【Yao·Master Attack JMJ】Walking around the forest, Wen Mu Xiao Fengsa
【Guiguzi·Changping】Everything has anims
【Emperor Taiyi·Chen Zhang Taikang】Sacrifice or flogging
[Ghanjiang·Shuiyunxi Camus, Moxie·Little Song] Life and death follow each other, the sword has no virtual hair
:Daqiao: “Watching the sky, the sea, and your memories.”:
:Sun Ce: “Turn into the sky and the sea, guard your memories!”:
[Cao Cao·willen] On the Heroes of the World
[Zhen Ji·Ling Zhixuan] Tears are condensed into cinnabar
[Cai Wenji·Jiang Pingguo] Pure hand playing Hu Jia
【Dianwei·Mo Yuchen】If you don’t go crazy or survive, the sleeping beast shows its fangs
[Xiahou Dun · NL regardless of the arrogance] slash with pride
[Liu Bei·Small Pendant] Plain but not mediocre, drink tea calmly while talking and laughing
[Liu Chan·Gu Jiangshan] Rongcheng is my dad’s greatest, greatest and greatest
[Sun Ce·Du Xuanda] Splitting the thorns and cutting the waves
【Lu Bu·Xiaoqian】Behind the abyss is a cliff
【Diao Chan·Dong Zhen】Red rain blooms, dancing all over the city
【Xiao Qiao·Cou Poetry】Xinghua Liao, love song melodious first marriage
[Da Qiao·Shen Yu] The sea is exhausted, the memories are weathered
[Sun Shangxiang·Qing Nong] Full firepower waiting for parry
[Guan Yu·Hai Paoer] One ride and one thousand go to Huangsha
[Zhang Fei·Diezhi: T-Tone_Little T:] Strong body begging for pain, Hundreds of soldiers don’t shock
[Ma Chao·Split Sky] Leng Hui Zhao Han Spear and Zi with the same armor
[Huang Zhong·Bai Li] Burning soul will never die
[Zhao Yun·Li Changchao: Godmother Lao:] Shocking the dragon soaring into the sky, in troubled times
[Sima Yi·Wen Chongzheng] The shadows are finally dead and barren can be ruled
[Yuan Song·Funny, Puppet·Huang Qi Eros] The puppet is not guilty, his fingertips are around the quicksand
【Zhou Yu·Han Junjun】Fenghuo even Chibi beats by the east wind
[Aunt Zhuge Liang: Cai Yisheng:] One step, three calculations, there are flowers on the fan
“Army attack!”
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Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – 百战成诗 5柔情版 (Bai Zhan Cheng Shi 5 Rou Qing Ban) (史诗剧情向) 歌词
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