Pinyin Lyrics W Fei (吳霏) – 臭小子 (Chou Xiao Zi) 歌词

臭小子 (Chou Xiao Zi) Lyrics – Wu Fei (吳霏)

Singer: Wu Fei (吳霏)
Title: 臭小子 (Chou Xiao Zi)

(Verse1 )
Sorry to my fam 沒能讓你沾到男明星的光
Sorry to my fam mei neng rang ni zhan dao nan mingxing de guang
畫出了分水嶺 當我發完第一張
hua chule fenshuiling dang wo fa wan di yi zhang
產品滯銷 就快變 沒有扣打燒的香
chanpin zhixiao jiu kuai bian meiyou kou da shao de xiang

拿著麥克風像 扛著裝著 空包彈的槍
nazhe maikefeng xiang kang zhuozhuangzhe kong bao dan de qiang
ji ge yue qian bing dan sai dao wojia xinxiang
四個月的有期徒刑 強制蓋上印章
si ge yue de you qi tuxing qiangzhi gai shang yinzhang
要是爆紅就延兵 要是不紅就當
yaoshi bao hong jiu yan bing yaoshi bu hong jiu dang

就快要不年輕 要我怎能不慌
jiu kuaiyao bu nianqing yao wo zen neng bu huang
離鄉背井 沒想到如此的難
lixiangbeijing mei xiangdao ruci de nan
銀行戶頭 就像破了洞的船
yinhang hutou jiu xiang pole dong de chuan
陽台縱火 被狗仔拍的蠢蛋
yangtai zonghuo bei gouzai pai de chun dan

da gei jingji ren jiao tamen buyao lai fan
要是唱不下去 一定會簽特戰
yaoshi chang bu xiaqu yiding huiqian te zhan
合約看都傻了 居然不用酬勞各半
heyue kan dou shale juran buyong choulao ge ban
甘井先竭 爬不上岸
ganjing xian jie pa bu shang’an

liangzi ban de jisheng chong zai wo shenti li kuosan
已經快要23了 付出大於獲得
yijing kuaiyao 23 le fuchu dayu huode
努力大於挫折 待在冷板凳上坐著
nuli dayu cuozhe dai zai leng bandeng shang zuozhe
耳機中的過客 YT的無名作者
erji zhong de guoke YT de wuming zuozhe

現實中的弱者 心態還差點崩了
xianshi zhong de ruozhe xintai hai chadian bengle
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
我就是 那個長不大的 沒禮貌的 沒家教的
wo jiushi nage chang bu da de mei limao de mei jiajiao de

臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
我就是 那個沒道德的 沒公德的 沒藥救的
wo jiushi nage mei daode de mei gongde de mo yao jiu de
本來就不是個好人 心裡有太多恨
benlai jiu bushi ge haoren xinli you tai duo hen

不是來當偶像的 陽台上 縱火的thug
bushi lai dang ouxiang de yangtai shang zonghuo de thug
達不到你的期望 全世界對我失望
da bu dao ni de qiwang quan shijie dui wo shiwang
把我拉下檯面 就是這座 City Want
ba wo la xia taimian jiushi zhe zuo City Want

朝地板吐口水 煙蒂燒光我專輯
Chao diban tukou shui yandi shao guang wo zhuanji
關注著新戀情 Facebook 的最新話題
guanzhuzhe xin lianqing Facebook de zuixin huati
各大評論家 搶著伸張正義
ge da pinglun jia qiangzhe shenzhang zhengyi
在我家的陽台 還要留意上不上鏡
zai wojia de yangtai hai yao liuyi shang bu shang jing

xiang ba yinyue dang zhengzhi
xiang kai ge yanchang hui
keneng hai yao yi zhenzi
keneng wo taiguo guzhi

如實 反映情緒還得掩飾
rushi fanying qingxu hai de yanshi
Dcard 上的靶子
Dcard shang de bazi
剛好老子 不湊巧是 臭小子
ganghao laozi bu couqiao shi chou xiaozi
guocuo bei fangda jianshi

zao xiyiweichang
xiang dang mingxing bushi mei geren dou neng dang
在道德制高點 手指我 面向著光
zai daode zhigaodian shouzhi wo mianxiangzhe guang
suoyi wo kan bu dao ni

jinguan chao wo suiyi kai qiang
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
我就是 那個長不大的 沒禮貌的 沒家教的
wo jiushi nage chang bu da de mei limao de mei jiajiao de

臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
我就是 那個沒道德的 沒公德的 沒藥救的
wo jiushi nage mei daode de mei gongde de mo yao jiu de
(Bridge )
窗簾拉上 怕外 有人窺
chuanglian la shang pa wai youren kui

不聽逆耳的勸 總是學不會
bu ting ni’er de quan zong shi xue bu hui
夜路走多了 總會遇到鬼
ye lu zou duole zong hui yu dao gui
fanjian de wuya zui
sh#t 我就像是穿著迷彩裝的敗類
sh#t wo jiu xiang shi chuanzhuo micai zhuang de bailei

立正 敬禮 乾脆簽自願役
lizheng jingli qiancui qian ziyuan yi
丟了事業 丟了人品 丟人現眼的德性
diu liao shiye diule ren pin diuren xianyan de de xing
來自火力連卻沒了火力 沒了活力 為人詬病
laizi huoli lian que meiliao huoli meiliao huoli wei ren goubing
僅存的人氣 也終將過氣
jin cun de renqi ye zhong jiangguo qi

要把藝人 當副業 別把它當作正職
yao ba yiren dang fuye bie ba ta dang zuo zhengzhi
Re好的台詞 有情緒還得掩飾
Re hao de taici you qingxu hai de yanshi
開個演唱會 可能還要一陣子
kai ge yanchang hui keneng hai yao yi zhenzi
當藝人被誤解 沒有辦法 過多解釋
dang yiren bei wujie meiyou banfa guoduo jieshi

Dcard 上的靶子 過錯被放大檢視
Dcard shang de bazi guocuo bei fangda jianshi
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
(Hook )
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi

痛苦 能使 你變得更加沈著
tongku neng shi ni bian de gengjia shenzhuo
ting haole
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
挺起胸膛 才會顯得穩重
ting qi xiongtang cai hui xiande wenzhong

臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi
妥協 是 為了想保護的事 變多
tuoxie shi weile xiang baohu de shibian duo
bu zai shi
臭小子 臭小子 臭小子
chou xiaozi chou xiaozi chou xiaozi

gongxi ni bian de chengshu
回到我 舒適的坑
hui dao wo shushi de keng
leixian zai siming de cheng

fumian pingjia
在家人耳裡 像扎心的針
zai jiaren er li xiang zha xin de zhen
diao ru yulun de fen
chongxiu daode de ke

queshi fanle cuo
但我也只是個 普通人
dan wo ye zhishi ge putong ren
該罵的 都罵完了 我確實活該
gai ma de dou ma wanliao wo queshi huogai
總要摔個一跤 可能才會學乖
zong yao shuai ge yi jiao keneng cai hui xue guai

沒臉面對家人 腳還留在玄關
meilian mian dui jiaren jiao hai liu zai xuanguan
媽 我回來了 看著餐桌 豐盛的菜
ma wo huilaile kanzhe canzhuo fengsheng de cai
沒一聲責怪 沒把我拒之門外
mei yi sheng zeguai mei ba wo ju zhi menwai
就算成年 我在她的眼裡 還是小孩
jiusuan chengnian wo zai ta de yan li haishi xiaohai

才明白 不光只是一個人的責任
cai mingbai buguang zhishi yigeren de zeren
她的心疼 我也沒有能力 為她承擔
ta de xinteng wo ye meiyou nengli wei ta chengdan
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臭小子 (Chou Xiao Zi) – English Translation

Sorry to my fam failed to make you touch the light of male stars
Draw the watershed when I finish the first one
The product is stagnant and the fragrance of burning is almost not deducted.

Holding the microphone like carrying a gun with an empty bomb
A few months ago, the soldier was stuffed to my mailbox
Four months of imprisonment for compulsory stamping seal
If you become popular, you will be fooled if you are not popular.

I’m about to be young, how can I not panic if you are young?
I didn’t expect it to be so difficult to leave the hometown
The bank account is like a boat that has broken the hole
Balcony arson on the balcony was taken by paparazzi

Call the agent and tell them not to be annoying
If you ca n’t sing, you will sign a special battle
The contract is stupid, but you don’t have to pay for half of them.
Ganjing can’t climb ashore first

Quantum -like parasites spread in my body
It’s almost 23, pay greater than obtaining
Efforts are greater than setbacks and staying on the cold stool sitting
The unknown author of the passenger YT in the headset

The weak mentality in reality almost collapsed
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
I am the one who is not very polite and not tutoring

Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
I am the non -moral, non -moral, no medicine, no medicine to save
I was not a good person with too much hate in my heart

It’s not the thug that set fire on the balcony of an idol
Can’t reach your expectations all over the world to me
Pull me down the platform is this city want

Towing the floor in the floor, the cigarette butter burn my album
Pay attention to the latest topic of new romance Facebook
Major critics are rushing to extend justice
You have to pay attention to the mirror on my balcony

Want to take music as a full job
Want to have a concert
Maybe it takes a while
Maybe I’m too stubborn

Truthful reflection of emotions still have to be concealed
Target on dcard
I just happened to be a smelly boy
Eraceed and viewed by fault

Over time
Want to be a star, not everyone can be
I face the light at the moral high finger
So I can’t see you

Despite shoot at me at will
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
I am the one who is not very polite and not tutoring

Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
I am the non -moral, non -moral, no medicine, no medicine to save
The curtains are afraid of someone to peep outside

I can’t learn without listening to reverse ear
There will always be ghosts when you walk more night roads
The cheap crow mouth
Shit, I am like a loser in camouflage

Lizheng salute simply signed the voluntary service
After losing his career, the virtue of the shamefulness of the character
From the firepower, but there is no firepower, no vitality is criticized
The only popular popularity will eventually be exhausted

Do not treat artists as a sideline as a full position
RE -good lines have to be concealed with emotions
It may take a while to hold a concert for a while
When the artist is misunderstood, there is no way to explain too much

The target fault on dcard is enlarged and reviewed
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid

Pain can make you more calm
Hear it
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
Stretch your chest to appear stable

Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid
Commentation is to make more things to protect
Is no longer
Stink boy stinky boy stinky kid

Congratulations on your maturity
Back to my comfortable pit
The lacrimal glands are deadly supporting

Negative evaluation
In your family’s ears
Fall into the grave of public opinion
Rebuilding moral classes

I really make a mistake
But I am just an ordinary person
All the things that should be scolded are finished, I really deserve it
You always have to fall down and you may learn to be good

No face to face the family’s feet and stay in the porch
Mom, I’m back, watching the rich dish of the dining table
No blame blame me out of the door
Even if I am an adult, I am still a child in her eyes

I only understand that it is not just a person’s responsibility
I have no ability to bear her distressed
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Pinyin Lyrics Wu Fei (吳霏) – 臭小子 (Chou Xiao Zi) 歌词

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