Pinyin Lyrics Huo Ren (火人) – 火人日记 (Huo Ren Ri Ji) 歌词

火人日记 (Huo Ren Ri Ji) Lyrics – Huo Ren (火人)

Singer: Huo Ren (火人)
Title: 火人日记 (Huo Ren Ri Ji)

郑州南 漯河北 我生在县城东关
Zhengzhou nan luohe bei wo sheng zai xiancheng dong guan
从东大街到郑州市 我一步一步通关
cong dong dajie dao zhengzhou shi wo yibu yibu tongguan
我嘴巴可爱的会武功 但从没去过嵩山
wo zuiba ke’ai de hui wugong dan cong mei quguo songshan
我歌词写的太hiphop 差点进了
wo geci xie de tai hiphop chadian jinle

我羡慕局长儿子 不用考试就能入学
wo xianmu juzhang erzi buyong kaoshi jiu neng ruxue
相比之下 我去考试可爱的像是在渡劫
xiang bi zhi xia wo qu kaoshi ke’ai de xiang shi zai du jie
我中考差了一分 我爸抽烟抽了一夜
wo zhongkao chale yi fen wo ba chouyan choule yiye
在我们这没学上 就等于提前进入墓穴
zai women zhe mei xue shang jiu dengyu tiqian jinru muxue

花高价上高中 第一天就挨了打
hua gaojia shang gaozhong di yi tian jiu aile da
宁愿挨打也不低头 同学说我有点傻
ningyuan aida ye bu ditou tongxue shuo wo youdian sha
拿一周饭钱买阿根廷 我从来不看赔率
na yizhou fan qian mai agenting wo conglai bu kan pei lu
以前挨得拳头 我一定得打回去
yiqian ai de quantou wo yiding de da huiqu

邻居家的小孩 从没去过黑网吧
linju jia de xiaohai cong mei quguo hei wangba
wo ba wen wo xuexi chengji sha shihou neng zhui shang ta
< laoshi ni hao>< qing shunu> zai mp3 huanzhe bo
那天打了他 因为他偷了<我的自行车>
neitian dale ta yinwei ta toule< wo de zixingche>

看不见底层 我给你们慢慢普及
kan bujian diceng wo gei nimen man man puji
脏的人就写脏的歌 这就是紧扣主题
zang de ren jiu xie zang de ge zhe jiushi jin kou zhuti
我讨厌小可爱 尤其是我小学的班主任
wo taoyan xiao ke’ai youqi shi wo xiaoxue de banzhuren
给我调到最后一排 因为我没钱找她补习
gei wo diao dao zuihou yi pai yinwei wo mei qian zhao ta buxi

我管你老板是谁 是爱奇艺还是优酷
wo guan ni laoban shi shei shi ai qi yi haishi youku
想挤进我们underground 除非你花钱偷渡
xiang ji jin women underground chufei ni hua qian toudu
我兄弟也在卖保险 陪客户喝到抽搐
wo xiongdi ye zai mai baoxian pei kehu he dao chouchu
可爱的人们 我家门口一辈子都在修路
ke’ai de renmen wojia menkou yibeizi dou zai xiu lu

F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
流着地下的血 谁怕你牛逼吹多大
liu zhuo dixia de xue shei pa ni niu bi chui duoda
F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
我出现就是告诉你们What is Hip-hop?
wo chuxian jiushi gaosu nimen What is Hip-hop?

F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
流着地下的血 谁怕你牛逼吹多大
liu zhuo dixia de xue shei pa ni niu bi chui duoda
F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
我出现就是告诉你们What is Hip-hop?
wo chuxian jiushi gaosu nimen What is Hip-hop?

Wo ba quguo henduo difang dan cong mei zuoguo gaotie
没见过牛排 像南方人从没见过朝雪
mei jianguo niupai xiang nanfang ren cong mei jianguo chao xue
yongyuan wang buliao qiaobuqi wo ba di naxie qinqi
tamen de hai zi xianzai zhengzai dui wo de geci jinxing chaoxie

我爷努力一辈子 全家肚子不再饿
wo ye nuli yibeizi quanjia duzi bu zai e
我爸半辈子赚钱 送我和我弟去上课
wo ba banbeizi zhuanqian song wo he wo di qu shangke
三代人打拼到现在 才勉强吃饱饭
sandai ren dapin dao xianzai cai mianqiang chi bao fan
什么叫白手起家 都睁大双眼朝我看
shenme jiao baishouqijia dou zheng da shuangyan chao wo kan

只需要给我一个麦 我能唱到快散场
zhi xuyao gei wo yige mai wo neng chang dao kuai sanchang
从一无所有 到现在 一步步慢慢闯
cong yiwusuoyou dao xianzai yibu bu man man chuang
从县里走到城市 我们炸了很多场
cong xian li zou dao chengshi women zhale henduo chang
如果你也是hip-hop 你就会知道我有多爽
ruguo ni yeshi hip-hop ni jiu hui zhidao wo you duo shuang

因为我没有钱 所以我现在只能卖命
yinwei wo meiyou qian suoyi wo xianzai zhi neng maiming
我们县城的孩子 骂人就得指名带姓
women xiancheng de haizi maren jiu de zhiming dai xing
问我为什么不找工作 选择跟现实抗争
wen wo weisheme bu zhao gongzuo xuanze gen xianshi kangzheng
我说老子不做hip-hop 才叫做旷工
wo shuo laozi bu zuo hip-hop cai jiaozuo kuanggong

所以我 从小就懂得 人与人的差距
suoyi wo congxiao jiu dongde ren yu ren de chaju
尽管我一直告诉自己 别再有压力
jinguan wo yizhi gaosu ziji bie zai you yali
有人含着金汤匙 出生就城市户口
youren hanzhe jin tangchi chusheng jiu chengshi hukou
有人蹲在地上挨打 没人让他们住手
youren dun zai dishang aida mei ren rang tamen zhushou

像他们说的 有人十多岁就出去卖
xiang tamen shuo de youren shi duo sui jiu chuqu mai
他们的父母多半不在家 在外面躲着债
tamen de fumu duoban bu zaijia zai waimian duozhe zhai
我们这的孩子 不仅缺钱 还缺爱
women zhe de haizi bujin que qian hai que ai
偷井盖是他没得选 他只能选择Do or Die
tou jinggai shi ta mei de xuan ta zhi neng xuanze Do or Die

F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
流着地下的血 谁怕你牛逼吹多大
liu zhuo dixia de xue shei pa ni niu bi chui duoda
F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
我出现就是告诉你们What is Hip-hop?
wo chuxian jiushi gaosu nimen What is Hip-hop?

F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
流着地下的血 谁怕你牛逼吹多大
liu zhuo dixia de xue shei pa ni niu bi chui duoda
F*F*dui zhege shijie shuo sheng F*
我出现就是告诉你们What is Hip-hop?
wo chuxian jiushi gaosu nimen What is Hip-hop?

What is Hip-hop?是台上比谁更帅?
What is Hip-hop? Shi tai shang bi shei geng shuai?
我的意思黑怕 是手里紧握的麦
Wo de yisi hei pa shi shou li jin wo de mai
What is Hip-hop?不是在践踏着爱
What is Hip-hop? Bushi zai jiantazhe ai
我的意思黑怕 是我们一直都在
wo de yisi hei pa shi women yizhi dou zai

What is Hip-hop?是台上比谁更帅?
What is Hip-hop? Shi tai shang bi shei geng shuai?
我的意思黑怕 是手里紧握的麦
Wo de yisi hei pa shi shou li jin wo de mai
What is Hip-hop?不是在践踏着爱
What is Hip-hop? Bushi zai jiantazhe ai
我的意思黑怕 是我们一直都在
wo de yisi hei pa shi women yizhi dou zai

(shout out to NET昕哲)
(shout out to NET xin zhe)
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火人日记 (Huo Ren Ri Ji) – English Translation

Zhengzhou Nanxun Hebei I was born in Dongguan in the county seat
From East Street to Zhengzhou, I will customize the level step by step
My mouth is cute, but I have never been to Songshan
My lyrics wrote too much hiphop almost entered

I envy the director’s son to enter school without the test
In contrast, I go to the exam with cute, like crossing the robbery
My middle school entrance examination was a bit worse. My dad smoked and smoked all night
If we do not learn, it is equivalent to entering the tomb in advance

The cost of spending high in high school was hit on the first day of high school
I would rather be beaten and do not bow my head. My classmates said that I was a bit stupid
Take a week’s meal money to buy Argentina, I never look at the odds
I had to fight back in the past

Children at the neighbor’s house have never been to the black Internet cafe
My dad asked me when I can catch up with him
Hello, teacher & gt; & lt; Light mature woman & gt; replace in MP3
He hit him that day because he stole & lt; my bicycle & gt;

I can’t see the bottom level, I will give you slowly
The dirty person writes the dirty song. This is the theme tightly
I hate little cuteness, especially my class teacher in my elementary school
Turn me to the last row because I have no money to find her for tuition

I care about who your boss is iQiyi or Youku
Want to squeeze into our UNDERGROUND unless you spend money to smuggle
My brother is also selling insurance to accompany the customer and drinking
The cute people have been building roads in front of my door for a lifetime

F*f*Saying to this world f*
Who is afraid of how big you are, how big you are, how big you are
F*f*Saying to this world f*
I show you what is hip-hop?

F*f*Saying to this world f*
Who is afraid of how big you are, how big you are, how big you are
F*f*Saying to this world f*
I show you what is hip-hop?

My dad has been to many places but never took the high -speed rail
I have never seen steaks like southerners have never seen Chaoxue
Can’t forget to look down on my dad’s relatives
Their children are now copying my lyrics

My grandfather worked hard for the whole life and the whole family is no longer hungry
My dad made money for half of his life to send me and my brother to class
Three generations have worked hard until now
What does it mean?

I just need to give me a wheat, I can sing to the fast -point field
From nothing to now, step by step slowly
We exploded a lot from the county to the city
If you are also hip-hop, you will know how cool I am

Because I have no money, I can only kill it now
Children in our county have to be named with their surnames when they scold them
Ask me why I do n’t find a job to choose to fight against reality
I said that Lao Tzu does not do HIP-HOP, it is called absenteeism

So I have understood the gap between people from an early age
Although I have been telling myself not to be under pressure anymore
Someone was born with a golden spoon and was born in the city.
Someone squatted on the ground and beaten no one to let them stop

Like they are talking about someone in their dozen years old, go out to sell
Most of their parents are not at home to hide outside the debt
Our child is not only lacking money but also love
Stealing the manhole cover is that he had to choose him, but he could only choose Do or DIE

F*f*Saying to this world f*
Who is afraid of how big you are, how big you are, how big you are
F*f*Saying to this world f*
I show you what is hip-hop?

F*f*Saying to this world f*
Who is afraid of how big you are, how big you are, how big you are
F*f*Saying to this world f*
I show you what is hip-hop?

What is hip-hop? Is it more handsome than who is on the stage?
I mean black, I am afraid that it is a wheat that holds tightly in my hand
What is hip-hop? Not trampled on love
What I mean is that we are afraid that we have always been there

What is hip-hop? Is it more handsome than who is on the stage?
I mean black, I am afraid that it is a wheat that holds tightly in my hand
What is hip-hop? Not trampled on love
What I mean is that we are afraid that we have always been there

(Shout Out to NET Xinzhe)
Find more lyrics at

Pinyin Lyrics Huo Ren (火人) – 火人日记 (Huo Ren Ri Ji) 歌词

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