Pinyin Lyrics XG – WOKE UP 歌词

WOKE UP Lyrics – XG

Singer: XG
Title: WOKE UP

I been here waiting lookin’ at ’em
我在此等候多时 看着他们
wo zai ci denghou duoshi kanzhe tamen
Tryna catch up take it how you wanna take it

争先恐后的模样 我想知道你有多大能耐
zhengxiankonghou de muyang wo xiang zhidao ni you duoda nengnai
Left the place in panic
我动身离去 造成恐慌
wo dongshen li qu zaocheng konghuang
Left to take another planet

chufa qianwang ling yixingqiu
Left to make another statement
hai youyi jian shi xuyao shengming
XG baby say the names right

快高呼我们的姓名 XG 宝贝
kuai gao hu women de xingming XG baobei
Spell it out so u can learn it
试着拼出来 这下你不就知道了吗
shizhe pin chulai zhe xia ni bu jiu zhidaole ma
You can smell the tires when they turnin’

轮胎摩擦出的烧焦味 能闻到吧
luntai moca chu de shao jiao wei neng wen dao ba
You can smell the fire when it’s burnin’
烈焰的气息 你能察觉得到吧
lieyan de qixi ni neng chajue dedao ba
You can tell we all made it work for us

想必你已见证我们的成功 还不快加入
xiangbi ni yi jianzheng women de chenggong hai bukuai jiaru
Made it but we had to work for it
zhe shi women fenli pinbo
Work work work so perfect

jingyiqiujing de chengguo
That it hurt don’t it? Surf on ’em
你很不爽 对吧 我们一骑绝尘
ni hen bushuang dui ba women yi qi jue chen
Right away ride the wave ride away

乘风破浪 扬长而去
chengfengpolang yangchang er qu
Cause we had the right of way
shi yinwei xiangyou youxian tongxing quan
Bye bye bye flying past then we fly away

再见咯 我们起飞 超越
zaijian ge women qifei chaoyue
Into outer-space
fei wang wai taikong
Drop top in a coupe outside

当我纵身一跃 跳下飞机
dang wo zongshen yi yue tiao xia feiji
When I hop up out of this plane
zuo jin waibian tingzhe de changpeng jiaoche
Look at my fit right now

kuai kan wo zhe yi shen chuan da
When I just walked outta my bed
suiran wo caigang qichuang
Fix my hair and fix my make up on the way

buguo lushang wo hui bian shutou huazhuang
Bound to the next stop
kai wang xia yi zhan
Bound for the great

shi xiang chenggong de bi’an
Make ’em bow down to the X (uh)
rang suoyou ren xiang wo chenfu
A little more than ordinary honorary

wo suo huode de rongyu burong xiao qu
Underestimated leavin’ all you broke
若敢小看我 保证将你们打得满地找牙
ruo gan xiao kan wo baozheng jiang nimen da de man di zhao ya
I’m the judge and jury I don’t wanna hear it

我是评审的判官 我不想再听你胡诌
wo shi pingshen de panguan wo buxiang zai ting ni huzhou
I’m the one they fearin’ keep it on the low
我就是令人生畏的存在 劝你别太张扬
wo jiushi ling rensheng wei de cunzai quan ni bie tai zhangyang
This is automated I’m the motivator

我知道 你们总是把我当成奋斗目标
wo zhidao nimen zong shi ba wo dangcheng fendou mubiao
Told my haters “Yo more the merrier”
对我怀恨在心的话 就尽管来吧
dui wo huaihen zaixin dehua jiu jinguan lai ba
Y’all my entertainment fascinated

wo jiushi xihuan ba nimen dang lezi kan
I’m just laughing cuz it’s so hilarious
bijing zong hui ba wo douxiao
Little girl with a big mouth uh

虽年纪轻轻 但抱负却不小
sui nianji qing qing dan baofu que bu xiao
Small group with a big house yeah
新兴团体 住进大别墅
xinxing tuanti zhu jin da bieshu
Big watch on the wrist now uh

shou shang daizhe de shoubiao dou bu xiao
I just thought of that flow now just now
本来正在想我那卷发 (注: 此处 flow 和 buss down 都是描述发型的俚语)
benlai zhengzai xiang wo na juanfa (zhu: Ci chu flow he buss down dou shi miaoshu faxing de liyu)
Put a little more down for the buss down

还是多披下来一些 弄成中分直发吧
haishi duo pi xialai yixie nong cheng zhong fen zhi fa ba
Went on tour on a bus and tore the bus down
坐上观光巴士 惹得人声鼎沸
zuo shang guanguang bashi re de ren sheng dingfei
Everything custom now

rujin wo zaoyi xiguan
Fans rushin’ out
fensi feng yong er zhi de shihou
Security had to push me out

bei anbao tuizhe zou
48 laws of power
权利的四十八条法则 (注: 美国作家罗伯特 格林的著作)
quanli de sishiba tiao faze (zhu: Meiguo zuojia luobote gelin de zhuzuo)
Little girl with a big motor on a kid tho mhm

年纪小又如何 骑上大型摩托车
nianji xiao you ruhe qi shang daxing motuo che
Watch me rip tho
wo zhaoyang miaosha quan chang
Watch me snap like motorola flip phone mhm

daxiang zhi de sheng yinxiang shi he shang motuoluola shouji gai
I don’t wanna hit you this hard on a intro
benlai wo ye buxiang yi kaishi jiu zheme daji ni
Bring that bounce like 64

可我的律动十足 堪比雪佛兰的液压弹跳装置 (注: 64 在俚语中代表 Chevrolet ’64 Impala 一款64年雪佛兰)
ke wo de ludong shizu kan bi xuefulan de yeya tantiao zhuangzhi (zhu: 64 Zai liyu zhong daibiao Chevrolet’64 Impala yi kuan 64 nian xuefulan)
Find me in Tokyo rappin’ in a skirt
来东京 你会看到我穿着裙子在说唱
lai dongjing ni hui kan dao wo chuanzhuo qunzi zai shuochang
Are you catchin’ my drift tho

ni yinggai neng lijie wo de yisi ba
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge
So don’t get under my skin

bie lai zhaore wo
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge
Like this

jiu zheyang
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge
So don’t get under my skin

bie lai zhaore wo
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge
Like this

jiu zheyang
Light flex go easy
动作娴熟 从容不迫
dongzuo xianshu congrongbupo
Tag it up graffiti

biao hao jihao
Drop a pin or addy
dingwei didian
That’s where I’ll go

wo zhunbei qu na
Rip the show and that’s all I know
大显身手 我只知道这些
daxianshenshou wo zhi zhidao zhexie
I’m super visioned

wo muguang changyuan
Y’all just built on superstitions
kebu xiang nimen nayang mixin
Watch me do

hai bu kan kan wo zenme zuo de
Everything everywhere
bulun ruhe
All at once all the time

bulun he shi
All around the world
bulun he de
Woke up lookin’ like this

等到我觉醒时 可就像这样不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu xiang zheyang bu hao duifu ge
So don’t get under my skin
bie lai zhaore wo

And that’s the name of this ship “And that’s it!”
没错 那就是我们公司名
Mei cuo na jiushi women gongsi ming
Den mother mother wolf
women de lingtou lang

So don’t make fun of my kids
ke bie quxiao wo de huojimen
We all fam and stand tall now
我们团结一心 屹立在高峰
women tuanjie yi xin yili zai gaofeng

So don’t talk down on my kin hey
wo zhe qun tongban ke bushi ni neng biandi de
Welcome to the party
huanying lai canjia kuanghuan paidui

Floatin’ like it’s mardi gras yeah
我就像是忏悔星期二 漂浮着的花车 (注: Mardi Gras即忏悔星期二 float为该节日里的parade float)
wo jiu xiang shi chanhui xingqi’er piaofuzhe de huache (zhu: Mardi Gras ji chanhui xingqi’er float wei gai jieri li de parade float)
You can call me HARVEY
你可以喊我名字 HARVEY
ni keyi han wo mingzi HARVEY

But I’m not your barbie doll yeah
但休想让我当你的芭比 (注: 有款芭比的名字也是Harvey)
dan xiuxiang rang wo dang ni de babi (zhu: You kuan babi de mingzi yeshi Harvey)
Hardy hardy ha laughin’ at ’em
那群失败者真是可笑 (注: hardy 在俚语中可表示 loser)
na qun shibai zhe zhenshi kexiao (zhu: Hardy zai liyu zhong ke biaoshi loser)

While we blast away
buguo women ke zhunbei louyishoule
Black on black on black
shen chuan yi xi hei yi

Outfits all packed away
wo yi zhengzhuangdaifa
C to the O C O
将C O C O拼在一起
jiang C O C O pin zai yiqi

That’s me lord have mercy
就组成我的名字 老天还真有眼光
jiu zucheng wo de mingzi lao tian hai zhenyou yanguang
Young queen but I act like an unnie
我年轻有为 虽是忙内 但做起事来绝不冒失 (注: unnie 即韩语언니 / 姐姐)
wo nianqing you wei sui shi mang nei dan zuo qi shi lai jue bu maoshi (zhu: Unnie ji hanyueonni/ jiejie)

Young blood but I’m built like an OG
wo keshi da lao jibie de xinxing
Gotta lift weight for the bags
jiusuan nandu tisheng wo ye jue bupa

Lookin’ real fit for the mags
wo shi deng shang zazhi de zui jia renxuan
And I’m a wolf in a pack
shen wei lang qun zhong de yi yuan

So I just woof and attack uh huh
我一声呼嚎 即可展开猎杀行动
wo yisheng hu hao ji ke zhankai lie sha xingdong
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge

So don’t get under my skin
bie lai zhaore wo
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge

Like this
jiu zheyang
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge

So don’t get under my skin
bie lai zhaore wo
Woke up lookin’ like this
等到我觉醒时 可就不好对付咯
dengdao wo juexing shi ke jiu bu hao duifu ge

Like this
jiu zheyang
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WOKE UP – English Translation

I Been Here Waiting lookin ‘at’ em
I’m waiting here for a long time to watch them
Tryna Catch up take it how you wanna take it

I want to be scrambled to look like how capable you are
Left the place in Panic
I left to leave and cause panic
Left to take another planet

Depart to another star
Left to make another statement
There is another thing to declare
Xg baby the names right

Hurry up our name xg baby
Spell it out so u can learn it
Try to fight out, do you just know?
You can dell the tires when they turnin ‘

Can smell the burnt smell of the tire rubbing
You can dell the fire when it’s burnin ‘
You can check the breath of flames, right?
You can talk it made it work for us

Presumably you have witnessed that our success is not fast to join
MADE it But we have to work for it
This is our hard work
Work Work from so perfect

The results of excellence
That it hurt don’t it? Surf on ’em
You are very upset, right? Let’s ride the dust
Right Away Ride the Wave Ride Away

Go to the wind and break the waves
Cause we have right of way
It is because you have the right to priority
Bye bye flying pas, we fly away

Goodbye we take off and surpass
Into Out-SPACE
Fly to the outer space
Drop Top in a Coupe Outside

When I jump off the plane
When I Hop Up Out of this Plane
Sitting outside the convertible car
Look at my fit right now

Look at me, dress up
When I just Walked Outta My Bed
Although I just got up
Fix my hair and fix my make up on the way

But on the road, I will comb my hair and make up
Bound to the next stop
Open the next stop
Bound for the Great

Drive to the other side of success
Make ’em Bown to the x (uh)
Let everyone take me to me
A little more than orderingry honorary

The honor I get cannot be underestimated
UndeRestImated Leavin ‘All you Broke
If you dare to underestimate me, I promise to fight you all the way to find your teeth
I’m the Judge and Jury I DON’T’t Wanna Hear IT

I am the judge of the judge. I don’t want to listen to you anymore
I’m the One Fearin ‘Keep It on the Low
I am a daunting existence. I persuaded you not to be too public
This is automated I’m the motivator

I know you always treat me as the goal of struggle
TOLD My HATERS “YO More The Merrier”
If you hate me, just come, just come,
Y’ALL My Entertainment Fascinated

I just like to see you as fun
I’m Just Laughing Cuz it’s so hilarious
After all, I will always make me laugh
Little Girl with a BIG MOUTH UH

Although young, the ambition is not small
Small Group with a Big House Yeah
Emerging groups live in big villas
Big Watch on the Writ now uh

The watches wearing on my hand are not small
I just thought of that flow now just now
I was thinking of my curly hair (Note: Flow and Bus Down here are slang describing hairstyles)
Put a little more down for the business double

Let’s put it more into the straight hair.
Weeter on tour on a business and touch the bus double
Sitting on the sightseeing bus makes people sound
Everything CUSTOM Now

I’m used to it now
Fans rushin ‘out
When the fans swarmed to
Security had to push me out

Pushed away by security
48 LAWS of Power
Article 48 Rule of Rights (Note: The book of American writer Robert Green)
Little Girl with A Big Motor on A Kid Tho MHM

How to ride large motorcycles on a young age
Watch Me Rip Tho
I still kill the audience
Watch Me Snap Like Motorola Flip Phone MHM

The sound of the finger seemed to be closed by the Motorola mobile phone cover
I don’t winnna her this hard on a intro
I didn’t want to fight you like this at the beginning
Bring that bounce like 64

But my rhythm is comparable to Chevrolet’s hydraulic bouncing device (Note: 64 represents Chevrolet ’64 IMPALA a 64 -year Chevrolet in Slang)
Find Me in TOKYO RAPPIN ‘in a Skirt
When you come to Tokyo, you will see me wearing a skirt and singing
Are you catchin ‘my drift tho

You should be able to understand what I mean
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up
So don’t get under my skin

Don’t provoke me
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up
Like this

that’s all
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up
So don’t get under my skin

Don’t provoke me
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up
Like this

that’s all
Light Flex Go Easy
Skilled movement and calmness
Tag it up graffiti

Drop a pin or addy
That’s wheres’ll go

I’m going to go there
RIP The Show and That’s All I Know
I only know this in Da Xian’s skills
I’m Super Visioned

I have a long look
Y’ALL Just Built on SuperStitions
It’s not as superstitious as you
Watch me do

Don’t look at what I do
Everything Everywhere
no matter what
All at once all the time

All artd the world
No matter where
WOKE up lookin ‘like this

When I wake up, I can deal with it like this
So don’t get under my skin
Don’t provoke me
X g a l x

And that’s the name of this ship “and that’s it!”
That’s right that’s the name of our company
Den Mother Mother Wolf
Our leader wolf

So do don’t make fun of my kids
Don’t make fun of my guys
We all fam and stand tall now
We stand united at the peak

So do down on my kin hey
My group of companions can not be degraded
Welcomed to the party
Welcome to participate in the carnival party

Floatin ‘Like it’s Mardi Gras Yeah
I am like a floating car on Tuesday (Note: MARDI GRAS is the Parade Float on the festival on Tuesday Float)
You can call me harvey
You can call my name Harvey

But I’m not your barbie doll Yeah
But I want to let me be your Barbie (Note: The name of Barbie is also HARVEY))
Hardy Hardy Ha Laughin ‘at’ em
That group of losers are really ridiculous (Note: Hardy can express loser in slang)

While We Blast Away
But we can prepare to show up
Black on Black on Black
Wearing a black clothes

Outfits all packed away
I’m ready to go
C to the o c o
Putting c o c o together

That ’s me lord has have mercy
Just make up my name God really has a vision
Young queen but I act like an unnie
Although I am young and I am busy, I will never get rid of things (Note: Unnie is Korean 언니 / sister)

Young blood but I’m built like an oG
I am a star -level star
Gotta Lift Weight for the Bags
Even if the difficulty is improved, I will never be afraid

Lookin ‘Real Fit for the Mags
I am the best candidate to board the magazine
And I’m a Wolf in a Pack
As a member of the wolf group

So I just woof and Attack uh huh
I can start a hunting operation with a cry
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up

So don’t get under my skin
Don’t provoke me
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up

Like this
that’s all
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up

So don’t get under my skin
Don’t provoke me
WOKE up lookin ‘like this
It’s hard to deal with it when I wake up

Like this
that’s all
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Pinyin Lyrics XG – WOKE UP 歌词

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