Pinyin Lyrics Eminem – Renaissance 歌词

Renaissance Lyrics – Eminem

Singer: Eminem
Title: Renaissance

With balls in his durag, he sags, fearin’ no man
他挺直身板伫立 俩蛋耷拉着 无所畏惧
ta ting zhi shenban zhuli lia dan dalazhe wu suo weiju
He stands, pen in his hand like Edward Scissorhands
他站着在那儿 手里拿着纸笔 就像剪刀手爱德华
ta zhanzhe zai na’er shou li nazhe zhi bi jiu xiang jiandao shou aidehua

Will slice competition and just goes about his business
他会尽力避开竞争 只关心自己的事吗
ta hui jinli bi kai jingzheng zhi guanxin ziji de shi ma
Anyone who knows about him knows about his shindig
了解他的人都知道 他和他的那场精彩大戏
liaojie ta de ren dou zhidao ta he ta di na chang jingcai daxi

Shenanigans, and all the swaggy antics in the papers
无厘头恶作剧 还有报纸上那些夸张的滑稽动作
wulitou ezuoju hai you baozhi shang naxie kuazhang de huaji dongzuo
Shank is danglin’, the baby tangled in a blanket, stranglin’
婴儿床摇晃着 只见那宝宝缠在毛毯里 就要窒息
ying’er chuang yaohuangzhe zhi jian na baobao chan zai maotan li jiu yao zhixi

I’m hangin’ him over the railing by the ankles on some gangster sh#t
我要抓住他的脚踝 把他倒挂着吊在栏杆上面
wo yao zhua zhu ta de jiaohuai ba ta daoguazhe diao zai langan shangmian
Child endangerment, dark brain arcane but it Mark Twainin’ it
危害儿童的黑暗反社会 马克 吐温式的故事
weihai ertong de hei’an fan shehui make tu wen shi de gushi

You aren’t tamin’ it, sharp pain in the heart
你不会就此屈服 心脏中尖锐地刺痛
ni bu hui jiuci qufu xinzang zhong jianrui de ci tong
Aimin’ a bar chain but it carve names in it
目标是一家连锁酒吧 但那上面刻着名字
mubiao shi yijia liansuo jiuba dan na shangmian kezhe mingzi

Start sprayin’ and start ravin’ ’em, you starve, ravin’ it
开始扫荡 消灭所有敌人 你饥渴难耐 屠尽全场
kaishi saodang xiaomie suoyou diren ni ji ke nannai tujinquan chang
You’re at arm’s length, you’re in harm’s way of it
尽管保持一定距离 你也让自己处于危险之中
jinguan baochi yiding juli ni ye rang ziji chuyu weixian zhi zhong

‘Bout to show your #ss why I’m still a pain in it
得让你知道 为何我依旧是人们的眼中钉肉中刺
de rang ni zhidao weihe wo yijiushi renmen de yanzhongding rouzhongci
You wanna know how I do it? I can’t explain this sh#t
想知道我是怎么做到的吗? 我不知道该怎么解释
xiang zhidao wo shi zenme zuo dao de ma? Wo bu zhidao gai zenme jieshi

Mechanic’s brain with a pinch of Big Daddy Kane in it
机械师般的大脑里 还带着点凯恩老爹的风韵
jixie shi ban de danao li hai dai zhuo dian kai en lao die de fengyun
But I can show you the ropes ’til you get the hang of it
但我可以教给你核心要义 直到你掌握窍门
dan wo keyi jiao gei ni hexin yaoyi zhidao ni zhangwo qiaomen

Elephant’s eye, this of the tough element
拥有大象的眼睛 这是代表坚韧的元素
yongyou da xiang de yanjing zhe shi daibiao jianren de yuansu
Of intelligent hoodlum, arrested development
智力超群的混混 即便被逮捕 也能卧薪尝胆
zhili chaoqun de hunhun jibian bei daibu ye neng woxinchangdan

Cellar dwellers and wise intelligence, it’s elementary
地下室里的蜗居 劳动人民的智慧 都是些基本的要求
dixiashi li de woju laodong renmin de zhihui dou shi xie jiben de yaoqiu
Through hell I went, accelerate from lack of melanin
历经地狱 因这格格不入的白皮肤 事业突飞猛进
lijing diyu yin zhe gegeburu de bai pifu shiye tufeimengjin

Failin’ in school, smart eloquent
学业的不顺利 不妨碍为人处世的圆滑
xueye de bu shunli bu fang’ai weiren chushi de yuanhua
Help me to rebel against sh#t, so well and bent
帮助我抵抗黑恶的势力 能屈能伸
bangzhu wo dikang hei e de shili nengqunengshen

So eloquently, yet, I was irrelevant
如此雄辩 然而 我却被视作无关紧要之人
ruci xiongbian ran’er wo que bei shi zuo wuguan jinyao zhi ren
Soon as I quit givin’ a **** and started to sell a bit
很快我就放弃理想 开始卖些好货为生
hen kuai wo jiu fangqi lixiang kaishi mai xie hao huo wei sheng

Now just travel inside the mind of a hater
现在 就让我们进入黑粉们的内心世界
xianzai jiu rang women jinru hei fenmen de neixin shijie
‘Cause I don’t see no fans, all I see’s a bunch of complainers
因为我没看到什么粉丝 我只看到一群抱怨的人
yinwei wo mei kan dao shenme fensi wo zhi kan dao yiqun baoyuan de ren

“Kendrick’s album was cool but it didn’t have any bangers”
“Kendrick的专辑很酷 可惜没有任何爆点”
“Kendrick de zhuanji hen ku kexi meiyou renhe bao dian”
“Wayne’s album or Ye’s, couldn’t tell you which one was lamer”
“李伟的专辑和侃爷的 我甚至分不清哪个更烂”
“li wei de zhuanji he kan ye de wo shenzhi fen bu qing nage geng lan”

“Joyner’s album was corny, Shady’s new sh#t is way worse”
“就连Joyner Lucas也平平无奇 ss的就更糟糕了”
“jiu lian Joyner Lucas ye pingping wu qi ss de jiu geng zaogaole”
“Everything is either too tame or there’s too much anger”
“一切不是太过寡淡无味 就是充斥着太多怒火”
“yiqie bushi taiguo gua dan wuwei jiu shi chongchizhe tai duo nuhuo”

“I didn’t like the beat so I hated Mike the week later”
“这beat我完全无感 过一礼拜连Mike Dean都不粉了”
“zhe beat wo wanquan wu gan guo yi libai lian Mike Dean dou bu fenle”
You nerdy pricks would find somethin’ wrong with 36 Chambers
你们这些牢骚满腹的书呆子 会用尽浑身解数挑刺儿
nimen zhexie laosao manfu de shudaizi hui yong jin hunshen xieshu tiaoci er

So what they do for the greats? Pick the part of Picasso and make excuses to hate
小人又能把伟人怎么样呢? 盯上毕加索的不是 就找借口去泄愤
xiao ren you neng ba weiren zenme yang ne? Ding shang bijiasuo de bushi jiu zhao jiekou qu xiefen
So you can wait for your flowers until you’re blue in the face, stupid
就等着人来给你送花 直等到你脸色发青 二比
jiu dengzhe ren lai gei ni song hua zhi dengdao ni lianse fa qing er bi

You ain’t gonna get ’em until your funeral, wait (Hm)
到你葬礼上就会有人来给你献花了 等会儿
dao ni zangli shang jiu hui youren lai gei ni xianhuale deng hui er
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Renaissance – English Translation

With Balls in his durag, he sags, fearin ‘no man
He stood upright and stood up with the two eggs and pulled the fearlessness
He Stands, Pen in His Hand Like Edward scissorhands
He stands there and holding a paper pen in his hand is like a scissors hand Edward

Will Slice Competition and Just Goes About His Business
Will he try his best to avoid competition and only care about himself?
Anyone Who Knows About Him Knows About His Shindig
Anyone who knows him knows that he and his wonderful drama

Shenanigans, and all the swaggy antics in the page
There are no craftsmanship and the exaggerated funny action on the newspaper
SHANK Is Danglin ‘, The Baby Tangled in a Blanket, Stranglin’
The baby bed shakes and saw that the baby was choked in the blanket

I’m handin ‘him over the railing by the ankles on some gangster sh#t
I want to catch his ankle and hang him upside down on the railing
Child EndngerMent, Dark Brain Arcane But It Mark Twainin ‘IT
The story of the dark society that endangers the child is the story of the Mark Twen -style

You are tamin ‘it, sharp pain in the heart
You won’t yield to stabbed sharply in the heart
Aimin ‘A Bar Chain But it Carve names in it
The goal is a chain bar, but the name is engraved on it

Start sprayin ‘and start ravin’ ’em, you start, ravin’ it
Start sweeping all enemies, you are hungry and thirsty, slaughter the audience
You’re at arm’s length, you’re in harm’s way of it
Although you keep you at a certain distance, you are in danger

‘BOUT to show your assh’m still a pain in it
You have to let you know why I am still stabbing the meat in people’s eyes
You Wanna Know How I do it? I can’T expliced ​​this sh#t
Want to know how I did it? I don’t know how to explain

Mechanic’s Brain with a Pinch of Big Daddy Kane in IT
The mechanical master’s brain is still a little bit of the charm of Kane’s father
But I can show you the ropes’ til you get the haang of it
But I can teach you the core essence until you master the trick

Elephant’s Eye, this of the touch element
The eyes of an elephant. This is a tough element
Of intelligent hoodlum, Aruse itet Development
The intellectual superb buns can be saved even if they are arrested

Cellar Dwellers and Wise Intelligence, It’s Elementary
The wisdom of the workers’ working people in the bas#ment is all basic requirements
Throud hell I know, accelerate from lack of melanin
After hell, hell has made a rapid progress due to this incompatible white skin career

Failin ‘in school, Smart Eloquent
The unsuccessful of the academic studies does not prevent the smoothness of being a life -threatening life
Help me to rebel aganst sh#t, so well and bet
The forces that help me resist the evil can be flexed and stretched

So eloquently, yet, I was irrelevant
This is so arguing that I was regarded as an unrelated person
Soon as I quit givin ‘a **** and started to self a bit
Soon I give up my ideals and start selling some good goods for a living for living

Now Just Travel Inside the Mind of a Hater
Let us enter the inner world of the black fans now
‘Cause I don’t see no fans, all I see’s a bunch of complainers
Because I don’t see any fans, I only see a group of people complaining

“Kendrick’s Album Was Cool But it didn’t have any bangers” “” ”
“Kendrick’s album is cool, but there is no explosion point”
“Wayne’s Album or Ye’s, Couldn’T Tell You Which One Was Lamer”
“Li Wei’s album and Lord Kan, I can’t even tell which one is worse.”

“JOYNER’s Album Was Corny, Shady’s New sh#t is Way Way”
“Even JOYNER Lucas is even worse than SS”
“Everything is Either too or there is too much anger”
“Everything is either too light or tasteless or full of anger”

“I do like the bet so I hartd mike the wek later” ”
“I have no sense of this beat & nbsp; in a week, Mike Dean will not be fascinated.”
You Nerdy Pricks Would Find Somethin ‘Wrong with 36 CHAMBERS
You of all the complaints of nerds will use all your best to pick up stabbing children

So what they do for the grands? Pick the part of picasso and make excuses to hero
How can a villain be a great man?
So you can wait for your flowers uniedil you’re block in the face, stupid
Just wait for someone to send you a flower and wait until your face is blue.

You Ain’t Gonna Get ‘Em Untilla Your Funeral, WAIT (HM)
At your funeral, someone will come to give you a spend, wait a while
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Pinyin Lyrics Eminem – Renaissance 歌词

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