Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – SHINE (golden hour sample) 歌词

SHINE (golden hour sample) Lyrics – Various Artists

Singer: Various Artists
Title: SHINE (golden hour sample)

I don’t need no light to see you shine
无需灯光 亦能瞥见你 熠熠生辉
wuxu dengguang yi neng piejian ni yiyi sheng hui
Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Yeah wo ai ni de guangmang wanzhang

Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren muxuan
I love the way you’re shining
wo ai ni de guangcaizhaoren

Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren shen mi
Skip the talking, me and you when we’re parking up
停车场里 无需多言 静默相伴
tingche chang li wuxu duo yan jingmo xiangban

Looking back to when we started
huishou chu yu
You’re the finest in the morning, ah
你如朝阳般灿烂 我心中最美的风景
ni ru zhaoyang ban canlan wo xinzhong zuimei de fengjing

King and a Queen when we’re walking through
ru guowang yu huanghou ban xiangdeyizhang
Hold my hand lemme walk witchu
牵着你的手 与你漫步
qianzhe ni de shou yu ni manbu

When I look around you’re all I see
ni shi wo yanzhong weiyi de jiaodian
Trust me it was never hard to choose
相信我 选择你 我从未犹豫
xiangxin wo xuanze ni wo cong wei youyu

Golden hour you’re so fine
黄金时分 你光芒四射
huangjin shifen ni guangmang si she
Fine in the morning and the evening too
chenhun jie yi

Every time we wine and dining
mei yici gong jin wancan
I can’t take my eyes off you
wo du wufa yi kai shixian

I love pictures of you
wo zhencangzhe ni de zhaopian
You know you are my muse
ni shi wo de linggan mou si

And every single golden hour
mei dang canlan bing huan zhi ji
I said you’ll be shining (Shine)
你是我眼中最耀眼的一抹 (熠熠生辉)
ni shi wo yanzhong zui yaoyan de yimo (yiyi sheng hui)

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Yeah wo ai ni de guangmang wanzhang
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren muxuan

I love the way you’re shining
wo ai ni de guangcaizhaoren
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren shen mi

I like the way she walk
ta de bulu qingying
I like the way she fly
ta de linghun aoxiang

Like how she make the bad things good
ta neng hua f#xiu wei shenqi
She make the wrong things right (Right)

I like the way she know
ta mingzhi mingtu duo chuan
The world won’t go her way (Way)
shishi nan liao

But she gon wake up every single morning with a smile on her face
que yiran xiao dui mei yitian
And when I’m with her it’s smile a minute
与她同在 每分每秒都是幸福
yu ta tong zai mei fen mei miao dou shi xingfu

I get bitter when I’m miles away
离她远去 心中倍感苦涩
li ta yuan qu xinzhong bei gan kuse
I couldn’t care if the world was finished long as her and I sublime and safe
只要我们平安相伴 世界末日也无惧
zhiyao women ping’an xiangban shijie mori ye wu ju

I was dreaming with the music loud
zai yinyue de peiban xia
Hundred miles on the PCH
women chicheng yu taipingyang hai’an gonglu

You was with me with the windows down
窗敞开 你与我同在 我心安然
chuang changkai ni yu wo tong zai wo xin anran
I knew everything would be okay
wo zhidao yiqie duhui hao qilai de

Oh I knew everything would work out (work out)
ta zai wo diluo shi jiyu wo liliang
She catch me when I’m caught up in a low
rang wo chong huo xiwang

And I don’t even got the words now
ta de linghun zhimei
To describe her soul she (Shine)
yanyu nanyi xingrong

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Yeah wo ai ni de guangmang wanzhang
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren muxuan

I love the way you’re shining
wo ai ni de guangcaizhaoren
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren shen mi

I like the way you shine
ni de guangmang zhao liang wo de rensheng
I like the way you’re always by my side
我倾心于你的如影随形 不离不弃
wo qingxin yu ni de ruyingsuixing bu li bu qi

Even when things got bad you stuck around and always held me high
即便逆境袭来 你也坚守在我身旁 扶我重振旗鼓
jibian nijing xi lai ni ye jianshou zai wo shen pang fu wo chong zhen qi gu
You don’t gotta tell me you show me everyday that you’re mine
无需多言 你的行动胜过千言万语 证明你是我的挚爱
wuxu duo yan ni de xingdong shengguo qianyan wan yu zhengming ni shi wo de zhi’ai

I know what we have is so special and that’s the reason why
我知道我们的情缘非同凡响 这才是缘分之美
wo zhidao women de qingyuan fei tong fanxiang zhe cai shi yuanfen zhimei
You got me stupid matter of fact I don’t know what I’m doing
你让我心乱如麻 不知所措
ni rang wo xin luan ru ma buzhi suo cuo

I used to say ain’t never gon love nobody till I met you it’s confusing
曾经 我以为自己不会爱上任何人 直到遇见了你 一切变得云遮雾绕
cengjing wo yiwei ziji bu hui ai shang renhe ren zhidao yujianle ni yiqie bian de yun zhe wu rao
You changed everything
ni gaibianle yiqie

You changed how I think
chong sule wo de shijieguan
Used to say ain’t never gon love nobody till I met you it’s confusing
曾经 我以为自己封心锁爱 直到遇见了你 一切变得云遮雾绕
cengjing wo yiwei ziji feng xin suo ai zhidao yujianle ni yiqie bian de yun zhe wu rao

It’s confusing, now
现在 我迷失在爱的漩涡中
xianzai wo mishi zai ai de xuanwo zhong
I’m finding my way back to you
wo zheng nuli xun hui ni

There’s something in the way that you move
你的举止 如磁石般吸引着我
ni de juzhi ru cishi ban xiyinzhe wo
And more than anything I just wanna
我心之所向 便是与你重逢
wo xin zhi suo xiang bian shi yu ni chongfeng

I just wanna see you (Shine)
见证你的光芒 (熠熠生辉)
jianzheng ni de guangmang (yiyi sheng hui)
Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Yeah wo ai ni de guangmang wanzhang

Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren muxuan
I love the way you’re shining
wo ai ni de guangcaizhaoren

Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren shen mi
I came from nothing and now I’m upside
cong wu dao you

Always give thanks to the ones around me
gan’en yilu xiangban
Including all of my haters too
我心怀感恩 包括那些曾对我冷嘲热讽的人
wo xinhuai gan’en baokuo naxie ceng dui wo lengchaorefeng de ren

But it don’t compare to the love from family
ke tamen de ai yi que wufa yu jiaren de shenqing houyi xiang pimei
I know they’re seeing my every move
wo zhidao tamen miqie guanzhuzhe wo de mei yige judong

So I’ve gotta make sure I’m doing it right
因此我必须确保我行得正 坐得端
yinci wo bixu quebao wo xing de zheng zuo de duan
I don’t wanna see them leave my side
wo bu yuan yu tamen fenli

But guess it’s part of the circle of life
但或许这是人生的宿命 无法避免
dan huoxu zhe shirensheng de suming wufa bimian
Times are changing as I’ve been growing
suizhe shiguang liushi

I’m seeing my life from a different lens
wo de rensheng guan ye zai buduan yanbian
I don’t wanna be someone who’s forgotten
wo buxiang bei shi ren yiwang

So I been in a rapping in future tense
因此我用音乐展望未来 描绘美好的愿景
yinci wo yong yinyue zhanwang weilai miaohui meihao de yuanjing
I don’t wanna be great, I’m gonna be great
我不只是想成为伟大 我必将成为伟大
wo bu zhishi xiang chengwei weida wo bi jiang chengwei weida

My fam now saying they understand
wo de jiaren rujin biaoshi lijie
Life gets lonely I need me a lover
但孤独感依然萦绕心头 我渴望爱人陪伴
dan gudu gan yiran yingrao xintou wo kewang airen peiban

I’ll fly her away like Peter Pan
我会像彼得潘一样 带她飞向幸福的彼岸
wo hui xiang bide pan yiyang dai ta fei xiang xingfu de bi’an
Step outside beautiful day
走出屋外 阳光普照
zouchu wuwai yangguang puzhao

Perfect time she wanna tan
这是一个绝佳的时刻 她希望享受日光浴
zhe shi yige jue jia de shike ta xiwang xiangshou riguangyu
This one here I think she a keeper A and B she both my plans
我相信她是一个值得托付终生的伴侣 她是我人生计划中的重要一环
wo xiangxin ta shi yige zhide tuofu zhongsheng de banlu ta shi wo rensheng jihua zhong de zhongyao yi huan

I like her hair she keep it simple
wo xihuan ta jianyue de faxing
I’m feeling different around her
在她身边 我感受到了全新的自己
zai ta shenbian wo ganshou daole quanxin de ziji

I’ll find that time to make her mine
我一定会找到合适的时间 让她成为我的挚爱
wo yiding hui zhaodao heshi de shijian rang ta chengwei wo de zhi’ai
Call it the golden hour (Shine)
称之为黄金时分 (熠熠生辉)
cheng zhi wei huangjin shifen (yiyi sheng hui)

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Yeah wo ai ni de guangmang wanzhang
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren muxuan

I love the way you’re shining
wo ai ni de guangcaizhaoren
Your beauty wat too blinding
ni di mei ling ren shen mi

Don’t have a good past with falling love
ceng dui aiqing xin cun jiedi
But there’s something about you I can’t get enough
却为你倾心不已 无法自拔
que wei ni qingxin buyi wufa ziba

Is it your heart, is it your hair
是你的温柔之心 还是你的如瀑长发
shi ni de wenrou zhi xin haishi ni de ru pu zhang fa
Imma just list it as all the above
wo du wufa kangju

You just my type
ni shi wo mengmeiyiqiu de lixiang banlu
Stole my heart like a thief in the night
ru yeban daozei ban qiao wu shengxi de tou zoule wo de xin

How are you so great and I’m alright
你如此优秀 多么有幸能与你相伴
ni ruci youxiu duome youxing neng yu ni xiangban
Helped me leave a dark place
ni de guangmang zhao liangle wo hei’an de rensheng

When you shined your light
Where have you been all my life

You hold yourself like you don’t even need a man
你独立自主 无需依靠男人
Don’t do this love thing but you made me feel I can
你从未主动追求爱情 却激发了我的勇气

Helped me to realize that I can do better and
Made me a man I thought I never would been

Yeah, that’s facts
Compared to the rest oh, yeah, you are much greater than
与其他人相比 你更加优秀卓越

Falling in love no it wasn’t part of the plan
But the feelings for you that I have you don’t understand
但对你产生的深情厚意 你无法理解

Oh, girl I love
噢 亲爱的女孩
How you make everything ok

Walk through life letting nothing get in your way
你勇往直前 不畏困难
June 18th on that waterfront terrace

I said you’ll always remind me
我曾说过 你永远会让我想起
Of these sunsets in Paris the way you (Shine)
巴黎的夕阳 以及你那令人心醉的光芒 (熠熠生辉)

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Your beauty wat too blinding

I love the way you’re shining
Your beauty wat too blinding

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah 我爱你的光芒万丈
Your beauty wat too blinding

I love the way you’re shining
Your beauty wat too blinding
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SHINE (golden hour sample) – English Translation

I don’t need no light to see you shine
You can see you shining without light
Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah I love you

Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is dazzling
I love the way you’re shining
I love your glorious people

Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is fascinating
SKIP The Talking, Me and You When We’re Parking up
There is no need to say more silently in the parking lot

Looking back to when we started
Looking back on the first encounter
You’re the fined in the morning, AH
You are as splendid as the sun in the sun. The most beautiful scenery in my heart

King and a queen when we’re walking through
The king and the queen complement each other
Hold your hand walk with you

When I look art, you’re all I see
You are the only focus in my eyes
Trust me it was never hard to chooose
I believe I chose you and I never hesitate

Goldn Hour you’re so fine
When you are golden, your light shines
Fine in the morning and the event to
It is suitable for morning and dusk

Every time we wine and dining
Each time you have dinner
I can’t take my eyes off you
I can’t look away

I love picture of you
I treasure your photos
You know you are my muse
You are my inspiration muse

And every single Golden Hour
Whenever the splendid Binghuan
I said you’ll be shining (shine)
You are the most dazzling touch of my eyes (shining)

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah I love you
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is dazzling

I love the way you’re shining
I love your glorious people
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is fascinating

I like the way she walk
Her step is light
I like the way she fly
Her soul soaring

Like how she make the bad things good
She can decay into magic
She Make The Wrong Things Right (Right)
See the sun and see the day

I like the way she know
She knows that there are too many fate
The world wON’T Go Her Way (Way)

But she gon wake up everything single morning with a smile on her face
But still laughs right every day
And when I’m with Her it’s Smile a minute
I am happy every minute and every second

I get bitter when I’m miles away
I feel bitter in her heart away from her
I COULDN’T CARE IF the World WAS Finished Long as Her and I Sublime and Safe
As long as we are with the end of the world, there is no fear

I was dreaming with the music loud
Accompanied by music
Hundred miles on the pch
We ride on the Pacific Coast Highway

You was with me with the windows down
The window opens you with me with me with peace of mind
I KNew Everything Would be okay
I know everything will be fine

Oh I KNew Everything WORK OUT (Work Out)
She gave me strength when I was low
She Catch Me when I’m caught up in a low
Let me regain hope

And I don’t grow get the words now
The beauty of her soul
To Describe Her Soul She (SHINE)
Words are difficult to describe

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah I love you
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is dazzling

I love the way you’re shining
I love your glorious people
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is fascinating

I like the way you show
Your light illuminates my life
I like the way you’re always by my size
I am fond of your shadows and shadows.

EVEN When Things Got Bad You Stuck Around and Always Held Me High
Even if the adversity strikes, you stick to me to help me regain the fanfare next to me.
You do’T’T’T’T to getta tell me you should me everything that you’re mine
No need to say more about your actions than thousands of words prove that you are my love

I Know what we have is so good and that’s the reason why
I know that our love is extraordinary. This is the beauty of fate
You get me stupid matter of fact I do, knee I’m doing
You make me feel at a loss

I userd to sayon’t never gon love nobody till I met you it’s confusion
I used to think that I would not fall in love with anyone until I met everything and became clouds and fog.
You Changed everything
You have changed everything

You Changed How I Think
Reshape my worldview
Used to say’s never gon love nobody till I met you it’s confusion
I used to think that I was in love until I met everything I became cloudy and fog.

It’s confusion, now
Now I am lost in the vortex of love
I’m Finding My Way Back to You
I am trying to find you

There’s some reason in the way that you move
Your behavior attracts me like a magnet
And more than anything I just wanna
The direction of my heart is to reunite with you

I just wanna see you (shine)
Witness your light (shining)
Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah I love you

Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is dazzling
I love the way you’re shining
I love your glorious people

Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is fascinating
I Came from Nothing and Now I’m Upside
From scratch

AlwayS GIVE Thanks to the One Around Me
Thanks all the way to accompany
Including all of my harters too
I am grateful, including those who have been ridiculed to me

But it is compare to the love from family
But their love cannot be comparable to the affection of family members
I know they’re seeing my every move
I know they are closely concerned about every move of me

So’ve Gotta Make Sure I’m Doing It Right
Therefore, I must make sure that I can sit and sit up and end
I don’t winna see they leave my size
I don’t want to separate from them

But Guess It’s PART of the Circle of Life
But maybe this is the fate of life and cannot be avoided
Times are Changing as I’m
With the passage of time

I’m Seeing My Life from a Different Lens
My outlook on life is also constantly evolving
I don’t winna be Someone who’s forgotten
I don’t want to be forgotten by the world

So i ben in a rapping in future tens
So I look forward to the future to depict the beautiful vision of the future
I don’t wait to great
I’m not just want to be great, I will become great

My FAM Now saying they understand
My family now expressed understanding
Life gets lonely I need me a lover
But loneliness is still lingering in my heart, I long for my lover to accompany

I’m Fly Her Away Like Peter Pan
I will take her like Peter Pan to the other side of happiness
Step Outside Beautiful Day
Go out of the house with sunlight

Perfect time she wanna tan
This is a great moment she wants to enjoy the sunbathing
This one here I think she a keeper a and b she both my plans
I believe she is a partner worthy of entrusting her life. She is an important part of my life plan.

I like her hair she keep it simple
I like her simple hairstyle
I’m Feeling Different Around Her
I felt a whole new self by my side

I’m Find that time to make her mine
I will definitely find the right time to make her my love
Call it the getn house (shine)
Called golden times (shining)

Yeah, I love the way you’re shining
Yeah I love you
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is dazzling

I love the way you’re shining
I love your glorious people
Your Beauty Wat Too Blinding
Your beauty is fascinating

Don’t have a good past with falove love
Once the love of love
But there are sometHing about you I can’t get enough
But for you, you can’t extricate yourself

Is it your heart, is it your hair
Is your tender heart or your long waterfall hair
Imma just list it as all the abovery
I can’t resist

You just my type
You are the ideal partner I have dreamed of
STOLE My Heart Like A Thief in the Night
I stole my heart silently like a thief in the middle of the night

Howre you so great and I’m alright
How are you so good, how are you fortunate to be with you
Helped me leave a dark places
Your light illuminates my dark life

When you show your Light

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Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – SHINE (golden hour sample) 歌词

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