Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – 成都集团2020cypher (Cheng Dou Ji Tuan2020cypher) (Prod. by HARIKIRI) 歌词

Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – 成都集团2020cypher (Cheng Dou Ji Tuan2020cypher) (Prod. by HARIKIRI) 歌词

Singer: Various Artists
Title: 成都集团2020cypher (Cheng Dou Ji Tuan2020cypher) (Prod. by HARIKIRI)

珠宝首饰到处丢 我从游泳池头醒来
Zhubao shoushi daochu diu wo cong youyongchi tou xing lai
出⻔之前 想哈 今天到底要开哪台
chu menzhiqian xiang ha jintian daodi yao kai na tai
zhu wo hai zai fendou zhong de xiongdi gongxi facai
占到茅坑不拉屎 快给老子下来
zhan dao maokeng bu la shi kuai gei laozi xialai

我接管了 你就软了
wo jieguanle ni jiu ruanle
庸人些 垃圾些 都不敢了
yong ren xie lese xie dou bu ganle
wo da ge dianhua han ge barber shang menjian tou
wo shi NBA qiuxing ni gei wo jian qiu

10个hater 9个都想成为 rapper
10 ge hater 9 ge dou xiang chengwei rapper
我接管比赛 你在旁边坐冷板凳儿
wo jieguan bisai ni zai pangbian zuo leng bandeng er
这种音乐太超了 再多来点儿
zhe zhong yinyue tai chaole zai duo lai dian er
胡说八道几句 爆了你们cypher
hushuo badao ji ju baole nimen cypher

这不是枪响 这是打的鼓
zhe bushi qiang xiang zhe shi da di gu
women zhi jian chaju hao da nimen man man shu
zhe yi suozi da wan zhihou ni de lian shang quandou shi dong
你说你是说唱歌手 这一切都是梦
ni shuo ni shi shuochang geshou zhe yiqie dou shi meng

xiang chaoguo women pa nimen zai lian shi nian dou xiaode nimen zai huo bie ge
he nimen mo de sha yuyan xiang za zi ma qing wo qie san huan zuo mo de suo
nimen de Cypher xie women na shouji fang mingxian shi gao de tai duoyule
gen women peng yi ha jinnian jiu ba nimen shoushile

你该切躲一躲 我说你们可以了可以了可以了
ni gai qie duo yi duo wo shuo nimen keyile keyile keyile
S****r的rapper些可以切躲起了 大王些RM要回来巡山了
S****r de rapper xie keyi qie duo qile dawang xie RM yao huilai xun shanle
xiaobaxi jiben bei women ding chuanle
zai nimen jingshen shang liu xia dian er banbo

women zhao piao er nimen zhao ganjue
bushi mo de tian fen shi nimen lanle
我们是巨浪 把你们淹了
women shi ju lang ba nimen yanle
whole lotta Mayos whole lotta gua

mo de ren bi women gengjia hui shua
ting shuo ni bi women weida
dan ni zai ni cypher li biaoxian de xiang ge jieba
women de shuochang shi guanzhi daoju

bian chengle ni zui cantong de zaoyu
ba zhexie lese xian ran wan zai jiao xi
wo zai ni naoke shang panxuan jia piaoyi
shazi dong xiyou qian mai bu dao

我都具备还不少 不喜欢就没礼貌
wo du jubei hai bu shao bu xihuan jiu mei limao
wo tuandui guiju shao
为了催歌粉丝把我给举报 damn
weile cuige fensi ba wo gei jubao damn
他觉得这段写的挺好 其实都暗中被我们领导
ta juede zhe duan xie de ting hao qishi dou anzhong bei women lingdao

从来都不知道满足 我们是封印的devil
conglai dou bu zhidao manzu women shi fengyin de devil
shijie hen canku
敢说 就 敢做
gan shuo jiu gan zuo
舔狗 在 反驳
tian gou zai fanbo

幻想用bad flow
huanxiang yong bad flow
ba women gan zou
胆怯 他们胆怯 教科书般的flow在点火
danqie tamen danqie jiaokeshu ban de flow zai dianhuo
他们耍感动 眼泪在眼⻆ 掩饰他懒惰 软弱惨
tamen shua gandong yanlei zai yan ⻆ yanshi ta landuo ruanruo can

我带来震撼 大到暴雨 皇冠传递发不到你
wo dai lai zhenhan da dao baoyu huangguan chuandi fa bu dao ni
占领高地 脚杆翘起
zhanling gaodi jiao gan qiao qi
中国说唱代表我们 推垃圾们进入火坑
zhongguo shuochang daibiao women tui les#men jinru huokeng
压倒的实力前你们在裸奔 狂欢到morning
yadao de shili qian nimen zai luoben kuanghuan dao morning

mei de bu keneng
你不懂 不同的 ⻛格就像天文体
ni bu dong butong de fengge jiu xiang tian wenti
shou hao ni de yi mu san fen de he nimen de lan wenti
ni he ni danchun de xiongdimen jiu xiang sanwen yu

bu’an fen de linghun song nimen meng zhi an hun qu
yoo 送给我的敌人每一个
yoo song gei wo de diren mei yige
wo chi diao nimen jiu xiang shucai hai you feiji shuiguo
ni bu nenggou xingmian zai yu jianwo de mei yi huihe

rip babe 再为你写首美丽的歌
rip babe zai wei ni xie shou meili de ge
当我们都漏出獠牙 吃到你们只剩毛发
dang women dou louchu liao ya chi dao nimen zhi sheng maofa
这才叫cypher 好吗 我的游戏叫大逃杀
zhe cai jiao cypher hao ma wo de youxi jiao da tao sha
run run run 朋友别看我走没走
run run run pengyou bie kan wo zou mei zou

I go with flow we balling like ovo
Baby ceo 冒紫外线
Baby ceo mao ziwaixian
daibiaole nanjing ren
wu xing ji geng gao bang jituan

nimen naxie bu jiao laoban
哦 我是商人们沟通的桥梁
o wo shi shangrenmen goutong de qiaoliang
nimen dou zhishi ke qizi
坐360度 旋转的椅子
zuo 360 du xuanzhuan de yizi

wo gongsi you haoduo ge dizhi
meijin dou qu chulai cun dao woguo nei de ka li
bu nong tai binli bu baxiu
xianzai yao lun dao wo biaoxian

you piaoliang pan xi gei wo jiayou
再⻅ 我一脚油⻔你就再⻅
zai jian wo yi jiao you menni jiu zai jian
zai chengdu de taigu li kai yedian
bufu de pengyou dou kan de jian

wo meiyou f#kua de beijing
Babybo ICEPROUD 在队形 Mr.enjoy da money
Babybo ICEPROUD zai dui xing Mr.Enjoy da money
wo de shangbiao shuyu wo ziji
wu 不跟你R&B ALL NIGHT 今天想玩说唱
wu bu gen ni R&B ALL NIGHT jintian xiang wan shuochang

我没3.5亿但 有3.5亿播放
wo mei 3.5 Yi dan you 3.5 Yi bofang
我把工作当成耍 不是把耍当成工作
wo ba gongzuo dangcheng shua bushi ba shua dangcheng gongzuo
不弄虚作假 跟你假的是你同学
bu nongxuzuojia gen ni jia de shi ni tongxue
钞票是他爸 他每个爸我都拥有
chaopiao shi ta ba ta mei ge ba wo du yongyou

我在干啥子啊 往你动脉注射红牛
wo zai gan sha zi a wang ni dongmai zhushe hongniu
他们唱锤子 爬去遭gay日
tamen chang chuizi pa qu zao gay ri
节目头的S 现实头的白痴
jiemu tou de S xianshi tou de baichi
说唱嗦 随时 轻松把他捶死
shuochang suo suishi qingsong ba ta chui si

都差不多一回事 个人爬去背时
dou chabuduo yi hui shi geren pa qu bei shi
ta yunqi hao yibeizi
我不信 我在也低谷也能⻜驰 真的有劲
wo buxin wo zai ye digu ye neng feichi zhen de youjin
我从来不等机会 机会永远离我都近
wo conglai bu deng jihui jihui yongyuan li wo du jin

是他们只能去找灰吃 喊救命 救命
shi tamen zhi neng qu zhao hui chi han jiuming jiuming
zui jilie gongshi
xiang shen jing bai zhan wudi de yongshi
yu dao women rang tamen de zhiye shengya like zhongzhi

zhongguo de shuochang quan
yiran shi bei cdc tongzhi
shenghuo xiang dongzuo pian
bixuyao yue ciji yue chongshi

总是 想办法算计我
zong shi xiang banfa suanji wo
jieguo bei fan an hai mei dao chuan yi jiu zhijie duanqile
wen ni za ge ban jixu
guibaxi tai cuo dui wo lai shuo zhi neng suan yule

xiang anggui de shechi pin
pianyi huo zai wo mianqian mo de zixin
zhiyao shi shuochang du huiguan
yuanwang du duixian

ba jinnian de guanjun touxian yong shuangshou weimian
women yi zhangkou
ting de ren jiu hui shangtou weiguan
bu xiang tamen mei ci hu xiang fa ge dou mang dao gui tian

友圈 转起撒 敞开放 大晚上 通天亮
you quan zhuan qi sa changkai fangda wanshang tong tianliang
发个疯 有点像 挖到矿 那么冲 巴倒烫
fa ge feng youdian xiang wa dao kuang name chong ba dao tang
算个账 包里头 给你讲 牌牌都 不同样
suan ge zhang bao litou gei ni jiang pai pai dou bu tongyang
biao na huang

wo yao lian ge lanya ni zai nimen
wu tou fangge
xian wo shenshang youdian zang
等到我来 换起龙袍
dengdao wo lai huan qi long pao

dianshi tou yan de ma
也诶 有点香
ye ei youdian xiang
dou ba naoke zhua qi
shuale xiao de ba xi

nong ge da de huati
keneng youdian huali
ni jinbu dao de party
geren wu tou gua qi

绝对 都不 差矣
juedui dou bu cha yi
ba ni daji can
mao he laoshu donghua pian ni kanguo mei de

lai ma dai bu dao wo dai bu dao wo
na kuai naiyou dangao kending du shi wo de
ni de ye hui
quanbu huan cheng wo de logo

hao xi hai zai houtou
mei de ri bai
zhongwen shuochang
yige er ge

not my type
laolang ji dian zhongle

全是 bullsh#t
quan shi bullsh#t
你胸大莫露你 胸大肌 封杀都不晓得为啥 封杀你
ni xiong da mo lu ni xiong da ji fengsha dou bu xiaode wei sha fengsha ni
开始轰炸 请喊我 轰炸机 莫说空话 来老子面前 绷哈批
kaishi hongzha qing han wo hongzhaji mo shuo konghua lai laozi mianqian beng ha pi
随便你弄啥 都没法弄下去 现在恐怕 也没得人 哄哈你
suibian ni nong sha dou mei fa nong xiaqu xianzai kongpa ye mei de ren hong ha ni

你的嘻哈像西瓜 瓜得像冬瓜 霉得起冬瓜灰 脸像冬瓜皮
ni de xiha xiang xigua gua de xiang donggua mei de qi donggua hui lian xiang donggua pi
你又不懂差距 你在懵啥逼 没见过这么帅的教育工作者
ni you bu dong chaju ni zai meng sha bi mei jianguo zheme shuai de jiaoyu gongzuo zhe
绷批绷卡的垃圾 不用搭理 老子们直接把你暴力弄和谐
beng pi beng ka de lese buyong dali laozimen zhijie ba ni baoli nong hexie
打爆你帽你 道理都没得 拿棒棒敲你 烧你烧出血
da bao ni mao ni daoli dou mei de na bang bang qiao ni shao ni shao chuxie

太多冒皮皮 臊皮的 我屌你捞屁 老子随便给你 耍几招 不谢
tai duo mao pi pi sao pi de wo diao ni lao pi laozi suibian gei ni shua ji zhao bu xie
不管好弱的 好戳的 炒作的 骚说的 都靠获得 没脑壳的赞
buguan hao ruo de hao chuo de chaozuo de sao shuo de dou kao huode mei naoke de zan
小角色 搞错没 要过捏 看哈个人 好bullsh#t 操作得 恼火的板
xiao juese gao cuo mei yaoguo nie kan ha geren hao bullsh#t caozuo de naohuo de ban
打过挑没得 有搞没得 脑壳铁 写不出来好歌的 都想把脑壳蔑断
daguo tiao mei de you gao mei de naoke tie xie bu chulai hao ge de dou xiang ba naoke mie duan

搞不懂好和瞥 少说些 鸟风格 你好绷得 老子就是屌不得管
gao bu dong hao he pie shao shuo xie niao fengge ni hao beng de laozi jiushi diao bude guan
我不想切豪华的⻄餐厅 随便切找了个馆子就对付了哈
wo buxiang qie haohua de xicanting suibian qie zhaole ge guanzi jiu duifule ha
我不是关系户 北⻔上干的很 小时候没读过贵族学校
wo bushi guanxi hu bei menshang gan de hen xiaoshihou mei duguo guizu xuexiao
早上一起床就会有事干 到了晚上我还是睡不着觉
zaoshang yi qichuang jiu hui youshi gan daole wanshang wo haishi shui buzhao jue

根本就不想让对手吃饭 我们从来都不得跟废物说话
genben jiu buxiang rang duishou chifan women conglai dou bude gen feiwu shuohua
那就耍起 shawty搭配 华丽的背景
na jiu shua qi shawty dapei huali de beijing
yeah yeah
xianshi shi feichang lengku de ha

yeah yeah
han tamen quanbu dou gun chu qie shua
yeah yeah yeah yeah 弄死都不得听蠢货的sh#t
yeah yeah yeah yeah nong si dou bude ting chunhuo de sh#t
不停love everybody 等于你觉得你很不得了
bu ting love everybody dengyu ni juede ni hen budele

大灰狼⻢上就来咯 小朋友不要再乱板
da hui lang mashang jiu lai ge xiaopengyou buyao zai luan ban
等你们继续切挨球 狠⻆色必须有我们来扮演
deng nimen jixu qie ai qiu hen ⻆se bixu you women lai banyan
biao zi xie hai zai li paifang
wo kai qi women de feidie qie tanxian

2020 2020 warning warning
2020 不想将就你 当头一棒该你咋个挡
2020 buxiang jiang jiu ni dangtouyibang gai ni za ge dang
你的verse 比吹牛逼啰嗦 麦在我们这儿你咋个抢
ni de verse bi chuiniu bi luosuo mai zai women zhe’er ni za ge qiang
街上有足够的尊重 电视上随意拿个奖
jie shang you zugou de zunzhong dianshi shang suiyi na ge jiang

我的视野只有我才有 不需要问别个咋个闯
wo de shiye zhiyou wo cai you bu xu yao wen bie ge za ge chuang
3Ho gonna take a pieace man
No.4 gonna take a pieace man
No.4 Gonna take a pieace man
women de jin bu de tai kuaile nage hui fang man jiepai lai peihe ni

最后会感叹 说唱会馆 解散咯胃口都比你大
zuihou hui gantan shuochang huiguan jiesan ge weikou dou bi ni da
为了今天 我饿了太久
weile jintian wo ele tai jiu
bu kenengguole hai you
为了我曾经没挣到的面子 收回不来的海口
weile wo cengjing mei zheng dao de mianzi shouhui bu lai di haikou

baoyou wo xiongdi huo
mei sa zi dong yi tuo xi yi tuo
buguan zai leng dou neng ji yi dui
buzaihu nage de xingli duo

不得一次也不得万一 cdc不得被哪个看低
bude yici ye bude wan yi cdc bude bei nage kan di
women de shuochang rang kuangwang de wang liang he guangchang wu han mai dou yuan di daiji
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成都集团2020cypher (Cheng Dou Ji Tuan2020cypher) (Prod. by HARIKIRI) – English Translation

I woke up from the swimming pool
Before we go out, think about which one will we open today
I wish my brother who is still struggling, congratulations on getting rich
Occupy the pit without sh#t, come down to me

I took over, you are soft
Don’t dare to be mediocre or trash
I make a call and call barber to come up and cut my head
I’m an NBA star, you pick up the ball for me

10 haters and 9 all want to be rapper
I take over the game, you sit on the bench next to me
This kind of music is too good.
A few nonsense, it blows up your cypher

This is not a gunshot, this is a drum
The gap between us is so big, you count it slowly
After this shuttle is finished, your face is full of holes
You say you are a rapper, everything is a dream

If you want to surpass us, I’m afraid that you will know that you are making a difference
What language do you want to say to you, please ask me to cut three rings and sit down
Your Cyphers. We obviously did too much with the mobile phone
I’ll clean up you this year

You should avoid it, I said you can do it
S****r’s rappers can be cut to hide, the king, some RM is coming back to patrol the mountain
The little tricks are basically caught by us
Leave a little mottle in your spirit

We are looking for tickets
It’s not that you are lazy
We are huge waves that flooded you
whole lotta Mayos whole lotta gua

Moders are better at playing than us
I heard you are greater than us
But you act like a stutter in your cypher
Our rap is to control the knife

Has become your worst experience
Burn all the garbage first
I hover and drift on your head
What can’t you buy if you have money

I have a lot of it, it’s rude if I don’t like
My team has few rules
To urge fans to report me damn
He thinks this paragraph is very good, but in fact they are secretly led by us

Never knew that we were satisfied, we are sealed devil
The world is cruel
Dare to speak, dare to do
Licking the dog in rebuttal

Bad flow for fantasy
Drive us away
Timid, they are timid, the textbook flow is on fire
They are moved, tears are in their eyes, to hide his laziness and weakness

I bring shock, so heavy rain, the crown pass will not send you
Occupy the high ground
Chinese rap represents us, pushing trash into the fire pit
Before the overwhelming power, you were running naked, orgy till morning

Not impossible
You don’t understand the different frames are like astronomical bodies
Collect your one-acre three-part land and your bad problems
You and your innocent brothers are like three texts

The restless souls send you the requiem of dreams
yoo to each of my enemies
I eat you like vegetables and Fijian fruits
You are not immune to every round you meet me

rip babe and write a beautiful song for you
When we all leaked our fangs, you only have hair
This is called cypher, okay, my game is called Battle Royale
run run run friends don’t watch me leave

I go with flow we balling like ovo
Baby ceo exposure to ultraviolet light
Represents Nanjing people
Five-star higher group

Those of you who are not called bosses
Oh, I am a bridge for business people to communicate
You are all just pawns
Sitting in a 360-degree rotating chair

My company has many addresses
U.S. dollars are all taken out and deposited into my domestic card
Don’t stop getting a Bentley
Now it’s my turn to act

There is pretty Panxi cheer for me
If I get rid of my feet again, you will continue
Open a nightclub in Taikoo Li, Chengdu
Friends who are dissatisfied will watch it

I have no flamboyant background
Babybo ICEPROUD in formation Mr. enjoy da money
My trademark belongs to me
wu R&B ALL NIGHT I want to play rap today

I don’t have 350 million but 350 million plays
I treat work as play, not play as work
Don’t falsify it’s your classmate who faked you
The banknote is his dad. I own every dad.

What am I doing? Inject Red Bull into your artery
They sing the hammer and crawl to be gay
Show head of S, realistic head of idiot
Rap and sing, easily beat him to death at any time

It’s almost the same thing
He’s lucky for a lifetime
I don’t believe it, I can ride even when I’m in a trough, really powerful
I never wait for opportunities, opportunities are always close to me

But they can only go find ash to eat, cry for help, help
The most intense offensive
Like an invincible warrior
Meeting us makes their career end immediately

China’s Rap Circle
Still ruled by cdc
Life is like an action movie
Must be more exciting and fulfilling

Always find a way to calculate me
As a result, he died before he went to Sichuan medicine.
Ask you what to do to continue
Too bad tricks are just entertainment for me

Like expensive luxury
Bargains are not confident in front of me
As long as it’s Rap Metropolis
All wishes come true

Defend this year’s title with both hands
We speak
People who can hear will come and watch
It’s not like they are so busy that they kneel and lick every time they send songs to each other

The circle of friends turns around and spreads open, and the night is bright
Going crazy is a bit like digging into a mine
Let me tell you that the cards are all different

I want to connect a bluetooth
Sing in the house
I think I’m a little dirty
Wait till I come and change my dragon robe

Is it on TV?
Yeah, it smells good
Grabbed the skull
Played a little trick

Make a big topic
May be a bit gorgeous
Party you can’t get into
Personal housekeeping

Absolutely not bad
Hit you badly
Have you ever seen a cat and mouse cartoon

Come on, can’t catch me, can’t catch me
That butter cake must be mine
Yours too
Replace all with my logo

The good show is yet to come
Not getting better
Chinese Rap
One two

not my type
What time is the old wolf

All bullsh#t
If you have a big chest, don’t show your pectoralis major. I don’t know why I’m banning you
Start the bombing, please call me the bomber, don’t talk empty words, come in front of Lao Tzu and criticize
Whatever you do, you won’t be able to do it anymore

Your hip-hop is like a watermelon, a melon is like a wax gourd, you can bear the ash of a wax gourd, your face is like a wax gourd skin
You don’t understand the gap. What are you stupid? I have never seen such a handsome educator.
I don’t need to pay attention to the rubbish, I just violently make you harmonious
Blow your hat, you don’t have any reason, knock you with a stick, burn you and burn you blood

Too many fake skins, silly skins, I’m damn your fart, I just give you any tricks, thank you
No matter how weak, poking, hype, or talking about, they all rely on getting unintelligible likes
Small character, I’m mistaken, I have to squeeze it. Look at the person. Bullsh#t is so annoying.
I’ve played it, I’ve never done it, I can’t write a good song, I want to cut my brain

I don’t know how to look good and glimpse. Let’s talk less. Bird style. You are so tense. I just don’t care.
I don’t want to cut a luxury restaurant, I just find a restaurant and deal with it.
I’m not a related household, I’m working in the north, I didn’t go to aristocratic school when I was young
When I get to bed together in the morning, I will have something to do. At night I still can’t sleep.

I don’t want to let the opponent eat at all. We never talk to waste
Then play shawty with gorgeous background
yeah yeah
The reality is very cold

yeah yeah
Call them all get out and play
yeah yeah yeah yeah I can’t listen to the sh#t of an idiot
Keeping love everybody means you think you are incredible

Big bad wolf, come here, kids, don’t mess up
When you continue to cut the ball, we must play the role
B#tches are still standing
I started our slicing adventure

2020 2020 warning warning
2020 I don’t want to be just you
Your verse is more verbose than bragging, why are you grabbing the wheat with us?
There is enough respect on the street, and you can win a prize on TV.

I only have my vision, no need to ask me what to do
3Ho gonna take a pieace man
No.4 gonna take a pieace man
Our progress is too fast, which will slow down the beat to match you

In the end, I will sigh. The rap club disbands, I have a bigger appetite than you
I’ve been hungry for too long for today
It’s impossible
For the face that I didn’t earn

Bless my brothers
Don’t let go
No matter how cold it is, I can squeeze a bunch
Don’t care which has more luggage

Not once or in case cdc must not be looked down upon
Our rap makes the arrogant sprites and square dancers shout and wait for the wheat
Find more lyrics at

Pinyin Lyrics Various Artists – 成都集团2020cypher (Cheng Dou Ji Tuan2020cypher) (Prod. by HARIKIRI) 歌词

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