Pinyin Lyrics Lun Sang (伦桑), Lie Tian (裂天), Xiao Hun (小魂), 萧忆情Alex, 满汉全席 – 权御天下 (Quan Yu Tian Xia) 歌词

Pinyin Lyrics Lun Sang (伦桑), Lie Tian (裂天), Xiao Hun (小魂), 萧忆情Alex, 满汉全席 – 权御天下 (Quan Yu Tian Xia) 歌词

Singer: Lun Sang (伦桑), Lie Tian (裂天), Xiao Hun (小魂), 萧忆情Alex, 满汉全席
Title: 权御天下 (Quan Yu Tian Xia)

常侍乱 朝野陷 阿瞒挟天子 令诸侯
Chang shi luan chaoye xian a man xie tianzi ling zhuhou
踞江东 志在九州
ju jiangdong zhi zai jiuzhou
继祖业 承父兄 既冕主吴越 万兜鍪(móu)
ji zuye cheng fuxiong ji mian zhu wuyue wan doumou (mou)
纵天下 几变春秋
zong tianxia ji bian chunqiu

稳东南 面中原 水师锁长江 抗曹刘
wen dongnan mian zhongyuan shui shi suo changjiang kang cao liu
镇赤壁 雄风赳赳
zhen chibi xiongfeng jiu jiu
夺荆楚 抚山越 驱金戈铁马 灭仇雠(chóu)
duo jing chu fu shanyue qu jin ge tiema mie chou chou (chou)
【裂天】紫发髯 碧色眼眸
[lie tian] zi fa ran bi se yan mou

射猛虎 倚黄龙 胆识过凡人 谁敌手
she menghu yi huanglong danshiguo fanren shei dishou
御天下 半百之久
yu tianxia banbai zhi jiu
选贤臣 任能将 覆江东云雨 尽风流
xuan xian chen ren neng jiang fu jiangdong yunyu jin fengliu
千秋过 再难回首
qianqiuguo zai nan huishou

问古今 兴亡事 几人耀青史 芳名留
wen gujin xingwang shi ji ren yao qingshi fangming liu
笑谈间 云烟已旧
xiaotan jian yunyan yi jiu
终留下 万古叹 生子该当如 孙仲谋
zhong liu xia wangu tan shengzi gaidang ru sunzhongmou
运帷幄 英雄几拂袖
yun weiwo yingxiong ji fuxiu

阴谋 阳谋 明仇 暗斗
yinmou yang mou ming chou an dou
hua zuo yi jiang zhuo lang dong liu
【小魂】君不见 军赤壁 纵野火 铁锁连环
[xiao hun] jun bujian jun chibi zong yehuo tie suo lianhuan
也不见 御北敌 联西蜀 长江上鏖(áo)战
ye bujian yu bei di lian xi shu changjiang shang ao (ao) zhan

继遗志 领江东 屹立于 神州东南
ji yizhi ling jiangdong yili yu shenzhou dongnan
尽心力 洒英血 展伟业 剑气指苍天
jin xinli sa ying xue zhan weiye jian qi zhi cangtian
军帐内 公瑾智 张昭谋 奇策频献
jun zhang nei gong jin zhi zhangzhaomou qice pin xian
沙场上 太史勇 甘宁霸 一骑当十千
shachang shang taishi yong gan ning ba yi qi dang shiqian

纵使有 千万种 寂寞和 孤单相伴
zongshi you qian wan zhong jimo he gudan xiang ban
既受终 冠帝冕 龙椅上 成败也笑看
ji shou zhong guan di mian long yi shang chengbai ye xiao kan
【伦桑】铁瓮城 难攻易守
[lun sang] tie wengcheng nan gong yi shou
旌旗立 苍空蔽 逾百千雄师 万蒙舟
jingqi li cang kong bi yu bai qian xiongshi wan meng zhou

善制衡 眼光独秀
shan zhiheng yanguang du xiu
擢鲁肃 劝阿蒙 聚贤成霸业 名利收
zhuo lu su quan a meng ju xian cheng baye mingli shou
固疆土 施德恩厚
gu jiangtu shide’en hou
军心定 百姓安 富国又强兵 重耕耨(nòu)
junxin ding baixing an fuguo you qiang bing zhong geng nou (nou)

交远好 未雨绸缪
jiao yuan hao weiyuchoumou
联南洋 合林邑 行军远渡海 驻夷洲
lian nanyang he lin yi xingjun yuan duhai zhu yi zhou
【小魂】残垣下 枯木凋朽
[xiao hun] can yuanxia kumu diao xiu
想当年 麦城边 截兵缚关羽 终其寿
xiang dangnian mai cheng bian jie bing fu guanyu zhong qi shou

凭栏倚 横看吴钩
pinglan yi heng kan wu gou
叹乱世 几时了 天下归一统 没其咎
tan luanshi jishiliao tianxia gui yitong mei qi jiu
称帝王 壮心仍稠
cheng diwang zhuangxin reng chou
却无奈 自孤傲 同室亦操戈 子嗣斗
que wunai zi gu’ao tongshi yi cao ge zisi dou

千年后 恚(huì)恨徒留
qiannian hou hui (hui) hen tu liu
再何寻 军帐里 将士聚欢饮 赏箜篌(kōng hóu)
zai he xun jun zhang li jiangshi ju huan yin shang konghou (kong hou)
【伦桑】运帷幄 英雄几拂袖
[lun sang] yun weiwo yingxiong ji fuxiu
阴谋 阳谋 明仇 暗斗
yinmou yang mou ming chou an dou

hua zuo yi jiang zhuo lang dong liu
【裂天】君不见 吕子明 踏轻舟 白衣渡川
[lie tian] jun bujian luziming ta qingzhou baiyi duchuan
也不见 陆伯言 烧连营 火光上冲天
ye bujian luboyan shao lian ying huoguang shang chongtian
善制衡 选贤臣 任能将 共谋江山
shan zhiheng xuan xian chen ren neng jiang gong mou jiangshan

听忠言 摒逆语 树威严 宝剑斫(zhuó)书案
ting zhongyan bing ni yu shu weiyan baojian zhuo (zhuo) shu’an
夺荆州 抗刘备 合曹操 共克襄樊
duo jingzhou kang liubei he caocao gong ke xiangfan
守夷陵 任陆逊 剿敌军 火计破蜀胆
shou yi ling ren luxun jiao di jun huo ji po shu dan
固江河 成帝业 立国家 终归于乱
gu jianghe chengdi ye li guojia zhonggui yu luan

光阴逝 千载过 功成者 都付笑谈间
guangyin shi qian zai guo gong cheng zhe dou fu xiaotan jian
【萧忆情】君不见 军赤壁 纵野火 铁锁连环
[xiaoyiqing] jun bujian jun chibi zong yehuo tie suo lianhuan
也不见 御北敌 联西蜀 长江上鏖战
ye bujian yu bei di lian xi shu changjiang shang aozhan
继遗志 领江东 屹立于 神州东南
ji yizhi ling jiangdong yili yu shenzhou dongnan

尽心力 洒英血 展伟业 剑指苍天
jin xinli sa ying xue zhan weiye jian zhi cangtian
【小魂】君不见 吕子明 踏轻舟 白衣渡川
[xiao hun] jun bujian luziming ta qingzhou baiyi duchuan
也不见 陆伯言 烧连营 火光上冲天
ye bujian luboyan shao lian ying huoguang shang chongtian
善制衡 选贤臣 任能将 共谋江山
shan zhiheng xuan xian chen ren neng jiang gong mou jiangshan

听忠言 摒逆语 树威严 宝剑斫书案
ting zhongyan bing ni yu shu weiyan baojian zhuo shu’an
纵使有 千万种 寂寞和 孤单相伴
zongshi you qian wan zhong jimo he gudan xiang ban
既受终 冠帝冕 龙椅上 成败也笑看
ji shou zhong guan di mian long yi shang chengbai ye xiao kan
固江河 成帝业 立国家 终归于乱
gu jianghe chengdi ye li guojia zhonggui yu luan

光阴逝 千载过 功成者 都付笑谈间
guangyin shi qian zai guo gong cheng zhe dou fu xiaotan jian
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权御天下 (Quan Yu Tian Xia) – English Translation

Chang Shi chaos, the ruling and the opposition are trapped.
Ju Jiangdong, ambition in Kyushu
Following the ancestral industry, the father and the brother, the crowned lord Wu Yue, Wan Douyu (móu)
All over the world, spring and autumn

Stabilize the southeast, the Central Plains, the navy locks the Yangtze River, resist Cao Liu
Zhen Chibi is a magnificent place
Seize the Jing Chu, Fushan Yue, Drive the Golden Ge and Iron Horse, Exterminate the Enemy (chóu)
[Cracking the sky] Purple hair and blue eyes

Shoot a tiger, lean on a dragon, have the courage to know a mortal, who is the enemy
Imperial world for half a hundred
Select virtuous ministers, Ren Nengjiang, cover Jiangdong Yunyu, do your best
It’s hard to look back

Asking about the rise and fall of the past and the present
The cloud is old
I will stay forever, sigh, and have a child like Sun Zhongmou
A few of the heroes

Turning into a turbid river
[Little Soul] You do not see Jun Chibi, set wildfires
Nor did you see the enemy from the north, unite with the west, and fight on the Yangtze River

Following the legacy, leading the east, standing in the southeast of China
Do your best to sprinkle your heroic blood
In the military tent, Gong Jinzhi, Zhang Zhaomou, Qi Ce and Xian
On the battlefield, Tai Shiyong, Gan Ningba, one ride is ten thousand

Even though there are thousands of loneliness and loneliness
After receiving the end and crowning the emperor, on the dragon chair, I will laugh at success or failure
[Lunsang] Iron Urn City is difficult to attack and easy to defend
With banners standing in the sky, over a hundred thousand heroes, Wan Mengzhou

Good checks and balances, unique vision
Encourage Lusu to persuade Amen to gather talents to become hegemony
Solid Territory, Shi Deenhou
The army is determined, the people are safe, the country is rich and the soldiers are strong

Jiaoyuan is good to take precautions
Liannanyang Helinyi marching far across the sea stationed in Yizhou
[Little Soul] Under the ruins, withered wood
I want to stop and bind Guan Yu by the side of Maicheng back then

Leaning on a railing, looking at Wu Gou
Sigh the troubled times, when is the world unified, no blame
Called the emperor, the heart is still thick
But helpless

Thousands of years later
Where can I find it? Soldiers gather for a drink in the military tent and enjoy the 箜篌 (kōng hóu)
[Lunsang] The veiled darts, a few heroes move their sleeves

Turning into a turbid river
[Cracking the sky] You don’t see Lu Ziming, riding a boat, crossing the river in white clothes
Nor did you see Lu Boyan, burning Lianying, the flames soaring to the sky
Good checks and balances, choose virtuous officials, and Ren Nengjiang

Listen to truthful words, reject contradictory words, build majesty, zhuó book case
Capture Jingzhou, fight against Liu Bei, join forces with Cao Cao, conquer Xiangfan together
Guard the Yiling Mausoleum, Ren Luxun, Suppress the Enemy
Gu Jianghe, becoming an emperor and establishing a country, will eventually end in chaos

Time has passed, thousands of years have passed, and those who have succeeded are all laughing and talking
[Xiao Yiqing] You don’t see you, Jun Chibi, set wildfires, chain link
Nor did you see the enemy from the north, unite with Xishu, fight on the Yangtze River
Following the legacy, leading the east, standing in the southeast of China

Do your best to sprinkle your heroic blood
[Xiaohun] You don’t see you, Lu Ziming, on a light boat, crossing the river in white clothes
Nor did you see Lu Boyan, burning Lianying, the flames soaring to the sky
Good checks and balances, choose virtuous officials, and Ren Nengjiang

Listen to truthful words, reject contradictory words, build majesty, sword and book case
Even though there are thousands of loneliness and loneliness
After receiving the end and crowning the emperor, on the dragon chair, I will laugh at success or failure
Gu Jianghe, becoming an emperor and establishing a country, will eventually end in chaos

Time has passed, thousands of years have passed, and those who have succeeded are all laughing and talking
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Pinyin Lyrics Lun Sang (伦桑), Lie Tian (裂天), Xiao Hun (小魂), 萧忆情Alex, 满汉全席 – 权御天下 (Quan Yu Tian Xia) 歌词

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