Pinyin Lyrics A-Lin 黃麗玲 – 給我一個理由忘記 Gei Wo Yi Ge Li You Wang Ji

Yǔ dōu tíng le, zhè piàn tiān, huī shén me ne
雨都停了  這片天灰什麼呢
The rain has stopped Why is the sky still so grey
Wǒ hái jì dé, nǐ shuō wǒ men yào kuài lè
我還記得  你說我們要快樂
I still remember you said that we needed to be happy
Shēn yè lǐ de, jiǎo bù shēng, zǒng shì cì’ěr
深夜裡的 腳步聲總是刺耳
The footsteps in the night are always painful to the ear
Hài pà jì mò, jiù ràng kuáng huān de chéng shì péi wǒ guān dēng
害怕寂寞  就讓狂歡的城市陪我關燈
Scared of being lonely to the point of letting the crazy city accompany me to bed

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Pinyin Lyrics Bii 畢書盡 – Wo Men Zai Ai Zhong Man Bu 我們在愛中漫步

一陣風呼嘯 你出現轉角
Yī zhèn fēng hū xiào, nǐ chū xiàn zhuǎn jiǎo
對我一抹淺淺的笑 從此黑夜白晝顛倒
duì wǒ yī mǒ qiǎn qiǎn de xiào, cóng cǐ hēi yè bái zhòu diān dǎo
我不再逃跑 接受這莫名奇妙的感覺來到
wǒ bù zài táo pǎo, jiē shòu zhè mò míng qí miào, de gǎn jué lái dào
調整我的步調 心開始燃燒
tiáo zhěng wǒ de bù diào, xīn kāi shǐ rán shāo

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