Emerald Eyes Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: Emerald Eyes
The summer night, the fading light
Pinyin Lyrics 歌词 English Translation
Emerald Eyes Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: Emerald Eyes
The summer night, the fading light
Unloving You Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: Unloving You
I want all of my nights back
愿岁月眷顾 让我重温那些夜晚
u hurt me hurts u Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: u hurt me hurts u
I’m somewhere over Memphis, and you’re still in bed
当你仍在睡梦里 我已身在孟菲斯
Somewhere in Ann Arbor Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: Somewhere in Ann Arbor
Somewhere in Ann Arbor there’s a broken traffic light
在安娜堡的某地 有一个破碎的红绿灯
Come Close Lyrics – Anson Seabra
Singer: Anson Seabra
Title: Come Close
the writing’s on the wall
and the ink’s on my hands