Pinyin Lyrics Rainie Yang 杨丞琳 – 喜劇收場 Xi Ju Shou Chang

wǒ bú shì, hǎo yǎn yuán, cái xiào zhe, què diào lèi
我不是 好演员 才笑着 却掉泪
I’m not a good actress. That’s why tears fall as I smile.
qīn ài de, bié nèi jiù, hé píng fēn shǒu, hǎo guò nán kàn qiān shǒu
亲爱的 别内疚 和平分手 好过难看牵手
My dear, don’t feel guilty. Peacefully separating is better than awkwardly holding on.

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Pinyin Lyrics Jacky Cheung 张学友 – 我醒著做梦 Wo Xing Zhe Zuo Meng

看你熟睡时的笑容 以为爱很单纯
Kàn nǐ shú shuì shí de xiào róng, yǐw éi ài, hěn dān chún
以为就凭那些浪漫傻事 过一生也够用
Yǐ wéi jiù píng nà xiē làng màn shǎ shì, guò yī shēng, yě gòu yòng
可现实像闹钟 吵醒了同床的异梦
Kě xiàn shí xiàng nào zhōng, chǎo xǐng liao tóng chuáng de yì mèng

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Pinyin Lyrics Wang Lee Hom 王力宏 – 裂心Lie Xin Cracked Heart

zuì jìn wǒ de yì diǎn gū pì lái zì, yì tiáo xiǎo hén jì
The loneliness I’ve been feeling lately comes from this little scar of mine
péng you lái diàn liú yán fā duǎn xìn, dàn wǒ dōu méi huí yìng
Friends call, leave messages, they text, but I don’t reply

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Pinyin Lyrics JJ Lin 林俊杰 – The Beacon 生生 Sheng Sheng

lěng de, tiān sè, nǐ shì fǒu duō chuān yí jiàn ne
冷的 天色 你是否多穿一件呢
The cold day, should you wear something more?
xīng xīng, zhuì luò, dài zǒu wǒ de sī niàn liú làng chéng hé
星星 坠落 带走我的思念 流浪成河
The stars fall, taking away my thoughts, flowing like a river.
yān huǒ, pào mò, shī qù huò yōng yǒu dōu yóu bù dé wǒ
烟火 泡沫 失去或拥有 都 由不得我
Fireworks, bubbles, having them or not is not up to me.
dǒu zhe, shuāng shǒu, pīn mìng wò jǐn ā, què tú láo wú gōng ā
抖著 双手 拼命握紧啊 却徒劳无功啊
Shaking, my two hands, desperately holding on, but having no results.

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