我心愛的你 我是真的好想你
Wǒ xīn’ài de nǐ, wǒ shì zhēn de hǎo xiǎng nǐ
My dear, I miss you so much
Hǎo xiǎng bào yī bào nǐ
I really want to hug you
我不在身邊 要對自已好一點
Wǒ bù zài shēn biān, yào duì zì yǐ hǎo yī diǎn
When I’m not by your side, you need to treat yourself better
Bié zài rú cǐ shāng bēi
Don’t be too sad
我們的未來 留下你獨自面對
Wǒ men de wèi lái, liú xià nǐ dú zì miàn duì
Our future has disappeared
Zhēn de fēi cháng bào qiàn
I am so sorry
我已經蛻變 如今幻化成千縷微風
Wǒ yǐ jīng tuì biàn, rú jīn huàn huà chéng qiān lǚ wéi fēng
I’ve changed, From today onwards morphed into thousands of breezes
Fēi xiàng wú biān wú jì de lán tiān
Fly towards the unlimited blue sky
不過失去了一點點 傷口卻無限在蔓延
Bù guò shī qù le yī diǎn diǎn, shāng kǒu què wú xiàn zài màn yán
We just lost a bit, but the scar spreads infinitely
看你無心睡眠 整夜呆坐流淚
Kàn nǐ wú xīn shuì mián, zhěng yè dāi zuò liú lèi
I see you can not sleep all night, seen sitting there and crying
Zhēn xiǎng yōng nǐ rù huái bǐ cǐ ān wèi
How I want to hug you and comfort you
我已失去了我的臉 無法再與你面對面
Wǒ yǐ shī qù le wǒ de liǎn, wú fǎ zài yǔ nǐ miàn duì miàn
I’ve lost my face, there is no way for me to see you again
但求上帝悲憐 讓我回你身邊
Dàn qiú shàng dì bēi lián, ràng wǒ huí nǐ shēn biān
But I begged God for mercy, get me back to your side
跨越夢境相擁就一次 哭一回
Kuà yuè mèng jìng xiāng yōng jiù yī cì, kū yī huí
Beyond dreams and keep you company only this time crying back
我心愛的你 我是真的好想你
Wǒ xīn’ài de nǐ, wǒ shì zhēn de hǎo xiǎng nǐ
My dear, I miss you so much
Hǎo xiǎng bào yī bào nǐ
I really want to hug you
我已經蛻變 如今幻化成千縷微風
Wǒ yǐ jīng tuì biàn, rú jīn huàn huà chéng qiān lǚ wéi fēng
I’ve changed, From today onwards morphed into thousands of breezes
Fēi xiàng wú biān wú jì de lán tiān
Fly towards the unlimited blue sky
Repeat *
每當你痛到心碎 請大聲喊我寶貝
Měi dāng nǐ tòng dào xīn suì qǐng dà shēng hǎn wǒ bǎo bèi
Every pain comes, Please shout my darling
Wǒ jiù huì chéng fēng ér lái jiāng nǐ bāo wéi
I will come with the wind to hug you
用微風溫柔撫慰 輕吻著你的眼淚
Yòng wéi fēng wēn róu fǔ wèi, qīng wěn zhe nǐ de yǎn lèi
Use the warmth of the wind to entertain, kiss your tears
Xī wàng nǐ wàng le shāng bēi
Hope you can forget this sadness
不過失去了一點點 傷口卻無限在蔓延
Bù guò shī qù le yī diǎn diǎn, shāng kǒu què wú xiàn zài màn yán
We just lost a bit, but the scar spreads infinitely
失控的拋物線 無法重新歸位
Shī kòng de pāo wù xiàn, wú fǎ chóng xīn guī wèi
Out of control parabola, unable to relocate
Liú xià yī jù bù xiǎng shuō de zài jiàn
Leave a message, don’t want to say goodbye
不過失去了你一點點 卻是我和你的終點
Bù guò shī qù le nǐ yī diǎn diǎn, què shì wǒ hé nǐ de zhōng diǎn
We just lost a bit, but this is our destiny
但求上帝悲憐 讓我回你身邊
Dàn qiú shàng dì bēi lián, ràng wǒ huí nǐ shēn biān
But I begged God for mercy, get me back to your side
跨越夢境相擁就一次 哭一回
Kuà yuè mèng jìng xiāng yōng jiù yī cì, kū yī huí
Beyond dreams and keep you company only this time, crying back
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