Pinyin Lyrics Sodagreen 蘇打綠 – 我好想你 I Miss You Wo Hao Xiang Ni


开了灯 眼前的模样
kāi le dēng yǎn qián de mú yàng
Turn on the light, the scene in front of the eyes
偌大的房 寂寞的床
nuò dà de fáng, jì mò de chuáng
The spacious room, the lonely bed
关了灯 全都一个样
guán le dēng quán dōu yí gè yàng
Turn off the light, it’s all the same
心里的伤 无法分享
xīn lǐ de shāng, wú fǎ fēn xiǎng
The wound in the heart, unable to be shared

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Pinyin Lyrics JJ Lin 林俊杰 G.E.M. Tang 邓紫棋 – Beautiful 手心的蔷薇 Shou Xin De Qiang Wei

nǐ yǎn kuàng chāo zǎi de yǎn lèi
Your eyes hold too many tears.
chéng kè shì jué wàng hé xīn suì
The passengers are hopelessness and heartbreak.
wǒ kě yǐ kàn jiàn, nǐ rěn zhù shāng bēi
我可以看见 你忍住伤悲
I can see you holding back the pain.
nà yì shuāng ài xiào yǎn jīng bú shì hé zhòu méi
Those eyes that love to smile are not suited to looking sad.

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Pinyin Lyrics Li Rong Hao 李榮浩 – 出卖 Chu Mai Betrayal

nà me duō nián, zì zuò cōng míng, fù chū le zhēn xīn
All these years I presumptuously gave my everything
zǒng yǐ wéi huàn dào yī gè, gōng píng de huí yīng
Always assuming it’ll exchange for a fair response
nǐ chuáng biān de, quán qǔ tóu fā, cán kù dì shuō míng
The curled strand of hair by your bedside cruelly spelled out
chán mián de ài bǐ bú shàng, yī shí de gāo xìng
That a lingering love can never match up to a moment of happiness

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Pinyin Lyrics Rainie Yang 杨丞琳 – 懂得自己 Dong De Zi Ji Understand Yourself

rú guǒ shì yuán fèn, jiù xiàn shàng líng hún
如果是缘分 就献上灵魂
If this is fate, then offer up your soul.
kuài lè ér rèn zhēn, zhí dào xìng fú guān mén
快乐而认真 直到幸福关门
Happy yet serious, until happiness closes its door.
rú guǒ yí gè rén, jiù suí xìng chún zhēn
如果一个人 就随性纯真
If one person can be purely stubborn,
dāng qíng xù fán mèn, dài zì yóu sī bēn
当情绪烦闷 带自由私奔
When the tension gets too much, elope with freedom.

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Pinyin Lyrics A-Lin 黃麗玲 – 給我一個理由忘記 Gei Wo Yi Ge Li You Wang Ji

Yǔ dōu tíng le, zhè piàn tiān, huī shén me ne
雨都停了  這片天灰什麼呢
The rain has stopped Why is the sky still so grey
Wǒ hái jì dé, nǐ shuō wǒ men yào kuài lè
我還記得  你說我們要快樂
I still remember you said that we needed to be happy
Shēn yè lǐ de, jiǎo bù shēng, zǒng shì cì’ěr
深夜裡的 腳步聲總是刺耳
The footsteps in the night are always painful to the ear
Hài pà jì mò, jiù ràng kuáng huān de chéng shì péi wǒ guān dēng
害怕寂寞  就讓狂歡的城市陪我關燈
Scared of being lonely to the point of letting the crazy city accompany me to bed

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