Pinyin Lyrics Jay Chou 周杰倫 – 說了再見 Shuo Le Zai Jian After Saying Goodbye

天涼了 雨下了 妳走了
Tian liang le, yu xia le, ni zou le
The sky has turned cold, the rain has fallen, and you have gone
清楚了 我愛的 遺失了
Qing chu le, wo ai de, yi shi le
It’s clear now, the one I love has been lost
Luo ye piao zai hu mian shang shui zhao le
The fallen leaves have floated onto the surface of the lake and fallen asleep

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Pinyin Lyrics Jay Chou 周杰倫 – 世界未末日 Shi Jie Wei Mo Ri The world has not end

Zhè jiē dào zài xià xiàn, wǒ men jiù kuài shī qù le jiā yuán
This street is subsiding; we will lose our homeland soon.
你我却都没有埋怨 ,将眼泪停格瞬间
Nǐ wǒ què dōu méi yǒu mán yuàn, jiāng yǎn lèi tíng gé shùn jiān
Both of us did not complain, we stop our tears from falling for a moment.

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Pinyin Lyrics Nan Quan Ma Ma 南拳媽媽 – 下雨天 Xia Yu Tian Rainy Day

下雨天了怎麼辦 我好想你
Xià yǔ tiān le zěn me bàn wǒ hǎo xiǎng nǐ
It’s raining, What do I do, I really miss you
我不敢打給你 我找不到原因
Wǒ bù gǎn dǎ gěi nǐ wǒ zhǎo bù dào yuán yīn
I don’t dare to call you, I can’t find a reason to
為什麼失眠的聲音 變得好熟悉
Wèi shén me shī mián de shēng yīn biàn dé hǎo shoú xī
How come the sound of insomnia, has become so familiar

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